I mean....people will complain about everything that they dislike about the game and every bit of feedback is worth listening too and considering to appeal to both sides of this asymmetrical horror game.
As long as your civil and make reasonable points that take both sides into consideration then say whatever you want to. The devs are already in a tricky situation - the Que times are long af for killer and a simple fix to that would be to make survivor more fun by buffing or adding something. But make it too strong and survivor que times get ridiculous and the cycle continues.
If I were to divide up the side priority I'd do it a 55% killer and 45% survivor split, killers is the more stressful role to play , even if your playing N.S.B. however pour too much attention into the "POWER" role and you have a problem with unhappy survivors.
Side note - people complaining about gen Times , while it is valid and an issue would this idea sound good?
How about rewarding survivors for co-op actions with a bon- nope that's a perk name. A "link" system where the More you perform co-op actions with a certain survivor you both gain bonus speed when healing eachother and/or get aura reading when the "linked" survivor is in chase?
Idk what that side not has to do with gen Times. I kinda went off on a tangent sorry
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"Just apply pressure."
"Ok." *Plays a killer that can apply pressure*
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Lol right?
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Saying Spirit and Nurse don’t have much counter play but that is ok is complaining? Also imo neither role is stressful.
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Uhuh .
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Just because you find a role stressful doesn’t mean everyone will.
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Well I'll tell you man..survivor I feel like I can pull punches..killer i cant..survivor I'm not on a time limit , killer i am..
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I kinda don’t really worry too much about it, I’ll try to win but I tend to not focus on feeling like I’m timed.
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okay but can we talk about why you chose to put "urse", "pirit", and "illy" in parenthesis though? XD
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I’ve only played 2 Billies in my last 25 games at R1.
Most used Killers so far are Spirit, Nurse, Freddy and Legion.
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People mostly complain about these killers due a feeling of a lack of counterplay, expecially nurse. And whilst nurse may need some addon changes and spirit/billy some rarity changes, their all in a fantastic spot rn. If anything all players need to just learn the counters and how to vs/high level "mindgame" a good killer. People say spirit is unmindgameable in a chase yet honestly they seem to forget walking is a thing (or running iron will) or any other kind of looping. You don't want to stand at a pallet vs a spirit but you can usually tell when she's phasing same against nurse in that you can usually dodge her blinks as long as you break line of sight minus some very strong addons. Billy is in the most balanced spot within dbd, having great map pressure, a strong insta down and chase pressure, whilst also maintaining a high skill cap that requires precision and know how in order to get the most out of him, only thing with him is that most people use insta saw as a crutch rather then as the buff to his base kit that it's meant to be, relying on it to compensate for a lack of ability. Doom engravings - carberator/ carberator moonshine is infinitely more scary to me tbh, as it's likely the billy is more confident in their abilities (oh and silent saw can just be scary)
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Most used killers in red ranks on PS4 are Spirit, Legion (why? I don’t know), Billy, and Ghostface. I rarely see Nurse but the three times I saw her it was a slugging Nurse with Infectious Fright, A three blink ebony mori Nurse who DC’ed, and an OmegaBlink, that’s how it normally goes.
I don’t really complain about any killer. Just that Spirit has little to no actual counterplay. Nurse is fine how she is (except add-ons) and Billy is balanced. I don’t like going against him and I think he is boring but my opinion on Billy has softened.
There is a reason Spirit is complained about. She doesn’t need a nerf, she needs actual counterplay outside of only perks.
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Please, playing killer is far easier thanks to many factors. And if it's too hard for you, you can invest in learning an s tier and 4k nearly every game. I mained spirit and she was very easy to win with. Like, 99 percent of the time. That's without excessive camping and ruin and noed like the vast majority of spirits play. I started to feel bad bc it was so stupidly broken playing spirit. Started playing hag and what a blast she is. I dont 4k every game but I'm still learning and grinding her. Just felt like playing another killer to see how "bad" she really was. Surprise, surprise, not as hard of a life as killer mains make it out to be.
Keep playing the easy killers and wondering why survs are annoyed at being forced to play your boosted gameplay. I can either play surv and swf which always gets fun moris and pink add ons or play solo and deal with broken matchmaking that always allows at least 2 noobs into a match, dcing, selfish players and a killer face camping bc hes mad hes still bad at the game and thinks it's a swf lol. I wish I had an s tier surv I could win with every game.
I prefer playing survivor but let's be real, if I wanna win, 4k effortlessly every game and make far more points, I can just play spirit.
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Definitely the optimal way to play this game. Plus not stressing yourself out might even make you play better, since stress definitely won't improve your gameplay.
I sometimes still do that, but it's something I really need to stop doing. It's just a game anyways, if you lose it's not the end of the world.
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I mean Nurse is getting adjustments, so it wasn't for nothing. If the majority of the community agrees that a killer might be a bit to strong, then it's probably a good idea for the devs to at least look into it. That is the point of fourms in the end.
Freddy and Billy are probably the best represantation of a balanced killer, in my opinion.
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I've come to notice that no matter what you do or how you play, crybaby survivor's will complain about you camping or tunneling even if they destroy you and happen to be the only one to die..... and I usually play survivor but only stick around to talk crap if it's from terrible lag or being face camped from the start for no reason. I honestly feel like there is a lot of people who aren't old enough to play this on SWF teams that can't stand losing even if the team as a whole wins. I don't pay attention to it anymore...
