Noed is not a reward for failure

The title is simple, really. I remember that the devs have stated the game was balanced around 2 survivors killed and 2 survivors escaping. This means survivors are meant to get to end game. Which means end game was coming if whether you were good or not. Therefore saying noed rewards failure because you let the survivors get to the exit gates is not a valid argument because the gates were MENT to be OPENED. In the end you only get a 4k from noed by stupid survivors who thinks unhooking while exposed is smart and they bring the whole team down.

4 escape through gates mean you did really darn badly. 3 escaped mean you should've had one more kill before late game. 2 escape means you did okay for the most part. 1 escapes mean you did pretty good. Nobody escaped mean you did so well that you got at least a gold in your emblem.



  • Drazen
    Drazen Member Posts: 400

    very true even if u perform really good and keep pressure on still they can complete all gens in very short time and most killers cant keep up with this meta

  • YaYeet
    YaYeet Member Posts: 21

    How about you do totems?noed doesn't reward punishes gen rushing with no regard to other have 3 other people that are not chased at the same time as you.hope they do totems or tell them to if you are swf

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    "noed doesn't reward punishes gen rushing with no regard to other things"

    Can't it be both?

  • Dragonredking
    Dragonredking Member Posts: 874

    Yes it is, it's a reward for the failure of survivor to do their secondary objectif

  • Jed_Olsen
    Jed_Olsen Member Posts: 256

    I agree with the OP, this whole rewarding failure thing? Who came up with that a dead survivor? Both sides get perks some are stronger than others and guess what you can use them if you like!

    Noed is strong but its very easy to counter, so counter it instead of complaining.

    That being said I will say this in a lot of my survivor games at red ranks killers allow the gen rush to happen, they never kick or pressure gens, and then get the shock of their lives when all 5 gens are done quickly, a lot of killer's only have themselves to blame really with or without noed

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,793

    That change happened like 2 weeks ago, didn't it? And I'm not really sure what you're basing your opinion on. Plenty of survivors do do totems.. but that doesn't mean it's a guarantee you'll get all 5 before the 5th gen pops, especially as a solo player.

    The games where I spent a lot of time totem hunting are typically the games where only 2-3 gens get done and maybe 1 person makes it out alive. As a solo I often cleanse 3-4 totems and have no idea if I'm wasting time searching for the last ones or if they're already done. I've had games where I personally cleansed 4 totems and scoured the map for that 5th one but couldn't find it.. so NOED triggered and as a result the killer got 1-3 more kills he likely wouldn't have otherwise.

    This isn't as black and white as survivors not doing totems.

  • jeyers
    jeyers Member Posts: 275

    Yes, nerf that perk.

    If a killer fails to stop survivors from doing the main objective they should be punished.

  • GeneralLiviu
    GeneralLiviu Member Posts: 7

    I still dont know why some cry about this perk. There are a lot of killers out there where noed is antisynergy (huntress,billy,legion). For the babies in the thread complaining about noed: get yourself a team,there is an official discord server for this and cleanse totems. Its not that hard. In low ranks this should be no2 priority.

  • MimiDallas
    MimiDallas Member Posts: 45

    2K is depip in most scenarios. How can it be balanced around that? Survivors can die and still get a pip.

  • GeneralLiviu
    GeneralLiviu Member Posts: 7

    I would rather not remove any,all of them can be countered somehow. The players just gotta consider them and counter them. I use nurses on all killers, for dead hard you just gotta bait it, ds can be juggled, for adrenaline idk. And noed can just be disabled half an hour before it can even be activated. If it were to be deleted, andrenaline would be the best bcs its used a lot and I cant figure rn a way to counter it.

  • Phox
    Phox Member Posts: 206

    This is some far reaching logic. I don’t think excuses need to be made for noed. It’s a perk in the game meant to be used by whoever wants to use it. Is it a crutch perk? Yeah, but both sides use crutch perks sooo.. I don’t think it matters. I mean, DS rewards failure too right?

    Basically, don’t let salty people make you feel like you’re bad for using a perk. That’s silly.

  • Kabu
    Kabu Member Posts: 926

    Gens are the objective for survivors. The objective for killers is to kill survivors before they escape.

  • GeneralLiviu
    GeneralLiviu Member Posts: 7

    Exactly. And the killers can use whatever they have. Even if its hated.

  • Jago
    Jago Member Posts: 1,742

    What about noed should gain a token for each hooks. When doors are powered its blocked, and each token allow an insta down.

    This way it could reward success and guarantee a potential end game snowball.

  • GeneralLiviu
    GeneralLiviu Member Posts: 7

    Then make it a normal perk and not a hex. And Im genuanly ok with it. Bcs after rank 12 maybe noed is either rarely seen or just countered before the exit gates.

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320

    All the survivors had to do was just do the dam totems.. So who failed.. the survivors.. or the killer... Looks like survivors to me cause they could have prevented it.

  • MegsAreEvil
    MegsAreEvil Member Posts: 819

    So then tell us where is the input of the player to activate NOED?

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,313
    edited August 2019

    I wouldn't say it simply "rewards failure", it's an endgame perk. A perk that one person says counters something is a perk that rewards failure to another person.

    NOED can counter people ignoring totems and rushing gens, and at the same time it DOES grant the killer instadowns and a speed boost if they don't prevent the last gen from being done. Decisive Strike can counter people that tunnel, and it also rewards the survivor for going on the hook with the ability to get out of any pickup/grab for 60 seconds.

    There's nothing inherently wrong with something that could be considered failure being used as a condition for a perk's activation.

