We deployed a fix to solve an issue preventing players from unhooking, healing or picking up Survivors. Players will need to reboot to see the change reflected in-game. Thank you for your patience!

Survivor mains and Killer mains

I've seen this a lot, where both killer mains and survivor mains say one of the following.

Killer Main: All these survivors complain about tunneling and camping but the killers objective is to kill.

Survivor Main: All these killers complain about genrush yet it's the survivors job to escape.

Just be nice to each other and follow the rules, we don't need to hate each other we just need to understand.

#NotallKillers #NotallSurvivors


  • Kagrenac
    Kagrenac Member Posts: 773

    Camping, Tunneling, Gen-rushing

    It's all stupid and needs to be removed or punished.

  • OGOzSnowChimp
    OGOzSnowChimp Member Posts: 247

    Whatever works.

    I play as a killer and have no issues with gen rushing or a survivors choice of perks etc...

  • Cain
    Cain Member Posts: 6

    Because gen rushing is even something that exist? As a killer main, I've not really experienced this. When suriviors do gens quickly, its because im playing bad, or not really trying. Lets be honest, I'm on one in the first 10 seconds of every game, and I get to many BS hits I cant keep count of them. I think they should probably stop nerfing the other side, and let the game become balanced again. I remember when getting to rank 1 killer ment anything at all. Now I can almost AFK it.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    You can't tell me that you play at rank 1 and don't have some matches where the gens just fly by.

  • RoKrueger
    RoKrueger Member Posts: 1,371

    I don't complain about gen rushing. Do it, that's what NOED and Blood Warden are for (such sweet perks!).

    If you can escape despite all that, I will wish you a sincerely "GG WP"

  • Steve0333
    Steve0333 Member Posts: 529
    edited August 2019

    Genrushing: killer focuses on one survivor while the rest do gens.

    Genrushing isn't the problem. The problem, if we are to say what is broken with survivor, is there are too many easy loops in most maps that allow survivors to keep a killer in a chase too long. Well, most killers anyway.

    Now the killer can just leave the chase and look for other survivors. The only problem is that if you are playing with a bunch of red rank survivors that are good at looping you'll just be forced into the same thing again. There really is no counter to it if you are playing a killer that can't successfully ends loops quickly and move to gens fast. This is why Spirit is so good and most other killers are a nightmare to play.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,013

    While I tend to agree, I have to disagree.

    Killers Objective: Kill all Survivors

    Survivors Objective: Repair Gens and Open Gates

    Tunneling and Camping is NOT the Killers Objective, while Gens are the only Objective for Survivors, until all Gens are done, then Opening Gates is the only Objective.

    It is 100% the Killers decision if he wants to camp or tunnel, but the Survivor cannot decide if he wants to do Gens or not. I mean, sure they can just do nothing, but you will not win by doing nothing.

    I mean, I played vs a German Twitch Streamer lately. He is a Fog Whisperer and a prime example for how low the Standards for Fog Whisperes are tbh. I think he is only in Red Ranks because he knows how to play Nurse (with OP Add-Ons, but still). He was playing Myers in this game with Unlimited Evil. I unhooked someone (he usually does not leave the Hooks), and instead of running behind me, he tunneled and complained about DS afterwards. Why should he tunnel in this situation? Both survivors need 1 Hit to go down. And then you dont have to complain about losing time because of a DS (the Girl he was chasing did a long chase before already, so it would be smarter to go for the Potato-Nea who unhooked her).

    Now Genrushing: Few days ago a Hag I vsed complained about getting genrushed. She chased me for 3 Gens on Haddonfield and ignored people on Gens we passed. Two of those people were dead, I was not hooked at this point (she got a Mori, so getting one of those two would be better for her). But instead she chased with Hag (a slow af Killer) and also broke every Pallet, even the most unsafe Pallets.

    So what is expected? That a Perk is introduced? "When one Survivor is being chased, all Generators are blocked by the Entity"?

    Killers can decide if they want to get "genrushed" or not, it is all about Pressure. If you dont apply Pressure at all because you dont want to abandon a chase to stop people from Gens, it is the Killers fault.

    Tunneling is partly the Survivors Fault as well. If I get unhooked two seconds after I got hooked, I cannot complain about tunneling, because I am injured and the other Survivor healthy, he needs two Hits, I need one Hit, so it is logical to go for me. But tunneling is more like abandoning a Chase to get another Person who just got unhooked.

    And well, camping... I dont care about Killers camping. Sucks for the person on the Hook, but the Killer will lose the game and eventually learn that this is not the best strategy.

