Who are the 5 strongest killers?
1 Nurse
2 Spirit
3 Hillbilly
4 Hag
5 Huntress.
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^ what those two said.
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There’s no stopping them and deserve a nerf.
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1) Nurse
2) Spirit
3) Hillbilly
4) Hag
5) Huntress
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In order...
- Nurse
- Spirit
- Hillbilly
- Hag
- Huntress
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1) Nurse - better than every killer at everything and removes survivor counterplay when the nurse is skilled. Broken and has needed to be fixed for the longest time.
2) Spirit - really, really strong in chases and has good mobility
3) Hag - a nightmare to play against if the hag is good. So oppresive if played correctly.
4) Billy - zoom zoom. A good billy will win almost every game, if you don't have a team of 4 good players against a good billy, you will lose hard and fast. He really is a noob stomper killer. But he still can do well against strong survivors if he is a skilled billy.
5) Huntress - map dependant. On a good map she's really, really strong. On a bad map she struggles.
Post edited by Omans on3 -
Nurse, Spirit and Billy. Yeah that's three.
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No ######### clue for the last one, I didn't play enough Freddy to tell.
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Nurse's Mum
Nurse's Dad
Nurse's Cat
Nurse's Hamster
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- Spirit
- Billy
- Hag
- Trapper
- Nurse
Now I play on console which is why I don't rank Nurse that high. I am a red rank survivor and still I just don't see many good nurses. Very rare. I see Spirit and Billy all the time and they are both extremely annoying to go against. Hag would be a very distant third to those two.
You may be surprised by Trapper but if you know how to use him he's actually a very good, very dangerous killer. I'm in red ranks and I've come across quite a few really good trappers and the paranoia about where you step is very high which makes games very difficult. You can't just run to all the good loops and start looping them because if he's a good trapper he'll have that place rigged.
This is just my opinion and from my experience playing the game on PS4. Worst killers would be Clown, Wraith and Legion. Better bring a mori to a red rank game if you play one of those killers otherwise good luck getting a 4k. Well that or play at lery's. Every killer has a chance at lery's.
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Let's take the worst case: against 4 men swf groups, all of them 3k+ hours legacy with OoO, flashlights, insta heals etc.
1) Nurse
2) Spirit
3) Billy (map depended)
4) Huntress (map depended)
5) Myers (map depended)
Post edited by justarandy on2 -
1: Nurse
2A: Billy
2B: Spirit
4: Freddy
5: Huntress
Freddy>Hag all day.
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Trapper- have you seen the size of those arms?
Billy- you try taking a pallet to the head like he does
Leatherface- can you wave a chainsaw around like he can easily do?
Huntress- she can throws hatchets a mile away, she can probably bench press a tree.
Michael meyers- remember that time he lifted a guy with one hand and stabbed him so hard with a knife that his body got stuck on a wall? Yeah...
Everyone saying nurse...HA... she can barely lift her saw with those skinny arms of her.
But yeah, I think those are the STRONGEST killers...XD
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1. Nurse. 'Nuff said. Just gonna leave this here.
2. Spirit. Amazing mobility, great in chases.
3. Billy Boi: Most mobile Killer, instadown potential.
4. Hag: Once she starts snowballing, she's unstoppable. Great map presence and chase potential.
5. Huntress. So much fun for both sides on a good map. Go watch ZubatLEL play Huntress. It's impossibly good.
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This. The top 3 can't be looped easily and can dominate easily in the hands of a skilled player.
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1: Nurse
2: Spirit
3: Hillbilly
4: Hag
5: Huntress
1: Spirit
2: Hag
3: Billy
4: Freddy
5: Nurse
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1 - ebony mori
2- nurse
3 - prayer beads
4- Spirit
5- Billy
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huntress really top 5 for you guys? Anytime I go against her at rank 1, I escape lol. I would replace Huntress with Freddy since he’s really good at gen protection
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I reject your argument and raise my own
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I’ve seen some pretty good huntress players, she is much better than Freddy imo.
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It depends on the map, a lot of them are pretty bad for her.
Also: Don't forget that players here put her on rank 5. That doesn't mean that she's that strong, that only means that she is not as weak as others. Nowadays, Huntress is only good average. If you and your teammates are good survivors, you should win against her.
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Hag gets bullied against swf with OoO and flashlights. She becomes low tier actually, cuz it's a 110% killer without power.
Against solos she's top 5, against swf groups one of the worst.
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Depends on platform:
PC: Nurse, Spirit, Freddy, Hillbillie, Huntress
Xbox: Spirit, Trapper, Freddy, Huntress and Doctor
PS4: I don't know
Rank 2 killer, Rank 4 survivor btw
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Watch "Umbra" if you want to see what Huntress is capable of. She's a true god-Huntress if not even the best Huntress in the world. Her whole streams are based on Huntress.
