Devs, please.

beatddb Member Posts: 565

Please, don't give up on killer's names.

You have done it with Ghost Face, instead of using something interesting like "The ghost" or "The stalker" you just went to "The Ghost Face".

Don't let this happen with the demogorgon, use another name like "The monster", "The creature", etc.



  • TheGorgon
    TheGorgon Member Posts: 777

    demogorgon sounds good. Although I adore the show, it would be more friendly

  • beatddb
    beatddb Member Posts: 565

    This might be a personal thing, but I see the killers names more "symbolic", for example:

    Michael Myers is "The Shape", Freddy "The Nightmare", Amanda "The Pig", Rin "The Spirit" and so on.

    Every killer has their own name and then its used "The ____" to describe it, personally I don't think having both of those things the same it's good, I think it would be better:

    The demogorgon - The monster


    The demogorgon - The demogorgon

    Same with Ghost face, I think it's way better "The Ghost" as a symbolic name than "The Ghost Face"

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    I just think "The Ghost Face" rolls off the tongue badly compared to "The Ghost." I have no problem with the way "The Demogorgon" sounds.

  • beatddb
    beatddb Member Posts: 565

    I jus think using "The Demogorgon" is pretty straightforward, and I know no one would call it "The Monster/Creature/etc" instead of "The Demogorgon" but it seems way better, considering they did different names for Bubba (Cannibal), Freddy (Nightmare) and Michael (Shape).

    Its like if they added the xenomorph to the game. Sure, its called "The Xenomorph" but with symbolic names, it would be way better "The Alien". Same happens for The Demogorgon.

  • immortalls96
    immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652

    The demon wouldnt be bad either

  • Madarablackgetsuga
    Madarablackgetsuga Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 45

    also licensing plays a role in this too, if the licenser wanted it name "The Ghost face" or "The Demogorgon the devs have to comply to that to keep the license

  • UndergroundBubba
    UndergroundBubba Member Posts: 13

    Isn't "The Demogorgon" already a made up title? They just named the monster after something they were fighting in their D&D game. So for me it works as a generic kind of title that they call the monster.

    Gonna agree that I think "The Ghost" rolls off the tongue better than "The Ghost Face" though.

  • Maelstrom10
    Maelstrom10 Member Posts: 1,922

    The shape and the nightmare are both official names for those charecters and I believe even Amanda has the title of pig since it's symbolic within the saw movies

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    I mean, to be fair, it's not like it would sound good to the ear to refer to those characters as "The Kruger" or "The Myers" or "The Leatherface". At least, not to my ears.

  • BlueFang
    BlueFang Member Posts: 1,379
    edited August 2019

    I have a feeling it's probably related to license holders

    Your examples for Halloween and Saw aren't original names by DBD. Those are the nick-names/names the characters have been given in their respective franchises before. Likely the owners of Ghostface probably wanted "The Ghost-Face" to be his name because that's the name of the character

    Same with Netflix and Demo besides the ST characters would have fully explained the monster to the characters in-universe so it makes sense the Demo's real name would be recognized

  • Richter_Cade
    Richter_Cade Member Posts: 91

    I get it, I like how they do the killer's names but in the Ghost Face example, the Ghost would be silly since he isn't a Ghost and we have an actual Ghost, and we also have The Shape, who stalks as much if not more.

    I think The Ghost Face is fine tbh, I can't think of anything else for him.

  • The_Werewolf
    The_Werewolf Member Posts: 30

    Actually, in the case of The Ghost Face, Behavior didn't get the rights to use the killer(s) from the Scream series, but did get the rights to the mask associated with the killer (since the mask predated the films) so actually, I think the name is a subtle attempt to *avoid* licensing issues. The killer is known as The Ghost Face, when I'm confident there could be trouble if they'd gone with The Ghostface™ for example lol

    However, I generally agree that The Demogorgon could be known as such due to licensing; perhaps Netflix did want to encourage the use of the name. Good marketing and all, but you should also keep in mind: Design space. I think, for example, because The Doctor is a unique killer in the game already, besides the exception of maybe another killer who was once a doctor in their pre-killer days, we won't see another doctor-themed killer, both because that shtick has been taken by The Doctor, AND the name The Doctor has been taken.

    If The Demogorgon was called The Monster or The Creature or The Alien, that would use up the names for use in other original killers, or even other licensed killers that should be known more generically. Whoops, we named The Demogorgon "The Alien", guess we can't make our own extraterrestrial alien killer. Simple as that, really, but Netflix probably preferred "The Demogorgon" after all.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 15,637

    It was "The Ghost" at first, but it got changed. At least in Germany we would have had the same name (Wraith is called "Der Geist" which translates from "Ghost". Spirit is called "Das Gespenst" which basically also means "Ghost"). Maybe this was something that could happen in other languages too.

    But LIcense Holders as the reason is not unlikely at all. Maybe BHVR came up with "The Ghost" at start, but the License Holders did not want that. The name for Demogorgon will be something which is also approved by the LIcense Holders of Stranger Things.

  • avilmask
    avilmask Member Posts: 599

    Isn't "ghostface" is an official name? Like, way before it was added to dbd? I'm pretty that's how mask was called from the start, and where name of the killer came from.

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,003

    Little fact about Michael's nickname, he got it off the credits for halloween

  • Cable2486
    Cable2486 Member Posts: 249

    Ummmm.... Maybe you weren't aware, but the name of that killer in pop culture, and even his credits as a licensed entity are actually "Ghost Face". It his official title directly from the Movie series and TV show. It's not some random moniker given by the devs. So if you take issue with it, don't blame the devs - it was never their idea in the first place. It was already his name. Besides, they had to change the costume, and we're only able to get the likeness of his mask, which is what he was named for originally, anyway. Do yourself a favor and watch the Scream movies.