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What killer(s) do you hate playing as?

Member Posts: 831

I personally HATE Leatherface. His power seems boring to me and his walk is so wobbly! (Sorry, LF mains)

What are your killers, that you hate the most?

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  • Member Posts: 2,095

    Nurse, LF and Freddy.
    The 3 most boring killers BY FAR.

    Leatherface taking the first place, followed closely by Nurse, and then Freddy.

    I mostly play the rest of the killers, except eventually for Huntress since the latest patches about pallets and such, that really hindered her and made her rather annoying to play with.

  • Member Posts: 371

    Nurse, Huntress, and Hag.

  • Member Posts: 850

    Leatherface, people automatically assume I'll be a facecamper and preemptively get their BM on.

    Also Freddy, for obvious reasons. RIP Freddy, (26 October 2017- 9 November 2017)

  • Member Posts: 2,095

    @RuneStarr said:
    Leatherface, people automatically assume I'll be a facecamper and preemptively get their BM on.

    Also Freddy, for obvious reasons. RIP Freddy, (26 October 2017- 9 November 2017)

    Wait, there's LF players that do not camp ? Why do you play LF then ?

  • Member Posts: 850

    @Runiver said:

    @RuneStarr said:
    Leatherface, people automatically assume I'll be a facecamper and preemptively get their BM on.

    Also Freddy, for obvious reasons. RIP Freddy, (26 October 2017- 9 November 2017)

    Wait, there's LF players that do not camp ? Why do you play LF then ?

    Why would I want to play LF when I can play the superior chainsaw God Skillbilly.

  • Member Posts: 2,095

    @RuneStarr said:

    @Runiver said:

    @RuneStarr said:
    Leatherface, people automatically assume I'll be a facecamper and preemptively get their BM on.

    Also Freddy, for obvious reasons. RIP Freddy, (26 October 2017- 9 November 2017)

    Wait, there's LF players that do not camp ? Why do you play LF then ?

    Why would I want to play LF when I can play the superior chainsaw God Skillbilly.

    I just delete them now. They're getting replaced automatically since a few patches after a deletion.

  • Member Posts: 13,616

    Trapper & Nurse.
    All that Trapper needs to utterly fail is a greedy Survivor following him and disabling his Bear Traps.
    And Nurse just goes HHHUUUUUUUUUHHH for 60% of the time and watches the ground 70%, annoying.

  • Member Posts: 1,476

    Nurse because she’s way unfun despite her ridiculous potential.

    Leatherface because he’s the most basic Killer in the game next to the Wraith.

    I actually kind of enjoy playing as Freddy tbh. He still is easily the worst Killer known to man.

  • Member Posts: 1,256
    edited July 2018

    Hillbilly -- Ludicrously easy.
    Nurse -- I haven't played her in over a year. Blink hits for daily are easy, but I'm too rusty to 4K, so I just farm now.
    Hag -- No lunge out of teleport is the most miserable thing about her, and then her ridiculous hit box sizing making her take pallet stuns from around corners away from them.

  • Member Posts: 1,911

    I don't want to say LF because when his power shines its amazing striking down multiple survivors however its so god damn short its rare you ll get to use it outside of the basement. I just wish they would add something to his hammer or increase the length of time he spends swinging his chainsaw. Also some of his add ons are completely garbage like reducing the sound of your chainsaw. I get there supposed to be based of hillbilly but at least you can run a quiet billy meme build. Whereas with LF its completely useless. Please behavior rework his ######### add-ons and give him something unique. Like maybe and ultra-rare add on that resets his swing if he knocks down a target. Maybe and add-on to his hammer that aflict blindness for his common add on.

  • Member Posts: 648

    Hillbilly - too easy/boring to use with the unlimited sprint and insta-downing ability. It´s really sad to see when people use also BBQ + Ruin on top of his normal abilities..

    Anyway, Hillbilly for me as stated.


  • Member Posts: 1,080

    Leatherface, everything about him tilts me
    Nurse, too op and doesnt feel like dbd

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  • Member Posts: 19
    I hate playing as huntress, slow speed feelsbad 
  • Member Posts: 24

    LF because his power feels so useless. If it wasn't for the fact it has the potential to instant down or at least scare out an early pallet drop I'd say he'd be below Wraith.

    Nurse because no matter what I can't get the hang of her, and I'm not willing to suffer in the meantime. Only play her at reset to try and practice and maybe grind out her achievements (got the 3 blink grab one finally). She's the only killer I actively refuse to play even if I get a daily for her.

  • Member Posts: 61


  • Member Posts: 1,604

    Nurse is the most boring Killer since you are forced to play her at High Ranked

  • Member Posts: 336

    Huntress, Pig, Trapper (although I love his concept) and Nurse is a kind of because they're powerful but screwing up blinks over and over is infuriating.

  • Member Posts: 1,259

    Lisa Sherwood, A.K.A the Hag
    Seriously, I can't play her to save my life.
    Clown and Wraith are close too, but at least I SOMEWHAT know what I'm doing with them. Nurse is there too, but not as bad as the Hag.

  • Member Posts: 81

    I dislike playing as the Nurse and Freddy. I can't stand how slow the Nurse is and how constantly fatigued you are from her blinks. Freddy should be obvious. I just hate how he suffers from permanent darkness basically because of how Dream World is and looks.

  • Member Posts: 539
    I have to say I don’t really dislike playing as any killers because they all have different play styles but I do think hag is underrated 
  • Member Posts: 184

    Never could get into trapper to be honest. I feel like I would enjoy him more but placing traps feels like it eats so much time.

