Getting perks is very difficult for new players

Delfador Member Posts: 2,552

Guys I feel like getting all of the perks is very difficult for beginners. Some of you have been playing the game from the beginning so you might not understand how difficult it is right now. You had the time to absorb the new content but for new players there are 53 survivor perks and 48 killer perks.

Let's say you chose claudette as your main. There are 12 other characters and if you want to get their perks, you need to level them up. 12x40=480. For claudette, 53x3=169 approximately more than 600 levels.

For killer side it is even more difficult. Each killer is unique unlike survivors who are just skins and if you want to have all of the perks, you need to put a lot of hours.

If we make earning bloodpoints too easy, strong addons or items will be abundant. Lowering the prices in the bloodweb is more or less the same thing.

My solution is that players should be able to get 3 perks per level. It is still going to be difficult but not frustrating anymore. Old players can say that since they endured this grind, it will be unjust to make things easier and I respect that. What do you think about this solution? Should we make getting perks easier?


  • Dragonredking
    Dragonredking Member Posts: 874
    edited July 2018

    @Delfador said:
    Guys I feel like getting all of the perks is very difficult for beginners. Some of you have been playing the game from the beginning so you might not understand how difficult it is right now.

    I stop you right there, you think you have it hard for the perk farm now?
    Yes there is more perk now that back then, but back then everything was way more expensive, perk to gain more bloodpoint didn't exist, offering to gain more bloodpoint cost way more that what they could give you and the % of bloodpoint they awarded where lower (and that without compting that party streamer, escape cake and, survivor chilly didn't even exist yet)
    Bloodweb where 3 time bigger and you didn't have the luxury of choosing between two perk will you leveled up, nowday what is needed to reach prestige 3 level 50 was what we needed to prestige ONCE

    But please tell me how bad you and newcomer have it...

  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095

    It was even harder back then, so most people know by now.

  • GhostEuant
    GhostEuant Member Posts: 243
    Not to sound like a cranky old player but....

    1. Characters start with their 3 perks right from the start. This. Is. HUGE. 
    2. Characters unlock perk slots much faster/sooner. This is slightly less huge but still HUGE. 
    3. Bloodwebs are easier to get through now that items are costed for their rarity. 
    4. Shrine of Secrets is relatively cheaper than it was so thus easier to unlock teachables without playing the character. 
  • Delfador
    Delfador Member Posts: 2,552

    @Dragonredking said:

    @Delfador said:
    Guys I feel like getting all of the perks is very difficult for beginners. Some of you have been playing the game from the beginning so you might not understand how difficult it is right now.

    I stop you right there, you think you have it hard for the perk farm now?
    Yes there is more perk now that back then, but back then everything was way more expensive, perk to gain more bloodpoint didn't exist, offering to gain more bloodpoint cost way more that what they could give you and the % of bloodpoint they awarded where lower (and that without compting that party streamer, escape cake and, survivor chilly didn't even exist yet)
    Bloodweb where 3 time bigger and you didn't have the luxury of choosing between two perk will you leveled up, nowday what is needed to reach prestige 3 level 50 was what we needed to prestige ONCE

    But please tell me how bad you and newcomer have it...

    Sorry my bad but If you kept reading I also have said since you endured the grind, it could be unjust. I still think that getting perks for new characters is easy. I had all of the perks for my kate less than 3 days I believe. Yes 3 times bigger bloodwebs and other stuff is hard but you had 2-3 months until the new killer and survivor came. Maybe instead of stopping reading you could read the whole part and tell us how you feel about the perks.

    For me it is not that bad because I have almost all of the perks in the game right now. I was going to create this post way back but felt like I was whining so instead I have waited till I got all the perks I needed.

  • ItsDaEmuDood
    ItsDaEmuDood Member Posts: 192

    @Runiver said:
    It was even harder back then, so most people know by now.

    This is very true. That's exactly why Survivors have their three unique teachables at base now, and it's much easier to grind, especially with We're Gonna Live Forever, Escape Cakes, Survivor Puddings, Satchets, Wreaths, and so much more.

  • Delfador
    Delfador Member Posts: 2,552

    @Runiver said:
    It was even harder back then, so most people know by now.

    I know that it was difficult in the past even more. I think people get me wrong. I didn't say that it was easier in the past. What I have said was that it was less noticeable because there were 2-3 months between releases. I mean you can say since you had hard time, you might not like the change but do you think it would be bad if the newcomers get perks more easily?

    600 levels for survivors are just a lot and for kellers it is like 1500 levels.

