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General Discussions

i am not going to lie...

...i aspire to remain rank 20 forever.  it just feels like home.

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  • Member Posts: 371

    Much more fun being a low rank as Killer. I have no issues with it as long as you're not going completely tryhard on new players and letting them learn and get points.

  • Member Posts: 3,786

    That was... painful to watch.

  • Member Posts: 425
    edited July 2018

    @fcc2014 said:

    @Beardedragon said:



    The Pig gives you a thumbs up

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    Teabagging and then disconnecting?

  • Member Posts: 1,316
    Paddy4583 said:
    I think you should stay there too, then we won’t have to see countless threads about SWF 

    theoretically, yes but like rank 20, bellyaching about the microphone crutch feels like home as well.  that reminds me, did i make a thread about that today?
  • Member Posts: 1,316
    White_Owl said:

    That was... painful to watch.

    i am not going to lie.  it gave me a headache editing it.
  • Member Posts: 79

    rank 20 has two options:
    1. noobs
    2. swf rank 1 "smurfs"

  • Member Posts: 1,316
    Tsulan said:

    Teabagging and then disconnecting?

    very common.  
  • Member Posts: 1,316
    fcc2014 said:

    @Paddy4583 said:
    Beardedragon said:

    @fcc2014 said:

    This fits you @EpicFailTryHard


    Ahhhhh hahaha oh my god and you wonder why no one takes you lot seriously 

    I might get banned from the forum, whatever will i do? HAHA I could always subscribe to Epic's youtube.

    it will be exceedingly gracious of me to honor your request.  request granted.  you....are welcome.
  • Member Posts: 4,388
    edited July 2018
    You now have two subscribers and im one of them.
  • Member Posts: 1,316
    i am the other.
  • Member Posts: 4,388
    Awesome we can be besties.
  • Member Posts: 425
    edited July 2018

    @Paddy4583 said:
    Beardedragon said:

    @fcc2014 said:

    This fits you @EpicFailTryHard


    Ahhhhh hahaha oh my god and you wonder why no one takes you lot seriously 

    because this is a forum, so we should throw away all our humanity and devolve to apes, throwing feces at each other.

    Starting to be snide or sassy wont get you anywhere. i dont care if you care about whether you get banned or not. though i highly doubt that person gets banned. i just do it flag people to try and keep things a tiny bit civil.

    what you say makes no sense however.

    no one takes killers seriously because they try to make the game more balanced? even if you think the game is balanced and killers dont, doesnt really change that people should be taken seriously, even if they wont be ridiculed by peoples "triggered" posts.

  • Member Posts: 7,068
    edited July 2018

    To add to this something funny last night from solo queue rank 9-10. It's Coldwind all cornfield map don't remember which 1. I've been running into non stop Billy's and Leather faces on that map lately with a few Pigs and Wraiths thrown in. So I'm my usual cautious self constantly checking for the killer as 3 of us start working on a gen.

    The anxiety as i wait for the killers heartbeat to approach is palatable and then the dreaded skillcheck fail happens as 1 person screws up so i scamper away waiting for the incoming massacre. I skulk off and nothing so I figure the killer is a Wraith sneaking around and then go work on another gen and finish it after 1 st one pops.

    Still nothing so damn that killer must have Noed and is being a sneaky motha probably with insidious so I sneak around and cleanse 2 non hex totems i find and then sabo 2 hooks just in case I get found. I do another gen and voila gates are powered and I'm thinking we're ######### yet no Noed..

    So I wonder is killer afk or did their game freeze like has happened to me or are they just be sneaky and insidious by an exit gate. I skulk off to an exit gate with nary a whisper on the cold night and get it opened and still nothing.

    So I figure if the killer got frozen I can at least get close and give them some points for finding me and go around them and since I've got SB I can run off if need be. I start sneaking around the map and premonition finally goes off and that tingle at the back of the neck starts.

    I crouch and get closer to the killer shack figuring they must be there someplace and sure enough I get a terror heartbeat and 1 second later someone instantly disconnects. I sprint towards my opened exit gate in sheer terror.

    To my non surprise it was indeed a Cannibal with Insidious but he was camping the basement the whole time. The person who quit lost out on all those points because they went into the basement and he decloaked and scared this whitless. In the post game chat he said the "basement cleanse is complete." "The Leatherface basement patrol has done it's job."

    That has got to be the funniest but also scariest match I've had in quite some time and I've had some Leather faces on that map that 4 sac everytime and never camp. That was the 1st insidious one that actually hid in the basement the whole time.

