I need help can we PLEASE'S do something about disconnection's.

Can we get something more drastic done about theses disconnection of player's.

IT makes me mad when these's disconnecting player's get a slap on the wrist by getting his or her rank down but can we have it were they cant play the game for a certain amount of time it would be kinda like a gamer probation as you will.

I think it would make player's think before disconnecting when they get frustrated or mad in a game to make them leave basically first time's a warning then second time in that same week/month they would get a one or two hour band from the game.

I think it will make it were rarely anyone will disconnect i think it will lower the chances of player's disconnecting don't get me wrong there some matches were i get mad as well but i have never disconnected because i know that the hit box's are bad and sometime's you'll get a laggy match.

I just think it is messed up were player's will disconnect because they hate that killer or they made a bad decision or wrong move in the game so they leave the game out of frustration and blame it on the killer and now you and the remaining player's have to work your ass off at doing generator's.

Don't get me wrong you might be able to do it with out those's player's but sometime's you cant so im asking you guy's and girl's can we get a type of probation as a new rule for these's disconnecting player's please's it will mean a lot if we can all do something about this Thank's for your time of reading and hearing me out.


  • joker7997
    joker7997 Member Posts: 899

    Yeah just wait a couple weeks and problem will be solved

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    Fun fact: disconnecting is already a bannable offence. The threshold is just a lot higher than what you're suggesting because the devs like to allow for the fact that some people just have ######### internet. I probably DC just due to net problems about once every session or two. If they enforced it too heavily they wouldn't have any players left.

    Having said that, I do agree that there should be more of a punishment for dc'ing and lobby dodging (obviously not until ping stops being an issue, though). Not a ban from the game, but perhaps just not being able to queue for lobbies for a few minutes (maybe starting at 5-10).

  • LazyGhost25
    LazyGhost25 Member Posts: 49

    @Fibijean @joker7997 yeah but i think they need to go more drastic to make the players not want to disconnect because of the consequences.

  • Madjura
    Madjura Member Posts: 2,446

    Exactly this

    Right now disconnecting has only positive effects. Lower rank means less waiting to get into a game. High rank does nothing. There is no reason to rank up ever. If rank rewards existed there would be an incentive not to disconnect

    Then again it's unreasonable to expect such a basic feature after only three years since release

  • LazyGhost25
    LazyGhost25 Member Posts: 49

    @Madjura Yeah i just think they need to do something about it you know and about the ranking yea they need something drastic to stop players from trying to rank them self's down to get easier survivor's or killer's because that person cant handle the difficult survivor's or killer's.