Is Ghostface being buffed???

HI all.
As many of you already know, there are changes in the GF dcl in steam:
I wonder if the devs can confirm some buffs to his power/addons comming with the new stealth status. I will P3 him if its the case, so if you would share some information it would be awesome :3
Kissis for you ;3
He is strong now if you use his power differently than you think
Use his power to find survivors
But he might, and I hope its not a status effect
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It could be the Status effect, but it could also be that they fix his Reveal. Like, it is bad on both sides, sometimes I reveal a Ghostface behind a Rock, sometimes I look straight at him without being able to reveal him.
Would be great if they fix that before they think about doing Balance Changes to him.
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If finding survivors were a strong power then doc would be high rank. And guess what. Hes not. He needs buffs. Reduce the spoting distance, reduce the cooldown, and make him M1 survivors without loosing al the stalking on them.
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I think he might get Undetectable status effect in this patch. If they gonna buff, they really need to do something with that 30 seconds cooldown on base power.
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According to int3r4cts video of him on youtube, there's a 0.3 period of time where ghostface needs to be unseen before he's hidden.
Meaning you have 1.2 second to hide before being revealed. Even if getting revealed takes 1.5 seconds.
Which should help explain why people get revealed behind rocks and stuff
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I mean by stalk if the survivor is not paying attention, use killer instinct to find where they are going
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They're already adding a status effect to buff all stealth killers called oblivious. It stops the reading of a killer's aura when stealthed, so Object of Obsession can't see a wraith everywhere, nor can they see a pig or ghostface when in stealth. This is also a nerf to Alert and Kindred.
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Kindred trumps any stealth abilities. So it shouldn't be affected
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This isn't a stealth ability. Ultimately, we'll just have to wait and see how this new status effects the game. My prediction is that it will not effect killers in stealth.
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It might currently but if you read the new statuses of oblivious and undetectable I am not so sure Kindred will affect it any more. Then again, it's only good against campers so those playing optimally don't need to worry about kindred anyway.
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Which is why you stop peeking around the corner and re-peek, then you can have fun, anyways him at high ranks is not that bad
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Imho they don't care whatsoever. They cash grabbed as much as they could from Scream fans, not they only care about cash-grabbing stranger things fans, and they just reworked Freddy. If they continue to do nice things for killers, survivor mains will start screeching about how they don't get anything nice. They know this, which is why they're nerfing Nurse.
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its not rly that much of a buff if u play with pwyf , i would rather want lower cd of his power
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I'll believe you, but I never seen that happen myself
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If you're seriously saying he's good until rank 15, you are VERY VERY bad with Ghost Face. He is good until red ranks at best. In red ranks, he's either tough to use or you basically are screwed with him if the slightest thing goes wrong.
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They never said they are nerfing her, they are tinkering her add-ons