Stranger Things Map
So I didn't watch much of the stream I just watched most of the gameplay footage, and in my opinion the upcoming map gives me a strong Lery's/The Game vibe. I really hope the lab will be different from those two maps, as whilst I like the look of those two maps, I don't like playing either of those maps.
So what are people's opinions?
New map is very asymmetrical and vertical, which I love. I can see myself getting lost in it a bunch and I love that. Plus, BHVR has teased that the map has Upside Down features to replace Entity effects. Ala, exit zones and EGC.
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It probably gives a strong Lery’s/The Game vibe since those are the only other indoor maps, and both of them I’d be say are pretty different. We know it’s an indoor map.
The new map looks very interesting, especially the high-risk solo generator which they’ve said will always spawn.
It seems to have some interesting points of interest, it definitely does not look like either of the other indoor maps, it has an asymmetric and confusing build that’ll definitely be fun to explore
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Getting lost is why I don't like Lery's, despite playing this game since July Last year I still get confused with the map, meaning I have issues planning my chase route. I feel with Lery's it's great if you're a stealthy survivor but not if you're the sort of survivor that looks to get chased by the killer it isn't the best map to be placed on.
I've even died to the entity because I couldn't find the exit gates on Lery's.
Also as a killer I main Hillbilly, no explanation needed.
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Wow, Peanits responded to my post. Thank you, I hope I won't have issues finding my way around the map too. Maybe, I'll see this map similar to Haddonfield or Springwood, my two favourite maps. The map itself looks pretty cool, just hoping it won't be another map where at the start of the game, I know it's going to be bad game for me.
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I do hope this doesn't end up being a Game 2.0 with a lot of safe pallets and little to no windows.
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Its more like Lerys, just with another floorlevel.
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Ooh that’ll be really cool if that’s true. It also makes me wonder if we ever get a Hellraiser map (The Labyrinth?) if we’ll get cenobite/Leviathan themed effects too.
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don’t You think surge will be meta in this map?
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Well it is the demigorgons map which surge is his perk soooo
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Surge was the 32m regress perk? *checks wiki* Ohhh it applies instant damage additionally to regression.
Now i understand the concern.
I think I heards it"s a 3 story map, as the TR has been changed to spherical shape, the range should work the same way, so people shouldnt be too concerned about it hitting too many generators at once.
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A tip for your Lery's problem: look around the map as if you were in a real hospital, there are a bunch of signs pointing to the exits and other important locations and many people seem to miss them, the Game also has some I think.
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This is by far the worst map ever from a killer standpoint and I usually play survivor. Recently the 3 games I happened to play as killer were on this maze of a map and I'm seriously contemplating DCing since it's so terrible. So many rooms with one or two access points and infinite little loops and holes in the ground where you spend half the game trying to find one person and then get Trashed for camping your first hook when 4 gens are already done....disgusting
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It's pallet heaven, but I'd say it's only slightly skewed towards survivors, not horrendously skewed like Lampkin Lane.
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I'm honestly shocked this map made it through PTB but then again this game is catered to SWF teams which sucks for us solo survivors and killers in general.... SWF should be a separate game mode like kill your friends where you can get bloodpoints but killer perks and add ons are more effective in my opinion.
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With some.of the recent design decisions, I sometimes wonder if The developers ever play anything other than swf...
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The totem spawns on the map are next level, I found a totem tucked in between two barrels hugging a wall in the corner of the map, very well hidden, I spawned right next to it and immediately destroyed Ruin; next level totem spawns on this map, line of sight check is on par.