So we're getting an unviable killer, mediocre perks and op survivor perks

And here I was thinking devs learned something....
You’re basing this on from what we saw today? How about wait and actually try the killer and perks first.
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Wow someone who has no idea what they're talking about crying in the forums whouldathunk
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At least 2 of the perks seemed alright to me. Don't know which dev stream you watched.
How about we also wait for the ptb before we start shitting on a new killer?
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OP survivor perks? Grow up.
Killer has good perks too
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His lunge ability is pretty sick
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I think the teleport will be handy, the lunge will probably have it's uses. The perks seem interesting, it's too early to say whether it's "viable" or not.
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Genuinely I hope this is bait, if not. You should think before you type...
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3 decent killer perks, one to rival PGTW, to boot, 3 decent survivor perks, and 9 interesting perks overall. Nice bait.
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Wow,another typical killer main .
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This is why we can’t have nice things.
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You'd be surprised at how many killer mains or survivor mains cry when the opposing side gets anything remotely useful. It's what you learn to expect when you play DBD.
A bunch of crybabies who want easy matches.
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His lunge is sicc
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Did I miss something? Two of the killer perks look like meta candidates to me.
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When has waiting before judging EVER happened with this community?
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If i was a mod I would ban people directly who create these pointless trash threads.
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glad you're not a mod then. lulz
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Can i flag you for stupidity too?
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It's just pig's dash but worse since he's taller than a crouching pig and has a red stain during the lunge
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If by nice things you mean free escapes, then no, you shouldn't have "nice things".
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I play both but whatever...
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OP survivor perks? ooof nearly had a great laugh but it's actually sad in case you are serious.
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Useful? Imagine inner strength + ds. The killer has to lose a kill no matter what. Can't pick you up bc of ds, can't leave you there because you'll both get a heal and ds left.
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2 auto-heal perks, 1 of which completely trumps the killer in combination with ds. Yeah, balanced.
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Except he doesn’t have to crouch and slow down first
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She has to crouch for barely any time with combat straps and her dash lasts longer which allows for more mindgames.
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Some people think viable means the killer has to be able to 4k at 5gens I guess. From what I've seen the Demogorgon will have a unique lunge ability combined with high mobility via portals and some tracking via its portals as well. Definitely strong on paper.
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1 of them is a sad excuse for a plasterfix for genrush, 1 of them buffs sprint burst and one of them only activates when gens are done, which says enough.
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I'm glad there wasn't a single person who agreed with this trash thread. Out of the 9 new perks, only 1 or two of them are semi-weak. And the new killer is fine, but maybe wait until you can play them before complaining? k thanks
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Viable means being able to face optimal 4 man swf groups decked out with instaheals, keys, ds and adrenaline and actually standing a chance, which is why Nurse and Spirit are dubbed as viable.
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We will see..the lunge while it could be effecting seems very....basic..thsts my first impressions
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Okay sure no problem, I'll wait for his ptb release....then his nerfs....then his nerfs
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None of them buff sprint burst, it stops exhaustion timer when working on a gen, which is bad for survivors.
One perk blocks all vaults for like 30 seconds which is good
The other automatically regresses gens for you. Its terrible I know.
You now have a whole assortment of perks to tackle genrushing if its such a big deal for you. You could even make an anti gen rush build now isn't that something?
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lol okay.....
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OP is best ignored, based on our past interactions and their posting history.
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What's wrong with strong survivor perks?
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how do you know about all these perks and powers from literally 2 minutes of gameplay? We will judge on Tuesday with the PTB.
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We got to the point that we care more about the perks than the killer's ability
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Over reaction thread and the PTB isn't out yet.
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OP's post is so garbage that your very common/overplayed image is now an upvote farm.
*clicks upvote*
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Old but gold. Some things just never die
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I came here to see this.
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You need to be in the locker for 8 seconds to get the heal, if you have DS and you jump into a locker it's either because you're being chased or being smart. If you're being chased then the Killer knows you have DS and will either take it or leave you there. I take the DS because it's the right thing to do, in this situation you as the Survivor will not get the heal because you weren't in there for 8 seconds.
If the Killer leaves you there then you get the heal and he's already gone looking for another Survivor, you're healed and have DS for a certain time and if he finds you again that time might be up and if it's not then well #########. Either way he still downs someone and it's not OP because it forces the Killer to either let you get the DS or let you get the heal, DS is better to take in this case.
The totem healing one is the Devs solution for cry babies complaining about NOED, just do totems and get healed. Just do totems and activate Haunted Grounds, just do totems and get slowed by Thrill of The Hunt or revealed by it. This perk is strong against totem builds but it's just one heal, if all 4 Survivors run this perk then they're slowing themselves down looking for totems instead of doing Gens, that is map pressure that the Survivors give themselves.
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This killer is probably the most balance killer they have made and you have no idea what youre talking about
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nice b8 m8 but for real that lunge is sick! i can see many loops were it will be a free hit if properly used like the L pallet wall thats common on every outdoor map. if a survivor goes the long way (right) than your going to hit them. it will also be good whenever a survivor gets chased into a straight path like the side of houses on haddonfield.
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If you think a killer with global map molbity and a decent long range lunge attack is bad then idk what to tell you.
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Well, Inner Strength is ridiculous. Especially when paired with DS and Head On.
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Don't tunnel.