General Discussions

General Discussions

Been on a break for a while.

Member Posts: 608
edited August 2019 in General Discussions

As the title says, I've been on (yet another) break from the game.... not terribly long, just a few weeks this time.

I usually stick around the forums to keep up on info and chapter releases even when on a break. (my last break lasted about 6 months)

I've been growing more and more tired of the survivor side of this game... it's gotten less and less fun as time has gone on, and at this point I have decided that outside of KYF I likely won't ever play survivor again.

it's my understanding that the last time we recieved "survival rates" from the devs, that across all ranks, the survival rate was below 50%. It's also my understanding that those stats were built during a time that MoM was still an unfair perk and before the EGC was implemented.

with those two changes alone, I'm forced to believe that the survival rate HAS to have plunged even further... and from my own personal experience playing the game... I rarely ever survive.

Once I get a few friends to get the game then I can enjoy KYF, but as it is, killer is too easy (outside red ranks) and its filled with toxic little shits who come here to whine about every little thing survivors have and for some reason, the devs have been listening.

healing nerfs, stealth nerfs, aura reading nerfs... meanwhile killers finally have a perk to help counter gen rush and they still keep whining that it won't be enough.

if you keep beating survivors down you're going to end up really hurting your own playerbase and queue times... your stranger things bump won't last forever...

(if someone has verifiable info to prove my assumption on the abysmal survival rates wrong, I'd love to see it... but as is it just seems like this game has become a kill simulator for online trolls and bullies)

Post edited by Rizzo on

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  • Member Posts: 862

    ive seen ppl say that survival rate at high ranks ends up being of like 70% or something, i honestly dont quite fully believe it but if thats how it is , thats how it is

  • Member Posts: 608

    I definitely believe survival rates in red ranks are higher... I won't deny that, but I have no idea how much higher they are.

    (I main killer and have been on the recieving end of the flashlight, totem breaking, teabagging, though I don't see that anywhere near as much as this forum would make it seem)

    even if that is the case though... having one rank being rough on killer and every other rank rough against survivor still doesn't seem like a very good balance.


    I honestly don't see how anyone can main survivor these days unless they have some ridiculously highly skilled friends to play with.

  • Member Posts: 608

    Yea, the stats took your rank AFTER the match into consideration instead of before... thus it threw off the numbers.

    Peanits has confirmed that multiple times.

  • Member Posts: 4,652

    You do realize dcing makes those stats look way lower that they really are right?...

  • Member Posts: 608

    yea, but people don't often DC when they were about to make it out... so those DC's likely would have been losses anyway.

  • Member Posts: 862

    i play survivor mainly cuz of head on, that said i myself am playing killer a lot more often than i used to so i guess i kinda got tired of it as well and in my experience, unless you get a swf team that doesnt ######### up with altruism and gen rushes you its really easy to get 3-4ks at the lower ranks

  • Member Posts: 4,652

    Except those whom DC at the start...then cause their team to almost certainly die..not to mention hook suicides

  • Member Posts: 608
    edited August 2019

    DC's at the start of the round causing games to be even harder on the remaining survivors definitely would skew results... but those still occur now and only add to the misery of playing survivor in general.

    regardless of that, however, the stats still clearly show that 4k's are a bit too common. IMO 2k should be the average... and it's definitely not.

  • Member Posts: 2,002

    Honestly I'm a survivor main because I enjoy being chased more than chasing others. Also because I have a decent amount of friends to play the game with and it feels more challenging.

    Every time I play killer, I come out the match with a 3k or 4k unless I'm intentionally farming or not trying at all.

  • Member Posts: 21,210

    I would wait until DC's are no longer counted as kills.

  • Member Posts: 608

    I can only operate on the information provided and personal experience, both of which indicate a survival rate well below 50% and constant frustration...

    unless the devs would like to give us some new data, which would be lovely so we can see how things stand after the EGC implementation.

  • Member Posts: 700

    And yet everyone forgets that they're going to rework the nurse, it's all doom and gloom because they are always nerfing survivors and buffing killers. My theory for survivors have low success rates is all the low rank survivors playing like potatoes dragging it down not the killers being buffed to god like.

  • Member Posts: 61

    Survivors right now, can run around you, and flame you post lobby "because you suck" ...

    Mostly they can outrun you and outperk you ... Its super hard these days to play like fair killer, at least for me. Rank 10. And i fought Rank 2-3 survivors, it was a nightmare and hopeless.

  • Member Posts: 119

    What the hell do u think this game is? No mans sky? Of course is hard to survive. Have you seen Nightmare om elm street? Or halloween?? Maybe you should ask for more rewards, wich is a fair thing. If Im not wrong, they are changin this (check the roadmap Im pretty sure that its there). Also, notice that a killer can kill 3 survivors and still don't pip.

  • Member Posts: 608

    if a killer sacrifices three survivors and does not pip, it's likely because they're doing something wrong.

    (unless in red ranks)

    kicking gens/breaking pallets, hooking survivors and making sure they can get unhooked so that you can get another hook, slugging when necessary, picking three gens early on to help the survivors 3-gen themselves.

  • Member Posts: 2,886

    Those numbers are based on the graph BHVR published where the Rank 1 survival rate was over through the roof, but this was only the case because if the survivors died most would fall to Rank 2, and their death stat counts there instead. So the Rank 1 stat was mostly based on survivors who survived. Peanits confirmed the actual survival rate at Rank 1 was 43%.

  • Member Posts: 2,886

    Not really. A survivor that DC's is usually losing. He would have died anyway whether he DC'd or not. You don't DC when you're about to win and exit.

  • Member Posts: 3,142
    edited August 2019

    @immortalls96 Actually, that has been precisely what peanits has said about why people DC, and why they count DCs in their Sacrifice data. So, that's exactly how BHVR considers why people DC.

  • Member Posts: 4,652

    Doesnt mean they are right..I play enough dbd to know the majority of dcs happen in the first 3 minutes of a match...

  • Member Posts: 110

    Honestly, a really good Rank 1 killer against a team of really good Rank 1 survivors, the Killer gets bullied. It's really hard to balance the game for all ranks.

    Killer is only strong when the survivors don't know the maps, and don't know how to loop as well, and aren't as objective focused. If the survivors are smart, don't hide in lockers, and constantly do gens, you can't do anything as killer. You might get 1K or 2K if you're lucky. So I really don't understand the complaint here. What would you suggest the Devs do? Because if they buff survivors right now, then Killers in red ranks will have absolutely no chance.

    Of course a good Killer will smash people in low ranks, but I mean...shouldn't they? I'd be pissed if Killer was so weak I got bullied at Rank 15 LOL

  • Member Posts: 3,142

    @immortalls96 I didn't say it was right. You asked them if they were serious with the comment. I simply pointed out that it's also Behavior's stance.

    Right and This Dev Team are not two things I would usually put into the same sentence.

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