No consequences for leaving teammates behind on purpose?

So I played as a Dwight, with self care, borrowed time, decisive strike, balanced landing. The killer was a spirit and I spawned next to her ruin so I did it immediately. After I finish it she grabs somebody off of a gen or totem (she did not have prayer beads) and hooks them, immediately goes to another gen/totem and grabs a second person. So there I am with borrowed time near a Claudette that just got hooked. I crouch and wait for the killer to leave to get her off the hook. I unhook her and she immediately runs away so I heal another player, one of 2 Bills. I noticed the spirit, after injuring me, did not want to continue to kill me so i took advantage of this by going to 2 gens and completing them alone, while also stopping here and there to get people off hooks with borrowed time and to go heal them. One Bill dies and it is just me, the Claudette, and the 2nd Bill. Claudette was slugged on the ground while the Bill and I worked on the last gen. It gets to like 90% and then the spirit comes over and starts chasing Bill away, so I continue to work on the gen until it is completed. As soon as it is completed the Bill gets downed. I run over to the Claudette to pick her up and succeed. Then I take a hit while I borrowed time save the Bill off of the hook, and then I get downed. Cool, not a problem, it is the end of the game, I am next to a door, and it is my first hook. I sit on the hook and the spirit starts chasing the Bill away. I see the Claudette spam vault the locker in front of me, as she had done previously, and then she runs to the door. Slightly upset but still hopeful, I think she would open the door, come get me off the hook, and then us 3 would escape. But to my surprise, the Claudette had other intentions. She ran up to me, while I was about to get into struggle and she nodded "No" and then started tea-bagging in front of me. She then ran to the exit gate and just left. The Bill is then downed, so I try to unhook myself one last time before getting into struggle. The Bill is then brought to me while he struggles, she lets him escape from her grasp so he could unhook me, but instead he runs to the exit gate as well. She then downs him in the gate and brings him back to my hook to get me off of it. He did not manage to struggle out for a 2nd time in time before I died. When we got to the post game chat I proceeded to ask my teammates why they refused to get me and only the Claudette responded. She had first said she was upset with me for "farming her without borrowed time in front of the killer" when not only did I have borrowed time but the borrowed time did not activate because the killer was not nearby. After I told her that I did in fact have borrowed time, she said "either way you unhooked me in front of her" then said "she wasn't camping". So, there I sit, baffled, after doing 3 gens and saving my teammates on numerous occasions, to then get told I was left to die on purpose because I did not have borrowed time when I did and because I farmed them in front of the killer but then they said themselves the killer was not camping. They proceed to spam hate messages telling me how salty I was and how my salt tasted good on their food. I reported them and asked if anything would be done about my ticket via discord and I was told nothing would be done, that the ticket would be tossed out because the person did nothing bannable. And that is why I am here, and making this long post. Because I do not agree with that.
Along with this post, I have added 3 screenshots from the post game chat. The only name I did not over was my own. The one covered by black was the Claudette who refused to get me off the hook, and the purple was the killer.
Also, the Bill who struggled out 2 times and escaped, who also refused to get me but did not speak a word in the post game chat, was friends with, so I would assume SWF with the Claudette. So they both had intentions of leaving me in the game to die by my first hook.
technically speaking, even though you 4 are a team, you do not need to play as one.
the very description of the game on Steam states that.
if someone feels like it would be too risky to go back / if they think they would be better off on their own, they do not need to save their team - not to mention that this would be the dumbest decision, since you wont make any points and also will probaply die shortly afterwards, but still.
sure, this would be a douchebag move to do, but this isnt bannable or anything.
their consequences lie in the points they wont get, the emblem qualities that will be missing and the fact that the rest of the team probaply wont give any ######### about them, resulting in their death, but thats it.
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I understand that but at the same time the spirit was across map chasing the Bill. that is how she was able to get the door and then be toxic by nodding no at me on hook and tea bagging before escaping. there was no risk, nothing but her choosing to let me die.
