BHVR: are you satisfied with the generator speed?

You adjusted the BP to a thousand to provide more of an incentive to do other stuff than repairing generators. However, as a 50/50 main, I can tell you that it hasn’t slowed down my games the slightest. You don’t have time to cleanse totems in red/purple ranks and it’s only a priority if the killer is in a very bad spot
While ruin provides a good counter towards the generator speed, the totem spawns do not. The totems spawn at such generic spots that it’s practically a wasted spot with an experienced team.
For me at least, I feel the need to dodge lobbies if the survivors have two or more toolboxes equipped.
Do you think the generator speed is in a good place right now? If no, will you change it or add a _real_ second objective?
Edit: a word
I'm a 40/60 main... I mean... 60/40 main....
What 50 percent do you main?
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If devs think the game is balanced then they can't add a 2nd objective. To do this they have to nerf killers
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I personally think the generator speed is long enough, if survivors could do something else as well.. but like, sadly there's not much a killer can do if the survivors just focus generators.
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You agree, and some killers are way better in protecting gens then others, and that makes that even more unbalanced, for an example a hag, freddy, billy, spirit or nurse has a way esier time to protect the gens but a clown, huntress, legion etc cant do anything against these gens.
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Pretty much. There's always more fun to be had for lesser killers if the survivors wanna fool around, because they'll be doing.. not generators.
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I agree with you in part. But I don't think gen speed is long enough seeing it’s the only objective as survivor. If they did add an additional objective, the speed would be just fine.
Now I’m no expert by all means, but I have good deal of hours in the game. Ruin is always amongst my perks. Without it, two generators usually pop before the first chase has ended (unless I’m playing nurse). Three if the team is strong. That’s sweaty as fudge.
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Add second objective, buff solo's then buff Killers.
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Hmm second objective +making survivors able to take 3 hits before going down.
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Difference is those lanterns took literally a second or two.
Killer mains want 2nd objectives that take as long as more gens.
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I don't share your view on that. I have not seen any discussions regarding time. A second objective would need balance of course.
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Roles in survivors would change this. DIfferent stats so everyone focused on a different thing. For example Dwight repairs faster but isn't as fast as meg but meg runs faster and isn't good at repairing. That way meg's job would be to loop the killer but a good killer would kill dwight first.
Either that or making teachable perks work better when used by original survivor than by others would small nerf survivors and matches won't go as fast.
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The only killer I really have a problem playing with against fast Gene's, its bloody trapper lol I dont have ruin so just suck
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"You don’t have time to cleanse totems in red/purple ranks and it’s only a priority if the killer is in a very bad spot"
Doesn't this mean that the reason Survivors are genrushing so much, is because the Killer keeps killrushing and there's no time for survivors to screw around if they want to survive?
This problem is a two-way street at high ranks.
If you want to live, you have to genrush.
If you want to 4k, you have to killrush.
That's how it is. At the highest levels of play, people are just bound to efficiency.
The problem is survivors do gens but have other tings to do for some reason. But killers have nothing else to do but hunt survivors. Maybe it's time for some secondary objectives for killers, so survivors don't feel pressured to gen rush all the time.
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Don't forget the Halloween event to get the nectar from cursed flowers
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I take every lobby I get, even if all 4 survivors have toolboxes. I find minimal difference when compared to my other games. There's nearly always a chance for snowball potential, and the most important thing is knowing how and when to capitalize. The NEXT most important thing is to not be 360'd. Repeatedly.
I don't think generator speed is an issue in the slightest. Bring in Insidious and NOED instead of Ruin and try ambushing survivors that have walked into unsafe areas. It's sure to grant at least 1 kill if you don't get greedy.
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A second objective is a better idea but that can only happen when they can seperate the playerbase better.
Since most players seem to be below rank 10 you need to make it so they don't have less fun matches with an increased chance of dying keeping the 50/50 idea over all brackets.
This could be done by adding more objectives as you rank up but that would mean making deranking extremely hard and also in a way so you want to rank up as it's a lot more beneficial.
Right now the average game is around 12 minutes so personally I don't think it's something they are considering of the highest priority atm and why they don't really discuss the idea.
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I loved the halloween event. It's a shame that a minority of people were letting themselves die. I don't think we'll get a pustula event this year because of all the complaining we did when the devs can just say they are fixing bugs instead.
It's a shame because I think it would be good to experiment futher with second objectives.
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Yes, perhaps an exclusive tier 4 teachable perk level on their original character?
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@Thaznar - A halloween event where you lose a fair percentage of your accumulated pustula if you died would be a good test for a secondary objective.
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I think that its not about the gen time, but about the game time. They have a late game task (the door) and a mid game task (generators). We need an early game task and maybe another mid game task.
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This is a better way to frame it, yeah.
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You want to nerf Wraith, Clown, Pig, Bubba. Legion, and Bear Traps?
Your a monster!
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So killers can just dodge 4 man Dwights like they do groups with ANY items? Or tunnel down Dwights like they do Claudettes so zero gens get done?