  • ThiccDoc23
    ThiccDoc23 Member Posts: 8

    I usually never end up having to use noed when I'm playing doc, the only reason I have it is for a last resort kind of thing. I never EXPECT to use it, but when I get to use it then its whatever. I usually end up with a 4k bc I slug the 2nd from last survivor (especially when the hatch spawns). I either have a survivor escape via hatch, or rarely get the gates open.

  • Frosty
    Frosty Member Posts: 375

    Run Noed and Blood warden. It can cause for some spectacular finishes. Some times ill even open a gate after dowing a survivor just to really have some fun.

  • justarandy
    justarandy Member Posts: 1,711

    Just want to say that noone cares about pipping anyway.

  • KillermainBTWm8
    KillermainBTWm8 Member Posts: 4,212

    Actually I think people came up with the rewarding failure thing around the time MoM came out so people applied it to NOED as well. I agree with you but just wanted to point that out for some reason :P

  • PickCollins
    PickCollins Member Posts: 495

    Delete Noed and I'm fine with Adrenaline going too.

  • PickCollins
    PickCollins Member Posts: 495

    Noed is the entitlement perk. It's the insecurity perk. It's the "I don't trust my own ability to get me out of this snag so I'm gonna run this perk to salvage a bad game". And nobody should think that they did good after wasting 5-10 minutes of everyone's time only 2k'ing bc of his own incompetence and insecurity.

    In the context of the game it's the only real answer to Adrenaline so it isn't getting nerfed. But currently it's a stupid perk bc there isn't emphasis on secondary objectives for Surviviors. Inner strength is a good direction to take the Survivior meta bc it provides a tangible reward for doing totems even if Noed isn't in the picture, which gives a secondary objective. But that's not far enough. There needs to be a totem counter.

  • Mellow7
    Mellow7 Member Posts: 793

    When will people on these forums quit the threads on NOED it's not even a good perk, tired of seeing countless threads about this useless perk.

  • killersarecowards
    killersarecowards Member Posts: 6
    edited August 2019

    I’m possibly completely wrong don’t roast me alive please or do I guess. I think noed could be changed because it’s kind of whack when you get chased by the killer for a large amount of the game and then you are running to An open exit gate and you see them zooming toward you and they smack you and insta down you after they couldn’t down you normally the whole game. I personally like getting chased down so yeah I use some perks to help me but none of them are so strong that a killer won’t ever down me bc if ur a good killer it isnt a problem and so when I am looping them and then losing them healing and getting them to chase me again and losing them and so on and then im getting chased while my team is getting the last gen and they finish it then boom they have a speed boost and I get insta downed. So maybe rework it some way bc playing solos it’s hard to get all totems and I know any rework is probably a Nerf but I don’t think it’s op persay but I would maybe like to see some sort of change. Also sorry for writing so much but I see these threads constantly. And now some killers probably gonna roast me but it’s just my opinion it don’t me mean nothing.

  • Bongbingbing
    Bongbingbing Member Posts: 1,423
    edited August 2019

    I'm running NOED just to slow down the game, If survivors decide not to do totems and rush trough Gens I get NOED if they actually take the time to do dull totems then I get an extra 70 seconds added to the game. It's a win win. I want them to expect NOED and cleanse.

    It's a lot more effective then ruin that can be cleansed in the first 20 seconds.

    Ultimately it's down to gen times and how fast survivors can finish heir objective in comparison to killers. Killers have to Chase and Down Survivors 12 times - Depending on the loops that can take a long time, Generators on the other hand can be done incredibly fast when people just sit on them and wait for adrenaline.

  • Predator3174PL
    Predator3174PL Member Posts: 302

    Perk is fine. Your complaining won't change anything, because guess what. Dev's are fine with it!

  • Cyrilx
    Cyrilx Member Posts: 1

    I think noed could be tweaked. I would like it to remove the block on deepwounds timer as a passive. This would potentially let survivors know that noed is in play. Also when active it should have the opposite of deepwounds which allows for the downed survivor to heal 1 health state on an instadowned survivor forcing the killer to either immediately pick up the survivor or risk a self heal escape.

  • Omans
    Omans Member Posts: 1,081

    Remove both NOED and adrenaline. Both are super unhealthy for the game. One rewards unskilled play, and the other allows survivors to feel safe while Gen rushing.

    Want longer games? Make survivors feel they have to heal or they are in danger (remove adrenaline). Want more skilled games? Don't give free downs to killers who don't deserve it (remove Noed).

    I do have to say, though - to people saying 'just do totems'. That's terrible, terrible advice to solo survivors. Against a killer who knows how to play and pressure correctly, you don't have time to make sure all totems are gone. If you do have that time, you aren't facing a good killer. Period. A good killer punishes players running around, not doing gens, at every rank.

    Although, most good Killers don't rely on the NOED crutch, because they know it is in consistent.

    On top of that, though, I'd recommend getting rid of all the overpowered garbage on both sides - mori (green and red), insta-heals, some broken killer addons (you know which ones).

  • foochill1
    foochill1 Member Posts: 109

    Lol nice try, no dude im pretty sure the killer is not supposed to let the survivors do the gens, if they do gens its kinda of a loss, cause at most youll only pip once, need that gate keeper emblem bro

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    Personally, I agree, there are times where it does both in my opinion.

    Not that I want NOED to be nerfed, just an observation I seen. :)

  • JordanMalicious
    JordanMalicious Member Posts: 383

    Noed is a fair and easily countered perk. Dunno why people get mad about it. I play both survivor and killer. When I run against it and I didn't look for totems, I blame myself and my team if noed procs. When I run it as killer, I'm happy to smack down every last cocky t-bagging survivor because they gen rushed hard but didn't cleanse.

  • Rasinbran
    Rasinbran Member Posts: 240

    It's not that i care im just making an observation that bad players use crutch perks.