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my previous comment was a quote to this my bad still new to forums
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well, thats just a huge douchebag move on her side.
since there was no danger and she actively taunted you, i do believe you can report her with video evidence that shows her doing it, but if you dont have such a thing, she was moving inside a grey zone - nothing allowed, but also nothing forbidden. like i said, not rescuing someone in itself is not bannable and when you cant prove that she did it on purpose and sandbagged you, the devs will not ban for it.
otherwise anyone could just claim that "survivor X sandbagged me, since they didnt rescue me from the hook, even though they totally could have", when in reality there was a facecamping leatherface standing right infront of them the whole time.
if you have proof, fill in a support ticket here:
if you dont, i would recommend you to record such a scenario, as soon as it happens to you again and then fill in a support ticket with the video evidence (even if you just record it with your phone).
sadly, any other reports will be discarded.
i wish you the best of luck in your next games!
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no worries, we all started at one point ^^
you'll get used to it pretty fast ^^
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You don't need to save other survivors. If you want, leave them. You might benefit from their actions, but you four aren't actually a team. You're a group who happen to have the same objective.
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You complaining about that is actually hilarious. The devs balance the game around survivors being selfish and solo, giving a ton of tools and perks to survive, all while people complain that the game isnt specifically tailored to team play.
Its like people dont realize that if they were to balance the game around team play, killers would be greatly buffed, making any solo survivors get rekt and making them complain that killers are op.
You can't have your cake and eat it too.
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Much like a MOBA, I believe DeadByDaylight is a team game. You could leave your teammates on the hook but I do not understand why you would do that.
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To escape, which is the actual objective of the game. Everything else is incidental.
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sadly there isn't much to be done about it... this game is filled with super toxic players... remember names and try to avoid them when you can.
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It is a valid complaint considering the 2 left me there for no reason. also the original quote goes "you can't eat your cake and have it too"
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I mean. He doesnt have to save you.
Them saying it's because you had no borrowed time is a dick move. But they have NO obligation to save anyone except themselves.
Also, why the novel about it? The title and 2 lines would have covered what happened lol.
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i wrote "a novel" to explain my side and how I did nothing wrong other than try and play the game how it is meant to be played, only to be left dead on first hook :P
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Well yeah I get it, I've been there too. 3 gens, 3 unhooks, did 4 totems, and was left to die on first hook. It sucks...
But the play by play is a looooooooooooot. Lol.
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Dead by Daylight is not a team based game, it is a survival game. Think of it like a real life scenario, would you actually go back for someone you don't even know and possibly get yourself killed or just focus on your own survival? You have to think of this game like an actual slasher horror, most of the time in slasher horror, the survivor girl just focuses on herself and if someone has been caught then it's just too late.
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Will do, and trust me I know this game is full of toxic players. <3
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i think of this game as a game, and in the game if i have borrowed time or know i can get a save on somebody and then we can both get out without a scratch on us, I am going to take the chance. its a game after all. if i die i get into another game. if i live i still get into another game.
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I mean, that person was a dick, no doubt about it, but you realise that if they start putting penalties for not helping, then it will 100% be a detriment to survivors.
Also i said the quote right, your way of saying it is just a more easy to understand way of saying it, since the OG quote can be a bit confusing with the wording.
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sorry you think so
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You cannot control how anyone else plays.
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from what i gathered, if i had gotten a video recording of the Claudette blatantly disregarding me while the other survivor was across map being chased, then the person would have some sort of repercussion. im not asking for penalties for not saving survivors in that sense youre taking it the wrong way. im talking in this instance i think the claudette should have been punished/penalized. anyone can disagree its just my opinion.
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sir, could you next time or ,if you please now, edit your Wall of text that never seems to end? thanks!
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it is ma'am, and also edit it how? it is a wall of text that describes the situation at hand and how it unfolded. I am not deleting any of it, sorry.
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Punishing survivors for leaving behind teammates would incentivize killers camping.
Just like killers tunneling/slugging the survivor they hate the most to try to make them rage quit is incentivized by the disconnecting / rage quitting survivor being punished.
