do we know how much the new chapter will cost?

I know the devs are sick and tired of hearing about the ptb so I thought id ask another question, how much will this dlc cost? I mean we're getting an extra character so I'm guessing it won't be the usual 8 and will be 10 or so, can we adleast have confirmation on this? im just wondering whether I should buy a new cosmetic and keep 10 euro in my steam wallet and wait for however long and see that it's like 11.50 or something
My guess would be 11-12
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I got this info from Paulie's stream today.
$11.99 for PC and of course expect with the markup for consoles to be more.
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More on consoles? That's not fair =(
But you should wait until it comes out, because the characters will have cosmetics too, so you might want one of those in addition.
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I don't know about PS4 but on Xbox there is a markup. Most DLCs cost $7.99 but on steam they are $6.99 - most likely because Microsoft wants a bigger cut over steam? Dunno but they cost more.
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Yeah console is a buck more I forgot about that. $13 I would say
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Based on how they do the other DLC prices... roughly 5.99 or 5.69 for just a killer or survivor.. and about 7.99 for both.... My guess is 9.99 CDN.
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Will be free
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You're a generous man and we can't thank you enough.
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$12? I'll be skipping this chapter.
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well I mean youre getting 9 perks, a killer and one extra reskin top for each survivor so if every dlc so far is 7/8 it makes sense for an extra 4 to add up or adleast 2
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If regular chapters cost $7 then that's $3.50 per character. Technically the killer should cost more since its got a power. The "reskins" will be different colored shirts. That takes no effort so it shouldn't even factor into the price. This chapter should be no more than $10. The reason it will be more is because they know most ST fans that come are just going to play as ST characters, so they want to get as much money out of them as possible. It's also very popular with a younger crowd so they're just gonna ask their parents to pay so they don't care about price.
Considering the ST skins in the shop will likely be more expensive like Pig's AND there's a battle pass coming, I think $12-13 is a rip off. Bhvr is getting greedy.
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will the auric cell cost be the same though?
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You just going to have wait and see
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As long as people keep buying whatever they throw out there, Behavior's gonna keep being greedy.
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Battle Pass? What Battle Pass?
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Maybe. That would surprise me and others:D
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Its only going to be $11 on PC and around $12 on console. Don’t forget that this is also licensed content.
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Previous licensed chapters have been the same price as originals.
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Oh, right. Even so I don’t think $11 is a lot for what they are giving you.
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Sick and tired? They haven’t even said a single thing since the stream. I don’t think they’re very tired with all of the silence going on.
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Well at least the DLC is for once more expensive than cosmetics
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That's fine. To each their own. I play on PS4, $12 is too much IMO.
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Hmm, then again I don’t have any expenses so spending money isn’t a big deal to me as of now.
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I’m not going to pretend to know exactly how licensing works. But what makes this different I’m guessing is there would be more mouths to feed. Wouldn’t Netflix, the creators of ST, as well as the two actors all be getting a piece of any sale? I was expecting around $11.99 or slightly more for this reason. This is definitely more expensive than just getting rights to a mask or something.
Again though, I’m just speculating.