If you could create a killer, What power would you give them?

Keep it short and sweet. Vote up your favourite suggestions.
A trap that inverts the controls.
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I'd say to turn invisible, wait no....Oh, place fake pallets...wait no.... Ah yes! A killer who infects survivors to spread a disease....wait...darn....oh, what about a killer who can become stealthy and stalk survivors! Wait....GOSH DANG IT everything cool's gone >:/
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Channel ability: A killer who can see through the eyes of crows. If survivors are within a certain radius of stationary crows, their auras are revealed if the killer channels this ability. The killer's movement is 0 while channeling. Channeling is as quick as Myer's and Ghost's stalking ability.
Activated ability: The killer can cause crows near survivors to follow them causing survivors to gain the oblivious status effect (Crows are distracting). Cumulative exposure to crows will cause the broken status for a period of time. Crows are removed through "shooing" by another survivor. "Shooing" takes progressively longer each time. Only 2 survivors can have crows at a given time. Both survivors have the oblivious status effect while "shooing" is taking place.
Passive ability: AFK crows appear more quickly and draw stationary crows to the area.
Crows can cause a failed vault or pallet drop randomly. (They're pecking at you)
Crows now return to random parts of the map after they're disturbed. Unfinished gens and hooks have a higher chance of gaining crows. Empty areas, gates, and finished gens have a lesser chance of gaining crows.
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A killer who controls crows would be really cool, though i'm not sure how it would work
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Instantly kill everyone.
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Ehm funny thing.
Work in Progress.........
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A shape-changer. When they use their power, they turn into a Survivor that's in the game, complete with item.
They can fake working on gens/sabo hooks/healing but it gives no progress.
They can crouch-spam.
They always move at a sprint, unless crouching. Only slightly faster than an actual sprinting Survivor (but slower than any of the Exhaustion perks)
They cannot break pallets/hit Gens while Disguised.
They have to rip out of the disguise to attack (like how Wraith has to uncloak), so no cheap grabs.
They can toggle between wounded and healthy (to match the status bars on the lower left).
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A trump card killer, everytime the killer uses the power it switches to a different killer's power at random, the weapon he uses also will recover just like that killer
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I'd create a sadist former prison warden who creates entity blockers or walls to hinder survivors and can pull up a map to place traps, which spawn huge circular wallswhen triggered, from a distance.
Should play like mix of doctor and trapper/hag i guess.
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Still want a flamethrower killer. Short-Midrange AoE attack, fuel based and beeing able to set chests, pallets and locker on fire, which blocks those objects or even destroy the pallets over timer. While beeing in range of burning objects gives you a slight buff.
Would be a nice straight forward power.
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I'd probably keep it pretty simple and go for something like molotov cocktails or something akin to that. Blanket an area in flames, survivors would catch fire and start burning if exposed to the flames. They'd lose one health state fast and get downed after a longer duration unless they put themselves out.
I guess the killer would not be able to throw several molotovs in a row. Would have to make another at a location, either picking it out of a locker or mixing another at a workstation of some sort?
I dunno. I like fire.
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a spider killer that can place cobwebs in windows and on pallets that will make survivors get stuck on it