Why Voice Comms Should Never Be In DBD

While I understand that there does need to be a closed gap between solos and SWFs, voice comms is not it.
With voice comms, every single Killer will be nerfed, in a manner of speaking. Let me give a few examples.
Billy Gets Hooked.
With Voice Comms: I'm going to unhook Billy! You two continue to work on gens. The one near Killer's shack is 90% done!
Or, as the hooked Billy: The Killer is Wraith! They stopped moving 2 feet from me & went 100% invisible! They are camping! They have not moved at all! Don't come near!
Without Voice Comms: I need to go unhook Billy! Crap! XKillerzX was ALSO moving to unhook Billy! Only 1 person is doing gens! And the Killer has a better chance of downing one of us! The Killer was hiding nearby and we did not know it!
Hag/Trapper Puts Down Traps.
With Voice Comms: Yeah, the traps are by the 2 gens I was working on, and by my left foot on the hook. Come from the right!
Without Voice Comms: *Triggers Trap when trying to save someone/work on a gen*
Killer Is In A Chase.
With Voice Comms: The Killer is chasing me! It's a Pig! She's over by the Killer Shack/Gas Mart/Whatever! Ok, now she's moving towards you guys! Bail! *Killer never finds anyone due to 30+ seconds of forewarning*
Without Voice Comms: I wonder where the Killer is..I need to keep my head on a swivel-oh CRAP! She's right next to me! I'm hit!
See what I mean? Voice comms simply neuter every single Killer doing virtually any action. We can't stop SWF using them, but there would be basically no reason to ever play Killer, or ever have fun as Killer, if every single group had voice comms & could either just avoid, or even bully, the Killer.
So... you are just pointing out how broken swf is.
The thing that you forget is that what you say is already happening, but only for people that use swf and discord.
If the devs add voice comms to the game, they will be able to balance killers and mechanics accordingly.
Right now its the opposite, the game is balanced around no VC, but people still use a third party program to gain an advantage that the game isnt balanced around.
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Yep, that is one of the big issues with the game. They design and balance the game around not having comms, then just go ahead and let people use comms anyways.
Unfortunatley there is no way to really deal with this other than separating swf to a separate mode or make it an opt-in/opt-out kind of thinng for Killers, both of which I am sure they will never do.
Until then, SWF will continue ruining the game.
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Well the idea of closing the gap between swf and solos is still a great idea, and in theory once it were to happen killers would receive some buffs to compensate... BUT with that being said, I don’t think voice comms are the way to go.
Plus if they ever were to add voice comms, it would need to be for survivors ONLY and killers can’t hear it or speak. If it were anything like F13 voice chat - aka proximity based voice chat that the killer and survivors can both hear and participate in - this game would become 100000% more toxic/ unbalanced and I would immediately stop playing.
Overall I think there are better ways to help close the gap between swf and solos that doesn’t require voice comms, and once it happens the game will be easier to balance.
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The logic though behind advocates for built-in voice chat is that killers would receive mass buffs to balance it. However, this doesn’t work because it pretty much forces every survivor to use it. If you choose to mute, well now you are against buffed up killers and receiving no benefit. You thought solo was hard now, good luck with that! Not to mention being at risk of teammates being annoyed with you that you have everyone on mute. It’s a terrible idea no matter how you slice it. This would be detrimental to those that like to play solo and without chat (or anyone who doesn’t like comms with randos )which last we saw in the stats, the majority play solo.
Right now the game is NOT balanced for killer vs 4 solo survivors.I think most people, at least those who aren’t biased, would acknowledge that that’s clearly advantage killer in today’s game. The game to me is balanced taking into account some form of SWF involvement. Overall I think it’s in a good spot.
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The issue with "closing the gap between swf & solo" is that so many things would need to be completley redesigned.
-Every Survivor detection perk
-Every stealth/mindgames killer perk
-Every stealth killer's power
-Several other killer powers
The Killer's main strength in DBD is causing chaos and disarray in the Survivors.
Voice comms remove that factor by allowing survivors to communicate to each other exactly where the killer is, what the killer is doing, where each survivor is, where totems are, how close to completion generators are, ect, ect.
This severely cripples the killer and strengthens survivors far beyond what the game was originally designed for.
Rebalancing the game with voice comms in mind would essentially require redesigning the entire game from the ground-up.
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But coms already exists, although it wouldnt be perfect at least it would be more under the control of devs. Im sure harrasment could be tracked and players banned. We shouldn't not do something because the a-holes could abuse it, but because the quality gamers with respect and love for this game would use it appropriately.
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"We JuSt WaNt To PlAy WiTh OuR fRiEnDs."
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KYF should get massively updated so these people have no excuse not to play it.