  • Member Posts: 4,388
    Go in to the man's home get wrecked.
  • Member Posts: 864
    edited July 2018

    @Paddy4583 said:
    Beardedragon said:

    @fcc2014 said:

    This fits you @EpicFailTryHard


    Ahhhhh hahaha oh my god and you wonder why no one takes you lot seriously 

    because this is a forum, so we should throw away all our humanity and devolve to apes, throwing feces at each other.

    Starting to be snide or sassy wont get you anywhere. i dont care if you care about whether you get banned or not. though i highly doubt that person gets banned. i just do it flag people to try and keep things a tiny bit civil.

    what you say makes no sense however.

    no one takes killers seriously because they try to make the game more balanced? even if you think the game is balanced and killers dont, doesnt really change that people should be taken seriously, even if they wont be ridiculed by peoples "triggered" posts.

    No they don’t take a lot of the post seriously because they are just whining, there’s no math or stats or plausible resolutions, just nerf this, remove that, this is OP, SWF is blah blah.... seriousness comes from the content of the subject, not the tantrums of poor losers, who will blame anything apart from themselves.

    The while SWF is a ridiculous reason to moan about, and regardless of the group killers always say “must be a  SWF because I lost”.

    Bring is something to digest instead of all the click bait crying.

    when people say unbalanced they are just spouting everything they read or here those asshat streamers say, I play both sides and sometimes I win sometimes I lose, I don’t want an easy 4K
  • Member Posts: 624


    i spawned in a wall in Hoddonfield once. couldn't do #########. couldn't chainsaw sprint anywhere. the saw ran in place for 3 or 4 seconds and just cut out.... ppl would run, get smacked and run off.... occasionally i hit someone with a saw and they crawled away.... i maxed out in brutality, devious and hunting. it was a weird game....

  • Member Posts: 425
    edited July 2018

    @Paddy4583 said:
    Beardedragon said:

    @Paddy4583 said:

    Beardedragon said:

    @fcc2014 said:
    This fits you @EpicFailTryHard

    Ahhhhh hahaha oh my god and you wonder why no one takes you lot seriously 

    because this is a forum, so we should throw away all our humanity and devolve to apes, throwing feces at each other.

    Starting to be snide or sassy wont get you anywhere. i dont care if you care about whether you get banned or not. though i highly doubt that person gets banned. i just do it flag people to try and keep things a tiny bit civil.

    what you say makes no sense however.

    no one takes killers seriously because they try to make the game more balanced? even if you think the game is balanced and killers dont, doesnt really change that people should be taken seriously, even if they wont be ridiculed by peoples "triggered" posts.

    No they don’t take a lot of the post seriously because they are just whining, there’s no math or stats or plausible resolutions, just nerf this, remove that, this is OP, SWF is blah blah.... seriousness comes from the content of the subject, not the tantrums of poor losers, who will blame anything apart from themselves.

    The while SWF is a ridiculous reason to moan about, and regardless of the group killers always say “must be a  SWF because I lost”.

    Bring is something to digest instead of all the click bait crying.

    when people say unbalanced they are just spouting everything they read or here those asshat streamers say, I play both sides and sometimes I win sometimes I lose, I don’t want an easy 4K

    and who is the judge of what serious content is? other survivors who are biased towards survivors remaining on top?

    how's that gonna work out. people post ideas, and you probably mock those people because you dont think they will work out. you probably also dont think survivors even need a nerf to begin with.

  • This content has been removed.
  • Member Posts: 864
    edited July 2018

    @Paddy4583 said:
    Beardedragon said:

    @Paddy4583 said:

    Beardedragon said:

    @fcc2014 said:
    This fits you @EpicFailTryHard

    Ahhhhh hahaha oh my god and you wonder why no one takes you lot seriously 

    because this is a forum, so we should throw away all our humanity and devolve to apes, throwing feces at each other.

    Starting to be snide or sassy wont get you anywhere. i dont care if you care about whether you get banned or not. though i highly doubt that person gets banned. i just do it flag people to try and keep things a tiny bit civil.

    what you say makes no sense however.

    no one takes killers seriously because they try to make the game more balanced? even if you think the game is balanced and killers dont, doesnt really change that people should be taken seriously, even if they wont be ridiculed by peoples "triggered" posts.

