so far an unwinnable scenario

i've been dwight, david, nea, claudette & jake, not that any character matters at this point... but
when you get a load of DC'ers and become the last person left and the killer finds the hatch before you and closes it... endgame kicks in. the endgame bar is so fast, (map with the barn in the middle) the killer was the trapper he got a trap at both exit gates, i just don't see how it's balanced? even without the trapper having traps at both exit gates, his movement speed is ridiculous and given how short a distance there is between the two exit gates he walks it in 10 seconds, there's nothing in it for the survivor i don't see how they are supposed to get away, killers are faster than survivors (apart from 3 seconds of sprinting) the endgame bar drops far too quickly for a survivor who's been dealt a ######### team to play with who just DC and have little experience in the game.
call me a moaning idiot if you like but i just don't see how there's balance there. exit gates take Exit Gates take 20 seconds to open. even if the exit gate was dropped to 15 seconds when youre the last person and killer has closed the hatch. not like you can do generators anymore to distract. not a fan of this scenario at all.
Traper and fast as hell? Eh did not hear gopd joke in a while.
Anyway here goes the tips.
Defuse trap, and occasionally make progress on the gate. Unless gates been really just corner apart, i bet Trapper had a bit more time to get there. You can feel lucky killer was not a Nurse (Also Nurse and The Spirit are considered only ones viable killers)
You were only one, failed to find the hatch faster. Failed to be fast and failed to search chest for good toolbox.
Killers like trapper are SUPER WEAK at this moment. Just get better in a game. I gave you few tips. I had no problem winning solo againts good trapper and escape each time he got onto me. Saved all my teammates from hooks and managed still escape. Just put more though in the game. As of now. In looping (Windows, pallets etc) you are faster then a killer use it to your advantage and learn maps to know where to go when you need to.
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i'm not asking for tips against the trapper. i spawned into the game, 2 people DC'd and one person int got themselves hooked, jumped off, back on hook straight away as i went to go save they let go and died. The odds were clearly against me, the moment the hatch option was available he was next to it obviously and closed. in this time i've had no time to find the hatch because it hadn't spawned. don't talk me down on this. this is a clear problem in the game. the moment i'm 1v1 with 5 gens to go and the hatch is closed because he's right next to it when person died on hook, all gens are surrounded by entity, he's also close to the exit gates, places the trap in hand down at one. gets another trap and puts it down at other gate, they are within 10-15 seconds run of eachother. what are you expecting me to do with a good toolbox in this situation? my complaint is, survivors who are left with a duff team who DC and die on purpose leave people like me 1v1 with a killer and exit gates as my only option within a 10-15 second run of eachother an impossible time. exit gate takes 20 seconds to complete...
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it was easier to escape when on a 1v1 with a duff team back when i had generators to do around the map on my own, seems like they have implemented endgame just to stop people racking points up with killers, which i get, but the times ive managed to survive by doing the generators on my own in a 1v1 situation was far more balanced than being forced to escape 2 exit gates within 10 seconds of a run of eachother.
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I think the problem here wasnt endgame. You never wouldnt have gotten in this situation if your teammates didnt dc....
And also, trapper still needed time to place the traps at both doors. Yes, sometimes you have bad rng and the doors spawn close together. But its just flip a coin. It can be other side of map too and then you wouldnt have complained and made it out.
Also, when this happens to me, i dont even wait for endgame. With 2 dc i would have already run to the killer to see if he wanted to make it a farm game or not. There is no way with 2 people and 5 gens you gonna win this round or even get any points without that. And if he doesnt, well, then i die and sacrifize on first hook as well. Next game!
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If you are not here for the tips, then why are you here? To cry out loud? Any user on this forum tells you the Trapper is one of the weakest killers there is. Bad games happen, i dont know why you posted here then.
You could managed to win if being a bit better in a game, and if i gave you advice, you decided to ignore it. And say game is "unfair" to you. And if you ignored my warm and friendly post. I will tell it to you in simpler act:GIT GUD.
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friendly post saying i failed to do stuff? i'm feeding back that the game is being ruined by people DC'ing and intentionally killing themselves. the maps could also be designed with that in mind by making exit gates further apart, why have 2 within the same corner of a map?
all your comment has been is belittling and toxic. this is the feedback and suggestions part of the forums, as a result i fedback that it's frustrating as a 1v1 with a situation of 2 exit gates within 10 seconds of each other. take your "i play the perfect game every game" mentality elsewhere because you are of no help or assistance to newer players of the game: FOFF.
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I gave you advice, and been friendly, in your other post you littelary said ######### off. If you dont want to improve fine by me, but as i said before, everyone have bad games, and unless the gates dont been littelary corner apart you had a bit more time. If so? You been just unlucky it happens. But if someone tried to help you. And you act like this, what do you expect? You either go on this forum to discuss, if you are not willing to take argument, or take any reassonable advice, and stay behind your world like you are the perfect one here. Then you can expect any good conversation man. Learn to be humble, and acknowlage you could do something different OR that it was just unlucky situation.
Also by your own words, you posted on Suggestion forum, i gave you suggestions, you decide to ignore them, and talking the same thing over and over, i understand you been unlucky, but beyond saying that you have been simply unlucky and give you advice, there is not much more i could do. And then you are surprised i responded you the way i did, when you was disrespectful to my original post.
You wont get far with that kind of attitude simple as that. And this is the last time i responding to you, because you obviously just want to frustrate the game on forum, ignoring any good advice comming your way, come back when you are in fine mood. Walk is good way to take out some of that frustration.
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No, EGC wasn't implemented for killers to stop farming up points (?).
It was implemented to stop survivors who would just crouch and not do anything if the hatch wasn't openned. Also good for you that you escaped many times. I also heard situations were the survivor wouldn't do crap and keep the killer hostage. How 'bout that.
Are gates spawn sometimes stupid? Yes. But im glad EGC now exists.
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i can understand the concept of EGC to mitigate keeping killers hostage. i guess the pain is trying to keep everyone happy. i think gate spawns should be opposite of each other. i would then atleast have a fighting chance to open a 20 second gate
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4 vs 1 game
Killer = Powerrole
Survivor = Numberrole
Hatch closed = 1 vs 1
Powerrole vs Numberrole
Why should a survivor win in a 1vs1 situation?
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my point is... if a killer can roam between two gates that are 10 seconds apart for a survivor, roughly 6-7 seconds for a killer because they are faster... what hope has a survivor in a 1v1 scenario got? 4th game i've played in last few days now i've been last survivor and the hatch has spawned right next to the killer. i don't know what algorithm is in play here but clearly i'm super f'in unlucky at this game.