My personal frustration with the ''Mash it Up''' series.

So, I expected a Q&A like Not Queen said last week, I think. Instead we got a ''Mash It Up'' video. Now, I cant speak for everyone, but I think I speak for a lot of people in that the idea of 2 Mash it Ups in a month(not sure if thats just this month or planned to always be twice a month)is a bit too much.
Yes, I enjoy a good compilation of clips every now and then, but the idea that there is no update or news the devs give outside of the week of Mash it Up is just really frustrating.
I also get that there is no big news or anything EVERY week, but at least give us a heads up then, please.
I probably sound like an inpatient twat and I know that, but the idea of the Dev Stream or Q&A is that there are updates given every week. Even if they cant do it by stream or video, let us know via Twitter or on the forums.
I really hoped the patch would come through today, but it didn't and even though my frustration is probably just pathetic, I wanted to vent this a bit.
Mash it Up's are supposed to show awesome clips from the community, but i do not think its of much value more than once a month, at least thats my personal opinion.
I am curious, what do all of you think ?


  • switch
    switch Member Posts: 489
    edited July 2018

    I dislike this as well 1 per month will be more than enough montage-highligh thing.
    and 360p clips hmmm amazing

  • Paddy4583
    Paddy4583 Member Posts: 864
    Non at all, it’s just the same ego streamers and recycled clips from top DBD youtubers 
  • SanKa_Games
    SanKa_Games Member Posts: 201

    I too don't understand why they didn't follow their own communication roadmap. I mean, it's literally second cycle and they're already changing it.

  • βLAKE
    βLAKE Member Posts: 544

    Umm...OP, didn't you read like the schedule? If you look at it, the schedule gives you a clear heads up what comes next.

  • βLAKE
    βLAKE Member Posts: 544

    it's like a pattern.

  • MonsieurGary
    MonsieurGary Member Posts: 31

    Here is the roadmap, as you can see they're supposed to release 1 mash it up, a month. 2 dev streams a month and 1 Q&A

  • Deverer
    Deverer Member Posts: 24

    Don't think it was supposed to be a Q&A but a panel video update. Last week we got the week 5 livestream: #105 "Empower Hope."

    Could have been a schedule conflict. I remember there was a Q&A on the reddit that got cancelled. Not sure if there's any relation and/or if I'm remembering that right.

  • Russ76
    Russ76 Member Posts: 306
    I watched the mashup.  I want those 9 minutes of my life back..  and I will never watch another of their mashups again.
  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    Mashup video=waste of time.

  • Someissues
    Someissues Member Posts: 1,604

    We already had a mash up on the 5th, so why are we getting mash-up again?

    alot of us expected there to be an update or dev stream / youtube video

    Shouldn't this be an update video?

  • Thatbrownmonster
    Thatbrownmonster Member Posts: 1,640

    I do enjoy that some non-english speakers appears in the video, but even then I think devs should showcase others

    for example the hibrid panda clip was just a normal thing that can happen in any nurse match, soo I have no idea why it was showcased

  • Khalednazari
    Khalednazari Member Posts: 1,433

    I do enjoy that some non-english speakers appears in the video, but even then I think devs should showcase others

    for example the hibrid panda clip was just a normal thing that can happen in any nurse match, soo I have no idea why it was showcased

    Because streamer
  • Freudentrauma
    Freudentrauma Member Posts: 1,053

    They probably didn't had the time for the Q&A video this week and decided for a second mash-up video. Probably because not_Queen is on vacation. They should have communicated it clearer, though.

  • megdonalds
    megdonalds Member Posts: 742

    I also wondered why we get 2 mash it up videos within 2 weeks. Makes no sense. Should at least been a Q&A video. They already break their own roadmap, kinda disappointing.

  • Shipthebread
    Shipthebread Member Posts: 415

    @Freudentrauma said:
    They probably didn't had the time for the Q&A video this week and decided for a second mash-up video. Probably because not_Queen is on vacation. They should have communicated it clearer, though.

    LOL BHVR Communicating? Come on man you know they hate that.

  • Tradebaron
    Tradebaron Member Posts: 135

    I do enjoy that some non-english speakers appears in the video, but even then I think devs should showcase others

    for example the hibrid panda clip was just a normal thing that can happen in any nurse match, soo I have no idea why it was showcased

    Because streamer
    Because -big- streamer. There's a lot of smaller streamers I've met who play well or are cool folk and it seems the mash it up series is the same 10 people over and over.

    I was disappointed because I too was looking forward to some sort of Intel but I guess it's what we get.