    No they don’t take a lot of the post seriously because they are just whining, there’s no math or stats or plausible resolutions, just nerf this, remove that, this is OP, SWF is blah blah.... seriousness comes from the content of the subject, not the tantrums of poor losers, who will blame anything apart from themselves.

    The while SWF is a ridiculous reason to moan about, and regardless of the group killers always say “must be a  SWF because I lost”.

    Bring is something to digest instead of all the click bait crying.

    when people say unbalanced they are just spouting everything they read or here those asshat streamers say, I play both sides and sometimes I win sometimes I lose, I don’t want an easy 4K

    and who is the judge of what serious content is? other survivors who are biased towards survivors remaining on top?

    how's that gonna work out. people post ideas, and you probably mock those people because you dont think they will work out. you probably also dont think survivors even need a nerf to begin with.

    Nope I’m happy to lose to perks and or better players.
  • Member Posts: 7,068

    @Hillbilly420 said:
    PS4 Nurse? Damn, that's rough.

    It could be worse you could be trying to play Nurse on a Mac. :p

  • Member Posts: 874
    edited July 2018

    A yes, the basement chest garding insidious leatherface, haven't seen one in a while.

    It funny to have one once in a while, the worst is that sometime it's really effective, I've saw survivor team trying their darndest to save who ever was first caught giving the basement leatherface 2+ kill in the process.

  • Member Posts: 605
    edited July 2018

    Sometimes I just feel like a critic.
    I am not going to criticize this Nurse gameplay for now, sinse I'm going to sleep.
    And when I wake up tomorrow I'll slaughter the hippity hoppeties out of the survivors with my p3 Nurse.
    After that however I'll rethink my efforts and mistakes and cry in the shower.

    25 Years later I'll be locked up in prison cause why the hecc not?!
    And so when I get out after my years of serving I'll become a dragon and fly on my wings!!!

    I think something has damaged my brain, or maybe I'm just really fokken tired.
    Eather way, fun times beeing here typing useless stuff on the forums instead of going to sleep.
    Good Night!

  • Member Posts: 5,069

    Who the hell use the surveilance immo the worst killer perk

  • Member Posts: 7,068

    @Dragonredking said:
    A yes, the basement chest garding insidious leatherface, haven't seen one in a while.

    It funny to have one once in a while, the worst is that sometime it's really effective, I've saw survivor team trying their darndest to save who ever was first caught giving the basement leatherface 2+ kill in the process.

    Yeah I've seen it actually a few times and I know once they get downed in there it's a trap and people still go for it knowing the damn killer is there.

  • Member Posts: 1,316
    Ihatelife said:

    Who the hell use the surveilance immo the worst killer perk

    not with nurse or hillbilly when survivors run to a gen as soon as a killer walks away.
  • Member Posts: 2,637
    Ihatelife said:

    Who the hell use the surveilance immo the worst killer perk

    not with nurse or hillbilly when survivors run to a gen as soon as a killer walks away.
  • Member Posts: 1,316
    as with every argument he has, it only makes sense to himself.  
  • Member Posts: 336

    @fcc2014 said:
    This fits you @EpicFailTryHard

    what does this even mean

  • Member Posts: 2,637
    triggered is an understatement
  • Member Posts: 1,316
    it means there are no valid complaints about 16 perk survivors.
  • Member Posts: 1,861
    Boss said:

    @Paddy4583 said:
    I think you should stay there too, then we won’t have to see countless threads about SWF 

    Legit problems won't stop being addressed.

    I didn’t know SWF was a “legit problem” it’s more about toxic players, something that will never change.
  • Member Posts: 394
    I have no problem polite, respectful SWFs.  Even if they wreck me.  It really is the toxic players that are a problem and the lack of moderation or consequence.  Unfortunately, many SWF teams take the toxicity to a new level and make killers feel bullied and ganged up on, especially in after game chat.  Hence the, imo, somewhat misplaced anger at SWFs in general.  But then, I play SWF with my roommate and occassionally other friends and killer when I play solo, so I guess I'm biased.
  • Member Posts: 1,861
    Baphomett said:
    I have no problem polite, respectful SWFs.  Even if they wreck me.  It really is the toxic players that are a problem and the lack of moderation or consequence.  Unfortunately, many SWF teams take the toxicity to a new level and make killers feel bullied and ganged up on, especially in after game chat.  Hence the, imo, somewhat misplaced anger at SWFs in general.  But then, I play SWF with my roommate and occassionally other friends and killer when I play solo, so I guess I'm biased.
    This is accurate, as far as SWF being mostly about toxicity.

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