  • Member Posts: 1,273
    Hag : I just don’t like her play style. Too RNG if they run to an area you’ve trapped, and can still be Looped till the cows come home. If I want to play a teleport Killer, I’ll stick with my main girl Sally. 
  • Member Posts: 369

    Nurse, Hillbilly, Huntress. Braindead powers, but I guess that's why they're so popular.

  • Member Posts: 1,832

    trapper is as dull as dishwater

  • Member Posts: 212
    edited July 2018
    I rlly dnt like playing nurse

    Unfortunate she is so the good
  • Member Posts: 2,919
    Nurse for three I am looking at the ground 70% of the round, two her wheezing is SUPER annoying, and three I’m not skilled with her

    Trapper is hella boring

    Wraith is okay against low rank survivors but in high ranks that is a big no-no

    Everything about Leatherface pisses me off. He is made to be a camper, he walks like he has something up his ass, and his character model isn’t even based off of the FIRST Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Why play Leatherface when Hillbilly is much better?

    I’m not good at long range attacks so Clown and Huntress are off the table. Huntress more-so than Clown since the Clown is a lot faster.
  • Member Posts: 66

    @Boss said:
    Trapper & Nurse.
    All that Trapper needs to utterly fail is a greedy Survivor following him and disabling his Bear Traps.
    And Nurse just goes HHHUUUUUUUUUHHH for 60% of the time and watches the ground 70%, annoying.

    take whispers and you will see when you can safely put traps

  • Member Posts: 127
    I hate playing as Leatherface. I always have a miserable time with him and so I started doing only dailies but then that was miserable. So I stopped playing as him and delete his dailies everytime I see them.

    Only him... Everyone else is fine. 
  • Member Posts: 2,600

    I hate playing as the hag: short and slow is a combo I just can't deal with.

  • Member Posts: 2,919
    WINTERS said:
    I hate playing as Leatherface. I always have a miserable time with him and so I started doing only dailies but then that was miserable. So I stopped playing as him and delete his dailies everytime I see them.

    Only him... Everyone else is fine. 
    That’s sorta how I feel too. I hate playing Leatherface, he is one of the most boring killers and he has little map control. The ONLY thing he has going for him is that he can knock down multiple survivors at once, but unless you’re actively putting survivors in the basement it won’t work most of the time. I delete his daily rituals as well, I’d rather play Freddy and Wraith than Leatherface.
  • Member Posts: 79

    wraith because his power is really boring and don't scare so much as myers or pig.

  • Member Posts: 13,616

    @Spaaaaaace_steam_ said:

    @Boss said:
    Trapper & Nurse.
    All that Trapper needs to utterly fail is a greedy Survivor following him and disabling his Bear Traps.
    And Nurse just goes HHHUUUUUUUUUHHH for 60% of the time and watches the ground 70%, annoying.

    take whispers and you will see when you can safely put traps

    That's overboard.

  • Member Posts: 405

    Billy, Nurse, Huntress

    Billy is too easy. Nurse makes me dizzy. Huntress is too slow.

  • Member Posts: 66

    @Techn0 said:
    Billy, Nurse, Huntress

    Billy is too easy. Nurse makes me dizzy. Huntress is too slow.

    Have you tried Huntresses 1 hit ko axes with +2 axe addon?)))

  • Member Posts: 338

    Nurse and freddy

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    The Nightmare. I love everything about him except how underpowered he is.

  • Member Posts: 107

    So many nurse haters, LOL.

    She's the most fun.

    I hate Freddy & Wraith, weak killers.

  • Member Posts: 3,293

    Trapper - Don't like looking at the ground. I can tolerate it with Hag, but Trapper is on another level.
    Hillbilly - Find him too easy. Whenever I play survivor, every killer picks him. When I play him as killer, I don't feel challenged enough. He's boring for my tastes.

  • Member Posts: 80

    Hillbilly, literally can't stand playing him. the only killer I actually hate/dislike playing, but apart of me still wants to become alright with him before I leave him untouched. I just find the swerve of his chainsaw so frustrating when a survivors right in front of you, then for some reason, you literally just insta turn as you start saw sprint and miss the survivor that was right in front of you. Can literally do at least alright with every other killer at high ranks and have no concerns switching between the other 11, but give me a hillbilly daily and I want to die and just trash it for a new one, aha.

  • Member Posts: 80

    @MegMain98 said:

    Why play Leatherface when Hillbilly is much better?

    When you have survivors make incredibly dumb saves as your approaching the hook to check on it and get a double down, it is super satisfying. Nothing like hearing multiple screams at once that you can't get with any other killer. (and on the rare 1 time occasion, a 3 man down in one saw charge when 2 survivors came to rescue the basement hooked survivor so that they could get them out, and no i wasn't even memeing the insidious LF in this game)

  • Member Posts: 2,919

    @MegMain98 said:

    Why play Leatherface when Hillbilly is much better?

    When you have survivors make incredibly dumb saves as your approaching the hook to check on it and get a double down, it is super satisfying. Nothing like hearing multiple screams at once that you can't get with any other killer. (and on the rare 1 time occasion, a 3 man down in one saw charge when 2 survivors came to rescue the basement hooked survivor so that they could get them out, and no i wasn't even memeing the insidious LF in this game)

    This is the ONLY good thing about Leatherface. He has terrible map pressure and honestly it’s the way he walks that annoys me. Why does he waddle like a duck? Or that he is constipated? I don’t like Hillbilly either and the chainsaw swerve is annoying but he has much better map pressure than Leatherface. The chainsaw killers are not my thing but I still prefer Hillbilly
  • Member Posts: 1,784

    The Hag, by a long shot.

    Just the absolute most unappealing playstyle to me, especially when combined with her slow speed.

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