People Who Play Doctor
Is it just me or does it seem like every Doc player camps and/or hard tunnels? I'm not even exaggerating, it feels like every time I play against a Doctor I either die on first hook or I depip because I can't do anything other than run him around. Thoughts?
Your facing bad doctors take it from me
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Oh, I already knew that haha
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Aside from Trapper, Dr is my go to. I often let the unhooked run off if I see them within a few seconds of unhook. I aim for map pressure and lots of hooks. If I see you after getting unhooked, I might down you, but will usually move in unless you have been toxic previously in the match. I don't expect this of other killers though. It is just my way of getting a challenge.
So no, not all camp or tunnel.
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90% of doctors i go against are boosted
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Not like it hurts your chase..sign of a bad doc right there
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How so..? They're massive
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if you ask me the reason that docs always tunnel or camp is because they have a weak power that is only good at the beginning of the game and at pallets that are already unsafe so normally they will run add-ons to make them selfs stronger but some people might not and if they don't they have no power to pressure the survivors so they resort to dirty methods like camping and tunneling to get their kills because his weak power is strong in that aspect
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escpecially since he is the only killer to be able to insta gib a survivor when they do the fake unhooking to try to lure out a hit
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Well if they didnt they'd be 100 percent garunteed pretty much
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Stop crying on the forums and go learn how to play instead!
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pleb city
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Found the salty Doc main. What part of this is crying, bud? I'm asking a simple question. You're probably upset cause this is how you play, huh?
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This does not mean doc is bad!
Doc players are usually good
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You might be facing players who think that Doc is complete garbage and that they need to hard tunnel/camp. I'm a Doc main myself and I rarely play like this. As any Killer, I almost always will go for the unhooker (unless I'm losing badly and getting that one kill could turn the tide in my favor) and I will only camp if the gates have been powered. Camping early or mid-game gets boring quickly, especially when there's other things I could be doing like checking the gens.
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Kinda what his power is. Its his way of stalling the game out. Only thing hes good at after everyone is already mad.
Forcing a survivor to do something other than gens is a huge benefit to killers.
It sucks as Survivor but he's not overpowered in my opinion.
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Does sniper Doc count as long distance camping?
I also use max TR Doc with "The Game" offering so I can stand in the middle of the map and do nothing but passively raise everyone's madness, is this camping?
My god Doc players ARE horrible....I'm so sorry ^.^''
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Unfortunately Doc has some mechanics that help with camping and tunneling, so lazy people who don't bother to learn the other aspects of this killer tend to resort to such tactics.
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Nah, not all Doc players camp. Only bad ones do.
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Doc is not very well designed. He is incredible strong at lower ranks, because you can find people easily and usually low ranks are not that good at looping either at hitting skill checks.
But the higher in rank you get the better the players are and because of his inconsistent anti-loop he can't really be a threat in purple/red ranks.
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Killers that camp (all killers) are insecure.
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Any doc players that camp are either brainless or new to the game, he's probably the best killer in the game for finding survivors.
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Another doc main owo
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yeah.... its just you mate. honestly dont know what your on about
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It's always the doctors with the cheap cosmetics and blue eyes who tunnels and camps and ofc has noed. It's a pattern I noticed and I can't not see it anymore.
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Obviously just going all in on camping and tunneling isn't a good strategy, but what is the right way to play Doc? You track, you try to get to Tier 3 madness, you sometimes try to screw up vaults and pallet drops with shocks, that it?
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Calm spirit is part of my base kit solely because of doctors.
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I love doc.. mostly case his tickles me but also I enjoy his shock ability. Still hes not a strong killer and I do have to play more ruthlessly with em. If the gates are open i might camp to secure a kill depending how bad I have done. Though goes for any killer I play.
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It's not just doc.
Most killers camp and hard tunnel.
Actually if we're talking hard tunnel the worst killer players are Wraith Mains.
I rather fight Wraith than Doc though. Doc is the most annoying killer to face.
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The Doc is fun to play outside of the timing between Treatment/Punishment. He's one of the few you can play without Ruin and not get bullied.
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Uh... no lol. Doc is one of the worst killers right now.
0 - lol. If you don't know how to play him I guess that's true. I can get 2-4K without Ruin consistently.
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You gotta hate when a killer uses the one power he has...
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When I play doc, I don't camp or tunnel. Maybe it's your rank? The unhooked person's probably in madness 3 so there wouldn't be much point in going after them.
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What exactly are they supposed to do, it's kinda the point of their power. He's not a hard killer to survive against, if he shocks you to level 3 that's plenty of time for teammates to get some gens done.