Killers moving the same speed backwards as forewards?

This should be changed. How unrealistic can you get? you kidding? Killers walk backwards around corners to avoid red stain of course. The red stain was put there for a reason. Also when trying to use "head on" killers bait it out with 115% backwards move speed. Cant believe ive never seen a topic on this.
Please tell me this is a joke?
For everything holy tell me this is a joke!
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And survivors get a hook on the chest, but after a little rubbing it's all better...
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It has to be like that. Otherwise moonwalk mindgaming wouldn't work that good anymore. It would be a nerf to the only thing an M1 killer can do at loop tiles.
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They are, for gameplay reasons. The same way a survivor is able to look behind them while working on a generator, a killer is able to move backwards. We put gameplay above realism.
For what it's worth, there's an acceleration to movement. They cannot walk towards a locker and immediately go backwards at full speed. It takes a moment for them to slow down and start moving in the other direction.
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Oh god the realism argument again...
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Survivors are able to see around corners without physically looking around it themselves, how unrealistic can you get. I still personally think the Head on radius should be increased, it still doesn't work 100% of the time. Maybe dedicated servers could fix that, I don't know
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Ok fair enough and thanks for the responses. Let me rephrase a bit. I don't mind the red stain mind games around corners. What has bugged me recently is I love head on but it's becoming more useless. Spirit can come right to locker out of phase and open it before you can do anything. And yes killers are now baiting it out with regularity. It's a shame bc I was loving this perk.
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But... that was a thing even before the buff to Head On. You need really good reaction and mind games.
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But realistically survivors shouldnt be able to run around forever, they should get a stamina bar or something, they also should play in first person like the killer, for realism reasons, right?
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Ya ya ya. And healing shouldnt be a thing because im sure it takes more then a med kit and 10 seconds to heal the from a large knife wound, also why only bleed out while dying and not running around injured......
I do actually kinda think this but i get were not playing an escape simulater and certian things are going to have to be accepted.
Not to mention if a killer is running around a corner backwards, then they are coming around blind. Which should be an advantage for a survivor.
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So you want to get rid of one of the mindgame potentials killers have in order to have a chance to down survivors fast enough? That would just nerf all the wrong killers and reduce the skill cap of killers.
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I mean if anything, then the perk needs to be looked at. I think it could need it's activation time to be reduced from 3 seconds to 2.5 or 2 seconds.
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So, this is an account who has "never seen a topic" on this thing before but also only has one post, which is this.
I highly suspect this is probably some troll by someone who is either banned or trying to make one side look silly.
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So walking backwards at full speed is unrealistic but the red stain itself is realistic. 🤔
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Because it shouldn't just be a free stun like...literally all Stuns against Killers? Good Killers usually dont get DSd too. A Stun needs work.
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Yeah sure, first person view for survivor when?
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I suppose in this case survivors should slow down when running in a tight circle as well right?
Have a chance to trip or get caught on something when running directly against a wall or pile of trash?
Or be able to be healed to a healthy state after being stabbed, slashed, or smashed by a supernatural creature.
l o l
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I think of this whenever backwards walking is involved too.