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Good Solo Builds?

Member Posts: 1,062

What are some good builds to run in solo que? Different types of playstyle builds would be cool too.

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  • Member Posts: 767

    Self-care, DeadHard, DS and Adrenaline. This is in my opinion the best build a solo player could have to survive at red ranks. If you are good at chases you can change self-care for borrowed time to counter tunnelers and proxy campers. Or equip Balanced landing with deadhard just to improve your chases.

  • Member Posts: 1,062

    Doesn't look bad. I might try that but replace Dead Hard with Balanced Landing. Seems that every time I run Dead Hard, the killer's connection is all over the place.

  • Member Posts: 489

    What I usually use for my main solo build is

    • Bond
    • Balanced Landing
    • Prove Thyself
    • Adrenaline/Kindred/WGLF

    Bond is key so I can find other survivors to either work on gens, heal up or not run the killer to them if I see they are working on a gen.

  • Member Posts: 626

    For new survivors? Probably Self Care (I need to feel heal!), Balance Landing (yes, I can escape from the killer), Bond (I need friends!). And for the last one Hope (EGC, what can I do!!!) or Distortion (B&C kills more than 90% of new survs)

  • Member Posts: 117

    On the way to red ranks, I usually run weird builds, like head on, pebble and so. Most important imho is the DS, killers appear most times a lil bit more sweaty, especially the ranks 5-7. Plus, if at least one of the team runs DS, this may prevent the killer from tunneling (he can't be sure which survivor has DS). If there's no obsession at all, the tunneling is real...

    After reaching red ranks, I run Adrenaline, DS, Dead Hard and Iron Will. The last one just cause of the higher number of nurses and spirits at red ranks.

  • Member Posts: 5,735





  • Member Posts: 225

    the classic survivor meta build is always a good choice.

    I use this build for fun atm: DS,Deliverance,QQ, Head On. The memes are real, but it is kind of toxic and i do not really pip a lot. mostly black pips...

    In lower ranks I love kindred, as low ranks only then realise that I am going to die and often one of them saves me.

    I also feel hat Purple are the hardest ranks and where the most tryhards are. I often use Unbreakable as Slugging is real in these ranks.

  • Member Posts: 407
    edited August 2019

    im running

    *Bond - best overall information perk

    *dead hard - very powerful chase perk

    *borrowed time - best unhook perk, counters camping/tunneling, can safe up to 2 lifes per unhook action

    the 4th perk will be Inner Strenght because it allows some jukes but also being way more efficient and independent - we'll see.

    the 4th perk is switching mostly

    currently im running *DS because i hate it gettin tunneled, also it can stable the whole status of the team when you interrupt the killers advantage like this.

    if Inner Strenght is seriously worth it I think it will be pretty dope. Doing 2 objectives very efficient and faster than one only selfcare action is pretty nuts.

    So my solo build is based on the most powerful perks which are the best in their category or at least the best for me.

    Why not selfcare?

    can break the team / gifts the killer tons of time

    Why not Small Game?

    becomes useless after the optional mechanic is done / game experience can become equal to Small Game

    Why not Unbreakable/Adrenaline/Deliverence?

    Theyre good perks, but the *worth it* usage is really rare.

    Why Not Balanced Landing or Iron Will?

    Both are good extensions for chase plays, but you can also juke the hell out of the killer without those. BL relies on highs which is still pretty bad and Iron Will has its borders by blood.

    Why not Lightweight / Urban / Spine Chill /Kindred (...)

    Theyre all good but their impact on the game is just very slighly - nice, but just slightly and sometimes they wasnt really needed. They have their good moments but I need perks which highly impacts the game.

  • Member Posts: 1,711

    I would change out selfcare for Headon or iron will. Why?

    Iron will: when you notice the team is to slow on gens you need to focus on gens more, iron will is good to stay injured for a long time

    Headon: well, when you notice you team is really poop, just meme around and have fun stunning the killer, no point to try to win when your whole team gets slugged in 2 minutes and after you picked them all up for a second chance they still haven't learned and keep hook bombing each other.

  • Member Posts: 213

    I run with Lithe, Dance with Me, Quick & Quiet and Adrenaline (sometimes Decisive Strike if I’ve had repetitive tunnelling).

    The reason for this build is that it’s insanely good for winning chases by losing the killer by doing nothing more than hopping through a window. You just disappear. Even when all aren’t used together (if the cooldowns are different), any combination of the first three can be incredibly successful. Its not really a build for playing solo, I use pretty much the same with friends just with WGLF for BP, but it does give you a good chance of survival and not have to depend much on others. Adrenaline is an easy choice. You can stay injured and focus on gens and not have to try waste time trying to find someone to heal you, when you’re adrenaline is gonna pop anyway.

    For the “Houdini” build, the fourth perk could be swapped for a choice of Iron Will / Distortion / Urban Evasion / Lightweight. You’ll be a ninja :P

  • Member Posts: 1,301

    Wglf we'll make it dead hard resilience

    It's the build I use for bloodpoints and efficiency

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