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This game is very frustrating for killers

Ive been playing the single digit ranks as a killer tonight, and the survivors are the cockyest people ive ever seen


If i "camp"  im bad

If i dont , then all r escape and im bad

4 generators are getting done in <5 minuets because i dont have ruin

I knew it was frustrating to be a killer before, but wow, this is a whole nother level

And yet

It just makes me want to get better at killer, so i can wipe these types of people

So i guess im just going to have to get godly with nurse

I gotta get ruin first tho

Then nurse

I guess what im trying to say is, i wanna get really good with nurse so i can 4k these types of survivors. (you know the type, activly seek you out at the beginning of the game, point and taunt, you know)

So , i think thats what im gonna do.

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  • Member Posts: 10,200

    First rule of killer:
    Dont give a damn what survivors throw at your head. Its your job to kill them, so make sure you suceed, there is no "honor codex" for a serial killer :wink:

    Make sure you get BBQ and ruin ASAP and until then, I suggest you tunnel hardcore. Hook a guy, move a bit away from the hook to bait an unhook and then down the unhooked guy, repeat

    Yeah, sadly this is how the game is played, but you jstu got not time to chase survivors around the loops (unless you are nurse)

  • Member Posts: 370

    For a lot of people not setting up a tent is simply not an option. It takes so long, sometimes, to even get somebody on the hook you would be mad to let them get off easy to do the same thing to you while gens are popping left, right and center.

    In most of my games by the time i got the first hook at least one gen is done and in most cases two were done with a third close to being done if not done already. That leaves survs with 2 gens to do and a "theoretical" 11 more hooks to catch if you play by their rules of hooking and walking across the map to stare at a wall. This is simply not possible. Chases are too long. Apart from skill level they have too many tools built into the game to waste your time. Its a 4 vs 1 game. We do not have the time.

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    Being godly with nurse doesn´t guarantee a 4k every match on high ranks. That´s simply a myth spread by survivor mains to try to force a nerf on her.
    It is possible to play every killer on high ranks. But Billy and Nurse are the most balanced ones and have a better chance to catch someone. Just play the way you want. You can even reach rank 1 playing Freddy only. You´ll get gen rushed and insulted anyway. So just play the way you like. There is no point in arguing with survivors which insult you after a match.

  • Member Posts: 86

    It is so sad that if you want to scare people or put pressure on them, you have to play Nurse (or Hillbilly in some cases).

  • Member Posts: 272

    Nothing works anymore. I'm just gonna dc my way back to rank 20 and have some fun there xD

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  • Member Posts: 425

    the game is impossible as killer unless you use specific perks.

  • Member Posts: 130

    Game should be about having fun and making the game fun for both survivors and the killer.

    When I play killer i treat it like a game, have a bit of fun. I mean, it's always nice to catch the looper 8-) , but when you don't it's not the end of the world.

    Have fun with the killer, hey, use deerstalker its so much fun to down someone and then chase another. You might even get another hit/survivor found and chase points in the process.

    Have fun!

  • Member Posts: 77
    edited July 2018

    What I dislike currently is when I play saltvivor I'm usually the 1st or 2nd found, get chased and since I'm not "good" I get hooked out in less than 3 minutes because of this tunneling mentality. FFS, as a killer, take a minute and notice the players that aren't t-bagging, clicking, or looping and stop tunneling them so you and them can make more points. This tunnel attitude just makes me want to learn how to loop you into oblivion.

  • Member Posts: 77

    And then complain when you can't loop a nurse and cry for nerfs

    Surprisingly the nurse is one of the killers I do well against even though I can't loop.

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    @jeridan said:
    What I dislike currently is when I play saltvivor I'm usually the 1st or 2nd found, get chased and since I'm not "good" I get hooked out in less than 3 minutes because of this tunneling mentality. FFS, as a killer, take a minute and notice the players that aren't t-bagging, clicking, or looping and stop tunneling them so you and them can make more points. This tunnel attitude just makes me want to learn how to loop you into oblivion.

    Pro tip: don´t touch a gen for the first 30 seconds. Stay hidden and don´t run.

  • Member Posts: 1,604
    edited July 2018

    No need to stay on Rank 1, there is no ranking rewards anything, they said this on the beginning of 2016 that they planned it but it never happened

    Nurse is alright but after hundreds of matches with her you'll get bored of it quickly, and many other killers aren't viable at Rank 1

    just Derank back to 20, and never look back

  • Member Posts: 77

    @Tsulan said:
    Pro tip: don´t touch a gen for the first 30 seconds. Stay hidden and don´t run.

    Thanks, that is something I have been experimenting with. Instead of running to the first gen I see, I walk to the closest edge with cover and skirt around the a bit. It's helping me not feel like I have perma-aura from the match start.

  • Member Posts: 4,388

    @jaerthebear said:
    Ive been playing the single digit ranks as a killer tonight, and the survivors are the cockyest people ive ever seen


    If i "camp"  im bad

    If i dont , then all r escape and im bad

    4 generators are getting done in <5 minuets because i dont have ruin

    I knew it was frustrating to be a killer before, but wow, this is a whole nother level

    And yet

    It just makes me want to get better at killer, so i can wipe these types of people

    So i guess im just going to have to get godly with nurse

    I gotta get ruin first tho

    Then nurse

    I guess what im trying to say is, i wanna get really good with nurse so i can 4k these types of survivors. (you know the type, activly seek you out at the beginning of the game, point and taunt, you know)

    So , i think thats what im gonna do.

    Now you will get the comments about being a try-hard for using the nurse.

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