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Feedback is good and there are a lot of valid points on both sides. I think the forum for the most part is fine but what drags it down the most are die hard mains.
Spirit I would say prayer beads is the only issue I can agree with and Nurse omega and extra blinks as I don't think she needs them. A lot of her other add-ons need reworked to actually do something with less downsides.
The complaints from some do come accross more like demands. The game itself is in a good place imo and I feel a lot of the problems with those complaints are from players that don't like losing and feel they should have more of a chance to get what they consider a win but forget that there will always be better players in any PvP game. This one doesn't seperate players so it seems more unbalanced to some than others.
Post edited by twistedmonkey on0 -
To be fair killers run perks hold gens because at base they cant keep a gen down because regression sucks..and it's not like her counters only work on her..they are all fantastic strong perks vs every killer in game
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I gotta agree, I can't stand these 2 killers. There's a difference between something being strong and something feeling cheap. If I'm playing against someone, I want to feel like my actions actually matter, no matter how difficult to master the character THEYRE playing as is. I typically stick to the mid or low tier killers, with Freddy and Huntress being as high tier as I'll go. Even watching streamers or YouTubers play Spirit or Nurse feels...boring.
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I kinda like facing them, Spirit gameplay is fun to watch imo, I don’t really feel like my actions are completely meaningless against them though.
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There's a handful of things with Spirit that I think if you implimented similar things to other characters, it would be obviously broken. Spirit having no vaulting animation is just dumb . Imagine if other killers were just MISSING animations. Myers can break a pallet without you knowing, and you have to just guess when you should run from a pallet loop. Is he breaking it now, or waiting to follow me?
Spirit not having any animation when using her power is...dumb. Once again, imagine if Huntress could charge a hatchet and throw it, and the only thing you'd see or hear is a hatchet just erupting out of her character model going Mach 15. "Should I be trying to dodge something, or is she just walking toward me to M1?
While I believe having high skill cap killers is good, hense I enjoy Huntress... The opponites having the oppropriate information to counter it is important. A Huntress hitting a shot isn't JUST dependant on her aim, but also on the 2 players reading each other. "Does this survivor dodge left, or run straight?"
Anyways...that's afew of my thoughts on the subject.
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Idk if this is a bug or not but Spirit is actually glittering while vaulting rn.
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Iron Will is good against any killer. Spine Chill? Meh. For stealth killers sure but you can run other perks that are way better.
There are two perks to “counter” Spirit. All she has to do is run Stridor to counter your counter and you’re dead no matter what. It’s not like it is impossible to track with Iron Will either. Scratch marks and footsteps are still visibly heard.
I like Spirit but I just feels as though your action don’t matter against her. It’s all up to how good she is and not you as a survivor. Feels a little cheap.
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@LordGlint I don’t see why vaulting animations matter. Why are you by the window when she is standing still in the first place? She’s a ghostly figure. Her not having a vaulting animation isn’t game breaking and it fits her lore. I don’t see an issue with it.
I just want more counterplay to her. Going down to her feels cheap, really cheap. Like your actions don’t matter. You’re at the mercy of how good she is, not yourself.
What animation would she even have to her power though? Her hair sticks straight up when starting her power and usually the player flinches a little and moves into direction of where they started the phase walk. You have signs to tell when she is phase walking.
Directional phasing was terrible on her PTB. Whooshing while in the terror radius would make her terrible. She’s very touchy on what would gut her entirely.
Of course I don’t want her to be visible while phasing, but survivors need some kinda clue to know where she is during phasing. All they have are faint footsteps while Spirit has all she needs to track you. Survivors have nothing.
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I think alot of the problem is that ppl understand she takes practice, but think the character was weak on the PTB after using her for less than a week. Nurse's stats showed that she was the WORST killer when she was first shown, but here we are...
As far as your question about "whats the problem with not seeing the window animation", being completely blind to your opponites actions make it impossible to appropriately REACT. Thats one reason killers often have audible sounds and visual queues showing when their power is being used. You HEAR a Huntress start to charge a hatchet, as well as SEE her arm go up with said hatchet. This lets you know "its time to dodge". This is important information to have. Spirit gives none of that. Heck, even Nurse has queues showing that shes using her power.
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Nurse and spirit depend on how good they are. a perfect playing spirit orr nurse will destroy everyone without much counter play. billy is alright and there is no reason to complain about him in my opinion
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Its a parody of S(urvivors) W(hith) F(riends)
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I see
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Of your walking she cant hear your footsteps , qaq also messes up her tracking as does dance with me..its quite a powerful combo vs anyone
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Because they arnt..unless you camp pallets vs them lol
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Because if spirit gave cues shed have nothing vs an iron roll player..the ptb proved that
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It's coz of the low framerates. U just can't play nurse anymore :(
(former nurse main on ps4)
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You can still play her
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Really hard tho
I just wanna have fun so I play Billy now
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Every killer should be overwhelming, and should always require a team of at least 3 survivors for them to stand a chance. BUT every killer needs some kind of counter play, without that it just becomes unfair and unfun for both sides