  • Khaletsky
    Khaletsky Member Posts: 32

    Genrush shouldn't be a problem if you put pressure on many survivors, not on 1-2 same survivors for whole game, but some spawns are just so bad for some sides. Sometimes there is a map full of connected windows and pallets and gens are spawned perfectly close so you can finish 4 of them in no time while someone wastes killer time. On the other hand killers can have a great spawns too, sometimes map spawns like only one part of the map have like 4-6 pallets and there are none on the other side or maybe 1-2, also gens are very close to hooks which allows killer to patrol both objectives at the same time. Damn some games I had as killer when map was so perfect, gates close to each other, gens close to each other, map is swarmed by hooks and trees, without that many pallets. There isn't much even super coordinated survivor team can do.

  • 8obot1c
    8obot1c Member Posts: 1,129

    The only time tunneling might be okay is if the killer has dying light, but t just ruins the experience for survivors and camping is just the same way. Gen rushing can be dealt with and you can still get kills.

  • Crazewtboy
    Crazewtboy Member Posts: 1,259

    This. People tend to complain about NOED, but that is the price you pay when you are too stubborn to get totems.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,233

    Only spirit can afk and it still be considered a "mindgame"

  • CoffengMin
    CoffengMin Member Posts: 862

    you know clown can easily end loops whenever but hes bottom tier rn (or the worst killer) so its not about ending loops, i think its about more map pressure, all top tier killers have that in common with some extras like billys oneshot,nurses phasing and spirits arguable mindgames, id add freddy now with the extra of fake pallets or snares but imo hes not top tier

  • FriendlyGuy
    FriendlyGuy Member Posts: 2,768

    Hey guys i smell something...



    It's a 'SURVIVOR_MAIN'!

    I'm obviously joking, but if you experience this, you probably never played Wraith against a red rank swf with meta perks.

  • prayer_survivor
    prayer_survivor Member Posts: 626

    Whe this game appear it seems an horror game and I'm sure this was what devs tryed.

    But survs were OP, so devs began to improve killers and their perks. So, as surv you couldn't hide from a killer anymore. He could find you when you do gens, when running, when cleansing totems, when you exit a closet or even when you are near crows or doing nothing. And also they could hear us.

    But survs had loops yet. So devs did perks and improved killers and maps, so you knew you couldn't escape from them. At the end they will find you and hit you.

    But survs could heal!. So devs nerfed healing. And what have survs now? They only can do gens. This isn't not a game with 4 survs and a killer, it's a game against time. And time equals genrush. You know the killer will find you and kill you. Ever a 20rank killer against a lvl1 surv with infinite time probably will kill him at the end.

    And what killers want know? More time. And devs will give it to them. And don't know what we will do next. Perhaps play using diversion, and see which one can throw the pebble longer.

    Sorry for my english

  • KillermainBTWm8
    KillermainBTWm8 Member Posts: 4,212

    Never, there shall always be war.

  • FriendlyGuy
    FriendlyGuy Member Posts: 2,768

    You are kinda right. Some changes to survivors could be reverted, IF a seconday objective gets introduced. Because just longer the time holding M1 for healing/repair is not the right way.

  • immortalls96
    immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652

    The only issue I have is when the game is in a position where making a viable play is impossible (God windows, super safe loops , general bad maps, lack of tools ..speed boosts due to perks..but those wouldnt be so bad without the first three )

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    When they do I typically messed up somewhere down the line.

  • IMhereRUN
    IMhereRUN Member Posts: 606

    Gen rushing will always exist. You can’t honestly expect survivors to just stand around doing nothing, that’s completely absurd.

    I play both sides like most, but killer gets the majority of my time as wait times for PS4 while playing survivor at the time I’m available is just not worthwhile, so I play killer. Rarely do I have a match lasting 12 minutes or less.

    Any semi-decent killer can get their first hook before the first gen is popped, this is a MUST. You have to assume 2 different gens are being repaired simultaneously at all times. Don’t spend too much time chasing 1 person, don’t spend too much time looking for a stealthy survivor (even if you know they’re there). Keep 1 on the hook, another in a chase as long as possible. This reduces the game to a 1v1, because the hooked isn’t doing nothing, the chased is being chased, and a 3rd has to unhook. By the time they get the unhook, you need to have downed your next survivor and get them hooked. Rinse and repeat, I know “gen rushing” is a thing, but it’s never threatened myself much.

    Adjust your playstyle accordingly, if you know what to expect (gen rush for example), counter it!