Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

Community Ideas

I'll preface this by saying I know BHVR has their own ideas in how they want to work on their game. This post isn't anything more than me sharing a fun idea with everyone, and to hear about some of yours. It's meant for fun. Anyway, here we go.

Fear Mode

Survivors also play in first person mode. Perhaps 6 survivors to offset the handicap of limited looping. Thoughts on balancing this?

Unranked. Still have bloodpoints .

Randomised Perks.

Not really mode but an option in the perk selector to spawn with random perks. Perks you dont normally have access to would have equal chance.

A map editor.

Honestly adding a map editor into the game would be fantastic. It would have to be for KYF unless there were community servers added. Which would be best case scenario, but unrealistic. Who cares about rank anyway? The map editor wouldn't have to be hugely complex either. A map editor similar to the Create-a-Park from the Tony Hawk franchise would be a huge addition to the game. Steam workshop is right there. Something with more depth would be even better. Perhaps customized options could also play a part, i.e. a slider option for number of survivors/killers. Restrictions for perks, items, killers etc. An option to have a mandatory specific loadout for your map. Ability to have a daytime or nighttime map could be cool too, but a lot harder to implement I think. The two ideas above could be fun options as well.

Weird tangent I didn't plan on and slightly contradicts myself: 

Most games that last for years are ones where the community has the ability to create and share. The game in its current state has a very toxic community. There is such a divide between the player base. We could really use something that brings us together. 

It's easy to sit here and complain about the discrepancy between the playerbase and BHVR. But for one reason or another our feedback has seemingly been taken more seriously now than in the past. Cheers to whoever read through my little tangent. Have a good day everyone, I hope to hear everones ideas below.


  • Cornpopers_Evan
    Cornpopers_Evan Member Posts: 2,428

    I would love a infection type of gamemode but good luck finding a way to make it work in DBD.

  • somniuh
    somniuh Member Posts: 31

    I was trying to figure that out myself but couldnt find a way to balance it. Random killer chosen from lobby (8 or 9 players maybe?). Auto kill survivors on downing them. No items. Dead survivors respawn as another random killer. I say random because despite the glaring issue of not everyone having all the DLC, it would be nice not to have more than one of each killer by the time the match is over. I definately dont see this being added, but a fun idea nonetheless. :D

  • Chaotic_Riddle
    Chaotic_Riddle Member Posts: 1,953
    edited August 2019

    Now, I don’t hate BHVR, nor do I hate any of the devs or community managers. I love them, I love the work they put in, but I can agree that a lot of issues come from the lack of community projects being taken in.

    Now, I’m speaking for myself, not the community, but seeing more community ideas and themes being taken in would be amazing. Unique Killers and abilities, Survivors with good design and perks, maps that could be more balanced than anything BHVR would’ve thought of (not being harsh nor rude, just saying that the community could have some amazing ideas for map designs that COULD and balanced!) I mean, the possibilities are endless.

    Take a look at a game like TF2, that heavily relies on community features. Granted, as of lately, the game has been dying, but it’s been out for practically 12 years. And that was due to it having a lot of community ideas that were taken in and used. Valve handled the balancing, while the community handled the designing, modeling, and creating for game modes, maps, cosmetics, etc (maybe even new models for the items too to be more unique! Or reskinned secondary weapons of the Killers?). What’s stopping BHVR from allowing us to be that creative for them? They’d gain profit from it and wouldn’t really have to have most of their teams focus on stressing over what to do for certain maps to make them balanced. I mean, the way I see it, with the battlepass coming out, it would be beneficial to maybe add community-made cosmetics into it!

    I mean, anything would be nice. We had that community cosmetic contest idea, but I felt it was a bit underwhelming to just choose two designs out of the hundreds of amazing ideas that community gave. We need more creativity!

  • somniuh
    somniuh Member Posts: 31

    I completely agree. Tf2, Counter Strike, Minecraft, L4D, Gmod, WaW Zombies, the list goes on and on. All have had successful lifespans simply from allowing all the creative people in their commmunity to rise up. I believe even Overwatch has something now in hopes of accomplishing the same.

    I also agree that appreciating the work the devs have put into creating a game that we all love amd want to improve and expand, instead of just forgetting about it is important. We all understand the frustration. But I would prefer to move forward and hating on the devs just isn't the solution.

  • Cornpopers_Evan
    Cornpopers_Evan Member Posts: 2,428

    I was actually thinking they could do a limited time event with the Demogorgon where basically, there's 8 or 10 players at the start and one gets pulled into the DG's portal and out crawls the "alpha" Demogorgon. This alpha has both the portals and pounce but any other survivor that transforms only have the pounce because of very obvious reasons. I also completely agree that survivors shouldn't be able to bring in items but can find them in chests still. The real big issue is map sizes, it would basically need to be the size of mothers dwelling to actually work.

  • somniuh
    somniuh Member Posts: 31
    edited August 2019

    I would love to see more diversity in events. I love how we went into two super different directions. I was trying to stay away from killer-specific modes but it truly does add a lot of opportunity. Killer-specific objectives could be so interesting if done properly.

  • Spaceman94
    Spaceman94 Member Posts: 164

    Agreed. I want more game modes

  • Xndy
    Xndy Member Posts: 1

    Hey BHVR?

    If you're reading this...

    I came up with a cool idea. I just thought about changing one of The Huntress add-ons, the iridescent one: instead of one-hitting hatchets, what about silent throws? No wind up grunt, sound, aswell for the throws? That would be really interesting. I don't know about changing the add-on, that could be a new add-on, who knows. I don't know if you're reading this neither.

    Thanks for the attention!


  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,306

    I think reason they won't do different game modes is because people already complain about wait times with one game mode - it would only get worse with more. I think once they can get the wait times sorted to a point there's less complaints you could see new modes be taken into consideration.

    I'd love to see more events. Doesn't have to be big - just simple extra BP and some random decorations to hooks/gens. Could do community based contests for the decorations to use during that event, maybe even one for event specific cosmetic designs.