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Obviously they don't know what they are taking about you can see everyone perks at the end so how can they say your didn't have bt
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They mean the massive post you made. It's way too much to read. I tried and gave up a couple sentences in. But at a glance this is a nonsense post. If you think survivors are wicked to other survivors, dont ever play killer, you'll know the true meaning of toxic lol
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punsihing survivor for leaving other survivor behind would just make camping rate go throught the roof
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TLDR; Sometimes Randos are idiots.
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You don't have to help anyone. It's looked down on and can cost others' lives, but if you can get out then you have zero obligation to go back and save another teammate.
I always try for the points and usually don't make it xD
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I mean, they didnt break any rules, the most you could have reported them for was unsportsmanlike behavior, but they probably wont even give them a slap on the wrist.
It doesnt really count as sandbagging (which is against the rules), since they didnt do something the prevented you from playing normally, they just DIDN'T do something that would have actually benefitted you both.
Like i said, they were just being a huge dick, but if the devs punished people for that, half of the playerbase would be banned lol.
There's no rule that i'm aware of that say you have to save people, making one would help either. Instead the devs made it so that good behavior is rewarded. They essentially gave up 1.5k points to deny you your surviving points, which like 4k now? Add in the struggle points you got and it wasn't really worth it.
Also, maybe they wanted your item? Some people are douchebags like that
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I genuinely wouldn’t have cared so much if they didn’t walk from the opened door, to me while I was about to get into struggle, and nodded no and tea bagged and such. Also neither survivor wanted me item. They just wanted me dead. The Claudette legit told me after the game that she left me on purpose and then gave her reasons for doing so. But yeah I know people can be dicks sometimes and I know not everyone will be punished for their actions. I just don’t think this kind of stuff should go untalked about.
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There game is balanced around solo survivors fending for themselves. It would be inconsistent for there to be any penalty for leaving people behind - your Benevolence / Altruism scores will suffer accordingly anyways.
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Unfortunately this is just how it goes when you play solo survivor. It’s less about working as a team and more of an everybody for themselves type mindset. I’m just not even shocked anymore when I get left to die on my first hook; i expect it.
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The lesson here is "Deliverance."
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And here we go again , lul . Whine bag ! Get over it
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You can leave bye
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You can leave too lol thanks for your suggestion tho
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I mean, theres nothing saying you have to work together. Sometimes you just get unlucky, sometimes someone else gets unlucky. Just the casual nature of the game.
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The casual nature of the game isn’t your teammates running up to you while you’re on the hook and tea bag in front of me while nodding no.
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You may be a team but it every man for themselves
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This really Blows.. I would have been Fuming!
If I ever get to play with you, I am straight up sacrificing myself to ensure your escape the Whole Trial
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I play solo and most of the time I get pretty cool teammates who try to help the best they can but on rare occasion I'll get a douchebag moron who will play selfishly and even purposely try to get me killed. One time I got a teammate who blocked the exit gate panel until the killer came and then let me die. Afterwards he sent me a message saying "that's what you get for not saving me."
Apparently he got mad when I didn't go for the save because I was working on a gen and he had been hanged more than 50 meters away from me and so I let another teammate go for the save which they did. The guy was so dumb I didn't even bother replying back. I'm not going to give up a gen to go save you if you're that far away and we have two other teammates who can go for the save. We made it to the end obviously so why he was that salty I don't understand. But like I said, you get morons.
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If you stop thinking "I DID X, SO ME ENTITLED TO RESCUEZ," you'll have a way better time.
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You're going to need to get over it. Stop taking things personally if you want to enjoy this game. Nobody owes you anything.
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Was this necissary? There was no reason to be so rude.
He has a valid point however. Don't want to rely on teammates? Deliverance.
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Good one.
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I don’t feel entitled to be rescued, it’s just how the game is meant to be played.
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I'm not sure why you think you can decide for the rest of us how to play the game even though the devs themselves have said you don't have to work as a team.
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*super facepaw*