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Why has no one said Ghostface? I main him at Rank 1 and get Ruthless / Merciless almost every game...
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And when she says that Huntress is not top tier, then you know that it is true.
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Cuz he's and unfished and buggy mess. His power is not reliable. Any power which is highly controlled by survivors is not reliable. Myers is the better, you can control his power better.
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1) Nurse, because she rewards for skill
2) Spirit, because of Mindgamez
3) Hag, because of good map and gen pressure
4) Billy, because of Instadown+Mobility
5) Plague, because it's difficult to play correctly against her
R1-4 Killer, R5-8 Survivor
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Did she?
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But to have her better than Freddy, Myers, or Ghostface?
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I guess I haven’t seen or played against the stronger ones then, cause Freddy is pretty powerful now haha
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Yup, I watch her from time to time. (And I agree with you, she is absolutely amazing with Huntress.)
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If the map is open (unlike Léry's or The Game) and not too large (unlike Red Forest), then Huntress is definitely better than Freddy & Ghostface. In relation to Myers, that's more tricky, I see them close to each other.
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Hag, thought I feel Hag is incredibly Overrated, but no one comes close too her map pressure.
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I find Hag incredibly Overrated. Once you loose you're traps you're just an M1 killer with 110% MS. Plus you're traps are very easy too deal with and don't help that much in chases if the survivors break/activate a trap at a pallet loop. She's strong, but not as strong as people make her out too be.
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Good Huntresses are the scariest thing in this game, more scary then an old prestige Nurse with Omega Blinks. And Freddy is only really good with addons, plus survivors have too be in the dream state, so if they wake themselves up you have literally 0 powers xD.
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Since when did awake survivors remove your teleport?
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1) Nurse - she's the only killer that isn't vulnerable to being looped seeing as though she teleports/ignores vaults and pallets.
2) Spirit - She has some of the best chase potential in the game with the most mind games and great map pressure. She has great passives too.
3) Billy - Amazing map pressure, has an insta down to punish survivors making mistakes. That's pretty much it.
4) Hag - Amazing map pressure, she's probably the only killer where you can have all 4 survivors hurt if they're far from one another given they activate your trap and she has no bad map. She has great mind games and chase potential.
5) Huntress or Freddy - IMO it's a toss up really.
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Top tier means top 3 usually. I know for a fact that she puts Spirit and Hag over Huntress, but I don't know if she does the same with Freddy, because I didn't heard her opinion about him.
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I don't know about that either (personally I think Huntress is stronger than Freddy). However, there is a wide agreement that the top 4 are Nurse, Spirit, Billy, Hag.
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The nurse, the nurse, the nurse, the nurse and the nurse.
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1- Nurse
2- Spirit/Billy
3- Hag
4- Freddy
5- Huntress
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I disagree. His stealth ability alone makes him a strong killer if used correctly. I pull more survivors from gens than getting Marked Stabs. Marking survivors helps on occasions but overall it isn't even needed to play Ghostface and do well.
Myers in my opinion is worse as once you lose the element of surprise once he's passed level 1.
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- Nurse - literally unstoppable, perfect mobility, good at everything besides stealth (which is not a meta)
- Spirit - can fool survivors, good at surprising survivors and can play around pallets without getting stunned and win chases better then other killers, also mindgames at loops is her best.
- Billy - good map control, insane mobility, instadowns and pretty good snowball potential.
- Hag - best snowball on par with Huntress and LF, good map control.
- Huntress - best snowball on par with Hag and LF, can down survivors very quickly ignoring distance, can catch some survivors by surprise having aura reading perks, but she is a struggle on many maps like Farm (besides Rotten Fields) or Preschool, any indoor map and almost any MacMillan (besides Shelter Woods).
And there are 3 killers that can be in this top 5 if they will get a buff. (I know this is better in other subforum with a new thread, but nobody from BHVR reads any rework ideas anyway, so let me just dream a little here)
- Doctor - increase range of basic shock by 25%, remove the addon that increases shock range by 75%.
- Ghostface - make him unreveleable for 2 seconds after using power, make him unreveleable to dying/hooked survivors.
- Trapper - remove traps spawned on the map, make him have all of them like hag at the beggining of the match, but if trap gets disarmed then he have to pick it up to reuse it again, make traps reset themself every ~2 minutes, and not one random, but all of them at once. Iredescent Stone change to - each disarmed trap has it's own 25 seconds autoreset timer. So that means if trap gets disarmed it autoresets after 25 seconds. (Obviously this will make Trapper overpowered at first, but then with some tweaks he might get in a good spot).
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Why exactly?