General Discussions

General Discussions

No consequences for leaving teammates behind on purpose?

Member Posts: 22
edited August 2019 in General Discussions

So I played as a Dwight, with self care, borrowed time, decisive strike, balanced landing. The killer was a spirit and I spawned next to her ruin so I did it immediately. After I finish it she grabs somebody off of a gen or totem (she did not have prayer beads) and hooks them, immediately goes to another gen/totem and grabs a second person. So there I am with borrowed time near a Claudette that just got hooked. I crouch and wait for the killer to leave to get her off the hook. I unhook her and she immediately runs away so I heal another player, one of 2 Bills. I noticed the spirit, after injuring me, did not want to continue to kill me so i took advantage of this by going to 2 gens and completing them alone, while also stopping here and there to get people off hooks with borrowed time and to go heal them. One Bill dies and it is just me, the Claudette, and the 2nd Bill. Claudette was slugged on the ground while the Bill and I worked on the last gen. It gets to like 90% and then the spirit comes over and starts chasing Bill away, so I continue to work on the gen until it is completed. As soon as it is completed the Bill gets downed. I run over to the Claudette to pick her up and succeed. Then I take a hit while I borrowed time save the Bill off of the hook, and then I get downed. Cool, not a problem, it is the end of the game, I am next to a door, and it is my first hook. I sit on the hook and the spirit starts chasing the Bill away. I see the Claudette spam vault the locker in front of me, as she had done previously, and then she runs to the door. Slightly upset but still hopeful, I think she would open the door, come get me off the hook, and then us 3 would escape. But to my surprise, the Claudette had other intentions. She ran up to me, while I was about to get into struggle and she nodded "No" and then started tea-bagging in front of me. She then ran to the exit gate and just left. The Bill is then downed, so I try to unhook myself one last time before getting into struggle. The Bill is then brought to me while he struggles, she lets him escape from her grasp so he could unhook me, but instead he runs to the exit gate as well. She then downs him in the gate and brings him back to my hook to get me off of it. He did not manage to struggle out for a 2nd time in time before I died. When we got to the post game chat I proceeded to ask my teammates why they refused to get me and only the Claudette responded. She had first said she was upset with me for "farming her without borrowed time in front of the killer" when not only did I have borrowed time but the borrowed time did not activate because the killer was not nearby. After I told her that I did in fact have borrowed time, she said "either way you unhooked me in front of her" then said "she wasn't camping". So, there I sit, baffled, after doing 3 gens and saving my teammates on numerous occasions, to then get told I was left to die on purpose because I did not have borrowed time when I did and because I farmed them in front of the killer but then they said themselves the killer was not camping. They proceed to spam hate messages telling me how salty I was and how my salt tasted good on their food. I reported them and asked if anything would be done about my ticket via discord and I was told nothing would be done, that the ticket would be tossed out because the person did nothing bannable. And that is why I am here, and making this long post. Because I do not agree with that.

Along with this post, I have added 3 screenshots from the post game chat. The only name I did not over was my own. The one covered by black was the Claudette who refused to get me off the hook, and the purple was the killer.

Also, the Bill who struggled out 2 times and escaped, who also refused to get me but did not speak a word in the post game chat, was friends with, so I would assume SWF with the Claudette. So they both had intentions of leaving me in the game to die by my first hook.

Post edited by beautykiller326 on

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