  • Asssthetic
    Asssthetic Member Posts: 203

    I think some of you old players forget that you had the old we're going to live forever (200% more bloodpoints), old bloody party streamers (common instead of rare so you used to see them almost every match), and not to mention that you had dailys that although were kinda hard used to give you at least 60k bloodpoints. Currently, I think gaining bloodpoints is a bit balanced but I would like to get perks during those levels from 3-5 where you get no perks. If they made getting bloodpoints easier, many older players will feel outraged since they grinded for their p3 all perks on all characters, but at the same time I feel like they should make more blood point perks or bring back the old bloody party streamers so the grind isn't so hard.

  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095

    @Delfador said:

    @Runiver said:
    It was even harder back then, so most people know by now.

    I know that it was difficult in the past even more. I think people get me wrong. I didn't say that it was easier in the past. What I have said was that it was less noticeable because there were 2-3 months between releases. I mean you can say since you had hard time, you might not like the change but do you think it would be bad if the newcomers get perks more easily?

    600 levels for survivors are just a lot and for kellers it is like 1500 levels.

    Even tho new players sure do have double the perks we had back then, to unlock, they also get 3 time more BPs per round, approx, easily, if not more considering :
    They increased the BP gain in general.

    This, paired with smaller AND cheaper bloodwebs, make the game hard to complain about compared to what it have been.
    It sure takes time, but that's what get people hooked to it.

  • Dragonredking
    Dragonredking Member Posts: 874
    edited July 2018

    @Asssthetic said:
    I think some of you old players forget that you had the old we're going to live forever (200% more bloodpoints), old bloody party streamers (common instead of rare so you used to see them almost every match), and not to mention that you had dailys that although were kinda hard used to give you at least 60k bloodpoints. Currently, I think gaining bloodpoints is a bit balanced but I would like to get perks during those levels from 3-5 where you get no perks. If they made getting bloodpoints easier, many older players will feel outraged since they grinded for their p3 all perks on all characters, but at the same time I feel like they should make more blood point perks or bring back the old bloody party streamers so the grind isn't so hard.

    Both of those got way after the time where the bloodweb was make easier to upgrade, price drop less node by bloodweb etc...
    So no
    Old player didn't have those.
    When we talk about the old bloodweb we are talking about before killer and survivor got legacy skin to compensate them on how much they where lowering the grind.

  • chemical_reject
    chemical_reject Member Posts: 940
    Not to sound like a cranky old player but....

    1. Characters start with their 3 perks right from the start. This. Is. HUGE. 
    2. Characters unlock perk slots much faster/sooner. This is slightly less huge but still HUGE. 
    3. Bloodwebs are easier to get through now that items are costed for their rarity. 
    4. Shrine of Secrets is relatively cheaper than it was so thus easier to unlock teachables without playing the character. 
    I was gonna comment that giving the survivors their 3 perks right off the bat was HUGE. Cuz I haven't been playing from the beginning but when I got DbD I had to rough it the first 15 levels without the perks at all. 
  • Dragonredking
    Dragonredking Member Posts: 874
    edited July 2018

    The patch that made the bloodweb easier and gave legacy skin to people that had to endure the hard grind was Patch 1.3.0 that got released the 6 December 2016
    David king with WGLF got released half a year later the 27 july 2107
    The bloody party streamer where also released around the same time in patch 1.5.2b the 13 june 2017
    I don't have the exact date for when they boosted the bloodpoint gain from the daily ritual to be 60k and + but it was long after the bloodweb change once again back then daily awarded as much point as they do today.
    The earlier mention I found of the buffed daily was during early August, so I can safely assume it must have been released alongside or shortly after the party streamer.
    They then in the patch 1.8.2 the 20 november 2017 made the bloodweb even easier and raised the rarity of the party streamer and diminished back the daily rewarded bloodpoint to their original value.

    Stop talking about thing you don't ######### know.
    You are having it super easy conpared to old player.

  • Eninya
    Eninya Member Posts: 1,256

    Given the game is, like, $20 base price ($10 on sale), and DLC isn't some ElectronicActivisionUbisoft sh*t, it's really not bad for players that get interested to buy a couple of things down the road on top of earning other things.

    For starters, the licensed stuff cannot be earned with Iridescent Shards.

  • Dragonredking
    Dragonredking Member Posts: 874
    edited July 2018

    I remenbered that I had still an old bloodweb available, I haven't level up my claudette for more than 1 year and an half.
    Here's what an old bloodweb look like:

    Here's what a bloodweb look like today for the same level:

    See anything different?