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Survivor items NEED to be basekit to counter lobby dodge

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  • Member Posts: 700


    The devs disagree with your opinion, and if you don't like it you can always play something else.

  • Member Posts: 2,886
    edited August 2019

    No need to make the powers base kit.

    Just hide the item from the killer so they don't dodge or bring out their pink moris whenever they see a game with four people using items. Actually just don't show the survivors, period. Show a dark silhouette at the campfire.

    The geniuses at BHVR apparently thought that being able to see your enemies before a game starts wasn't a problem -- but the crazy amount of killer dodging in the lobby is proof that it is.

  • Member Posts: 2,886
    edited August 2019

    Survivors can't sustain that. Not even killers can sustain using the best add-ons and offerings every match, and killers get a ton more bloodpoints per match than survivors do.

    Survivors not only get less bloodpoints per match on average, they also need to buy the item, the add-ons, and the offering -- 4 things compared to the killer's 3.

    Get real.

  • Member Posts: 2,886

    I'm imagining Moris and I see no problem. If Moris are fine, keys are too.

  • Member Posts: 3,145

    Man, calm down. This could either be a calm discussion or people irrationally yelling at each other. I don't think you or I want the latter.

  • Member Posts: 452

    Items aren't needed for survivors to survive.

    I play on PS4 and I don't enjoy the amount of lobby dodges also, so what I did was stop bringing items in.. and honestly I think I escape more now than before.

    Items are like having an extra perk and for a killer to have to go up against 4 survivors with items is always going to be an extra challenge for them so it doesn't surprise me if they leave lobbies.

    If you are inexperienced then having an item can help but like all crutches once your better you move on and stop using them.

  • Member Posts: 1,423

    That would be awful but not far from what's possible right now.

    You earn plenty of bloodpoints in a trial to get a new item from your bloodweb to use in every single game, Ontop of that there's multiple chests inside every game with items waiting for you, And Finally, if only use 99% of your item and you escape with it you get to keep it.

    Really there shouldn't be a reason for you not to have an Item every single trial already.

  • Member Posts: 299

    I also like the idea of not showing the survivors in the lobby to the killer. I believe that's the root cause of lobby dodge. I find myself not taking anything with me but raiding chests at the beginning of every game instead. Not only have I survived more often, I also destroy more totems while searching for chests which is even worst for the killer.

  • Member Posts: 496

    The main cause of lobby dodge is when 3-4 people all join at the same time running bloody clothes with all flashlights/toolkits/medkits with pink addons.

    These are the teams that are not in it to win; they are in it to make damn sure the Killer has 0 fun. They only consider it a win if the Killer tilts or DCs.

    The reaon Killers get to see Survivors is because Killers were supposed to have the upper hand; they see who the survivors are & what they have, and build their perks accordingly. The Survivors are supposed to have hard time.

    People tend to forget that, and so we get ideas about making powerful items basekit, or hiding who the Survivors are/what they have in lobbies because the Suggestor wants an easier game.

  • Member Posts: 40

    You ask items as a counter to lobby dodging - that is totally nonsense.

    Devs should focus on PREVENTING dodging - what you are talking instead, is empowering survivors which is totally a different matter.

  • Member Posts: 477

    No. Items add a lot of depth do the progression and I like'em.

  • Member Posts: 109

    This ain't algebra bruh

  • Member Posts: 13,036

    He didn't say infinite mori's, he pretty much said infinite keys

  • Member Posts: 874

    killer =/ survivor

  • Member Posts: 874

    Also you already have infinite item just open chest ffs

  • Member Posts: 313

    For me items are mostly for collecting because I rarely bring one in but I'll use a toolbox i looted in game. A couple half competent people with mid tier repair toolboxes can power through gens fast if there's no Ruin or it goes down quick. If two bring one in there's a good chance a third one will be looted. I don't lobby dodge as killer but people doing it to a toolbox squad are more sane than I am probably. Anytime I'm in a lobby with three toolboxes I prepare thee anus for a mori and I recently started slapping them on to even the odds in those cases myself. Instas are annoying, and so are flashlights with people that know how to use them but toolboxes can really sway the odds to the survivors side.

  • Member Posts: 2,213

    Killers don't get "a ton" more Bloodpoints than survivors since the bloodpoint changes.

    But ok.

  • Member Posts: 339

    Cause 4 toolboxes or Keys is definitely balanced with no reason Not to choose them! :D

    What a horrendous idea.

  • Member Posts: 1,072

    First survivors get equal or more blood point ( sometimes) per hour.

    Second you have PERKS that give you items with add-ons and good ones.

    Last have offering for luck.

  • Member Posts: 11

    Calm down dude, it doesn't cost anything extra to be nice

  • Member Posts: 684
    edited August 2019

    ~ Posted by every toxic survivor main who teabag at exit and never cleanse bone

  • Member Posts: 8

    Locker_monster is right, survivors are suppose to have a hard and stressful time, they're literally going against a mutated looking monster or murderous being, its 4 survivors against one killer, survivors always having a base item would just make it too easy for the survivor. Saying they need base items is like saying killers shouldn't have totems for perks, that "ruin" is just infinite the whole match.

    But I dunno, this is just coming from a survivor main

  • Member Posts: 21

    Most ######### thing i ever read.i got 700 hours on killer man.and i do not agree at all.sure it is annoying against an all flashlight team or toolbox but i take perks to punish it.Killers=special individuals with powers based in their past

    Survivors=normal people with a skill set that scavange for items and use them in a match.

    there is no reason to change it!don't like it stop playing and good riddance.and this comes from a killer main

  • Member Posts: 21

    I also play survivor.400 on it and got to red ranks.the joy of survivor is replaiabilty.You can use a bunch of perks to get a good build for an item and choose to use it as you wish.Locking them would be boring and #########.


    if you can t accept core dbd concept and gameplay leave.uninstall andd never come back.this game's forum is to suggest stuff please the majority/fix #########.People are fine with it as it can't accept that?leave.never come won t be missed

  • Member Posts: 21
    edited August 2019

    Of course.finally somone understands!also most lobby dodges are not because of items of swf.

    Full toolbox?i bring franklins.a key?i make sure to get rid of you?swf with flashlight?mori lightborn insta down builds kit?franklins.many more perk and add on combos .

    There are so many ways to play around survivors bringing diverse setups.the guy who suggested this is butthurt and can t accept core dbd gameplay and the fact that we don t want a change in this place as a majority

    Also those who lobby dodge for that are pussies.i welcome a challenge.punishment?wasted time for killers who wait more for a lobby anyways

  • Member Posts: 55

    I would like the game to have free items all the time but it can't be every item. A free brown toolbox or medkit would be fine. Flashlights aren't that amazing imo but a yellow probably wouldn't be an issue especially if add-ons can't be used on the free items

  • Member Posts: 156
    edited August 2019

    You should think WHY are killer doging ???

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