Will all stealth killers have...

The undetectable effect included in their powers (wraith, t1 myers, pig and ghostface) in the next patch?
(mostly pig, like come on you guys nerfed her for no bloody reason and she is in desperate need of some buffs)
T1 Myers ALREADY has it. No detection perk or aura reading works on him while in T1. As far as the rest, we'll have to wait and see. They might just be planning on tacking this onto different perks or something.
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Yeah forgot myers in t1 already has it, but wraith, pig and GF should have it on their powers since only 1 survivor with OoO already removes the stealth part about their power.
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Definitely agree that it would help them MAJORLY, but we'll have to wait and see. Unfortunately, even the forum moderators are not developers...so they wouldnt be knowledgeable about any additional information on the subject.
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Yes they will