Right now KYF is a barely-functional husk though and desperatley needs to be updated.
Maybe for the PC version you could even get SteamWorkshop support on it to have modded servers.
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Better idea IMO is just add a Quick Match have it be seperate from Ranked. So that way voice chat won't make the game completely unbarrable as killer, but it also would make balancing the game 100% easier as you would just have too balance around ranked mode. It solves both problems.
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no, the real reason there shouldnt be voice comms is because people you dont know/like will tell you what the hell you should do...which is not something you want every single game considering every match is like a pressure cooker.
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Voice Comm advantage is severely overrated.
As many people have pointed out, it's already happening in the game with Discord, but the survival rate is still below 50%, so obviously if anything comms aren't making the game as hard for the killer as most people are making it out to be.
Let me tell you the real truth:
A group of good solo survivors without voice comms will outperform a bad group of SWF using comms.
Can we please stop using comms as the killer go-to boogeyman? The data just doesn't match with the narrative.
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"A group of good solo survivors without voice comms will outperform a bad group of SWF using comms."
That is true, but there is nothing stopping good Survivors from using comms too, so your point is utterly worthless. You may as well have said nothing.
Its like saying "5 Blink Nurse is perfectly fair and balanced because sometimes potatoes who dont know how to blink properly and cannot hit anyone play as Nurse"
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The point is a good SWF group with voice coms will always perform better than 4 solos.
Same with a bad SWF group will perform better than 4 bad solos.
Voice chat is a huge advantage in this game. Playing solo puts you at a disadvantage. Don't deny this.
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I'm actually of the opposite opinion but not for the reason you may be thinking at the moment. Allow me to explain:
If Voice comms were built into the game, every match would basically be SWF but with solo survivors choosing whether or not to talk and coordinate their strategies. With everyone having access to full (4 person) communicative coordination every match, the game becomes insanely challenging for the killer players, which would in turn make choosing to play killer the un-fun option. In that event the devs would have 2 choices, either let the game die (because no one wants to play killer anymore), or Buff the hell out of killers so that they can casually compete against coordinated teams every match.
Many have already pointed out that a 4 man SWF team on comms is basically equivalent to red rank survivors, or purple at minimum, regardless of their actual rank (take Marths experiment where he and his friends did 4 man swf for 100 games without perks or items, and won the majority of them for example). By giving all survivors this ability, All killers will need to be buffed to red rank viability in order to provide an actual challenge, and game mechanics like gen speed as well as objectives will have to have some adjustments made in order to give the Killers (read "power role") any chance to have fun playing.
IMO, that would help the game immensely for anyone who craves a challenge and want to take this game seriously as a competitive MLG like Overwatch, Fortnite or CS:GO. That alone would draw in those kinds of players and make this game much bigger than it is, which would eventually help BHVR grow into a AAA developer. So by all means BHVR, add voice communication in game, buff the killers, and make this game a powerhouse on the competitive gaming scene!
TL;DR: If all players had access to voice comms, killers would need to be buffed in order to provide an adequate challenge to survivors. This is would end up being a GOOD thing for the game, not a bad one. The game itself would become viable for the competitive gaming scene which would attract gamers who thrive on games like Fortnite, CS:GO, Overwatch etc, and the Revenue would help BHVR grow into a more successful business. In other words this one little change would domino upwards to make this game more recognized and played... so why hold back?
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How about adding local voice chat? You know, you can hear another survivor in near proximity from you, let's say, 10-20 m away.
It wouldn't give much of advantage over killer when survivors play as solo and let's be honest, even if they add global voice chat SwF would use Discord etc. anyway…
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Problem is you can't get rid of it, I don't know why people even make posts like this. Swf isn't going anywhere. The only answer is to build it into the game, so that randoms can participate, and balance killers around that new dynamic.
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It's been suggested on the forums lately. I agree with leaving them out of this game. You don't need them. It's supposed to be a scary, thrilling situation where you are desperately trying to escape an unstoppable killer, and silence helps with that.
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The killer is camping me on hook, kindred already covers that.
Idk if the killer is by me, spine chill covers that
Everything you have an issue with a perk handles and just because there's voice chat doesent end perk use
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I disagree. If i don't wanna talk to people i shouldn't be forced to talk with them or face a severe disadvantage. I know if i have this opinion there are plenty others out there who have the same one. This option will kill a bunch of peoples solo experiences and it could also make some forms of ingame harassment possible, not to mention you can do all types of trash talk and verbal abuse to someone for not doing something. The only positive that this change will bring is making the balance changes easier by knowing who to balance it to
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Voice coms would allow randos and solo players to get more coordinated with their team. Voice coms would literally make every game a swf team