Is this a "fair" play?

So, just had a game as Freddy. I managed to down someone near basement, so hooked em up in a prime spot. I then went ahead and placed a snare at the top of the stairs and started another chase. Halfway through the chase, a scream notified me that someone tripped my basement snare. Went ahead and teleported to a gen near the basement to catch some survivors trying to run out, and managed to down both of them due to the unhooker already being injured and the freshly hooked guy apparently not receiving BT. 3 ppl DCed after that with the 4th jumping in hatch.
Endgame chat consisted of being called a camper, tunneler, ect.
As a survivor main, I can assure you there was nothing scummy about that on your end, just unlucky for them. However, in fairness to the survivors, from their perspective, they didn't know that you teleported to a gen, all they knew was that they got out and there you were. So from their perspective, it probably seemed like you were camping. Not saying that justifies the namecalling, but it's easy to jump to conclusions when you're upset and you feel like something was unfair.
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A lot of people just can't handle being out played...
I had a game as the Trapper this morning where the last remaining Survivor complained at me afterwards, claiming that he out smarted and out played me even though through my cunning deployment of traps he was unable to leave the map and had to die.
At least he had the decency to stay in the game even if he refused to admit he was outplayed by a noob.
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They were a SWF on coms. The guy I WAS chasing was plenty wittness to me not camping. I told them that If they had been awake, they wouldnt have triggered the trap and I wouldnt know the unhook was happening. They ALSO couldve done it while HEALTHY, and body blocked.
I dont like eating DSes, so I typically avoid tunneling ppl. I dont mind proccing someones BT though while at the same time putting them to sleep. They gotta mend now, theyre asleep, and I get a STBFL win win. If someone DOESNT have BT, I'll happily leave em on the ground and chase the unhooker, always assuming EVERYONE has DS. These guys
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You played well and they played bad. If an injured survivor runs down the basement to unhook another player without BT and DS, then you can't just expect this to go well.
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I didnt check if they actually HAD DS. was kinda just stunned at the stupidity for a sec, then 3 DCes. I didnt get to pick either of them up.
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If they ragequitted before you had a chance to pick them up, they probably didn't have DS.
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That question is wrong.
Fist of all: Congratulations on your masterful use of Snares. You make us all killers proud, Freddy Mains especially.
You don't have to care if anything you do as a killer is "fairy" play, that's survivor's propaganda in your head!
You do what you want to ensure that no pitiful survivor escapes the trial. Make sure to have fun doing it.
Just don't use hacks or cheats.
At the end, at the chat, rejoice with their lamentations and laugh at their demands of "furry" play.
Close the match and repeat untill satisfied ;-)
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Meh, I prefer to steamroll a team WITHOUT being an ass. Unfortunately, I also fully expect ppl to make smart decisions against me.
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I WOULD post the video, because this was a twitch streamer's SWF group, so...that stuff gets saved, but... I dont wanna be witchhunting ppl and my GF actually knows this group. I called her into the room when I saw who I was facing, so she was actually stream sniping against me and telling them my position on twitch chat, lol.
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Wish I could show ya this play without it turning into a witchhunt. Theres a twitch video of their end with communication.
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No, don't tell us who it was. You are correct, we don't want witchhunts or naming & shaming here. It's enough if you tell us the story without mentioning any names. :)
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Yeah, agreed. They didn't play very well. I wasn't really defending them, just explaining for the sake of empathy where their reaction might have been coming from.
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"WITHOUT being an ass". That sounds theoretically comendable. Until you start to wander.... What is an "ass"? Whose definition of "ass" are you going for?
You will always be an "ass" on the enemy's eyes anyway.
Your options then become:
1- Not caring
2- Follow the guidelines written on this book
Whatever makes you happier
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It just sucks seeing how salty they got. My GF has been trying to help this particular streamer lately, between setting up a merch store and regularly logging on the stream for afew minutes so this streamer gets the view count. 1 bad play on their end...results in me getting some serious flaming.
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I swear, I could have a limited edition copy of the survivor rulebook, and ppl will still get pissy, lol.
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Survivors just do stupid things sometimes, yesterday I was playing legion, I was using mad grit(because I had nothing better unlocked) and I downed another person half the time I was carrying another, because they always bodyblocked.
And I almost never left the basement because they were always around saving each other way too fast.
They eventually stoped but... that was a weird first half of a match. I wish ps4 had chat...I wanted to ask them what they were thinking
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I actually DID chat with these guys for awhile. Between the map being The Game, and Freddys lullaby not giving you ANY clue on distance... The only one who knew that I went from halfway across the map to teleporting nearby was the one I was midchase with. I looked up the dimensions of that map. about 64 by 64, meaning my 32 meter Lullaby will be playing across aton of it.
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Yup, some people just can't accept that they lost because they played bad. They have to tell themselves (and others): "I only lost because the killer camped/tunneled/had a mori/used NOED/used Ruin/slugged/Mars icecream sold out/whatever."
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The game is indeed a tiny map. Which is why doctors usually love it.
Get distressing and monitor and everyone is inside the terror radius almost at all times
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"Proxy camping" or whatever you want to call it, on killers like Hag, Nurse, Billy and now Freddy isn't always fun to play against, but it's fair. So is hard camping, tunneling, etc. Everything that's not an exploit is fair game.
As far as being worried about being an ass, I think it's more about your intentions. If you are doing things specifically to upset other players, then you're being an ass. But if you're doing what you think is the most efficient way to win then I wouldn't worry about it. Of course some people are going to get upset but that's really not your problem.
I once got angry messages for running No Mither and leading the killer on a multi-gen chase and eventually escaping despite him hard camping me. He said, "You're not good just because you run No Mither." 🤷
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Also I know you weren't proxy camping in that situation since you were chasing another survivor and then decided to teleport back, but that might have been what they meant when they accused you of camping.
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I watched the streamers video. They acnologed there was no way into the basement without going through snares, but instead of healing up, which wouldve let them body block a hit that was BOUND to come if you scream, or wake you dont scream...
My thing is, sure...I placed traps, but there was an answer they couldve used to counter it. I had fully expected them to counter it. I expected them to expend time doing at least ONE of those things, but instead they WILLING let out a scream while injured.
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Yeah that's just an all around bad play on their part. It's easier to be mad at you for "camping" than it is to acknowledge that it's their own fault.
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I always assume the worst so to speak. I assume everyone fresh off a hook has BT and an active DS, and I play around that thought. This is turn makes me quite effective at applying pressure, while at the same time avoiding DSes (and coming across as a fair killer). So this...just irks me.
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Well, its fair. Fair in a sense that you are not doing anything illegal. It is their fault if they want to do a Basement Rescue injured. If they would be full health they would be able to manage to do it (at least it is more likely to get at least one person out).
And well, depending on the situation, it is the correct or "wrong" way. Correct when it is a close game, you will create a lot of pressure with this. "Wrong" when you basically already won (like when multiple people are on Death Hook already and many Gens need to be done), you can also let them get away to get more Hooks and more Chases to get more points for yourself.
But yeah, their fault, never go for Basement Safes injured. And if it is really difficult to get a Basement Safe and not worth it, maybe think about not doing it at all. Personally, I am at the point where I will not get people out of the Basement vs Hag, it is their fault to go down vs Hag near the Basement, and it can be gg if this happens and the other Survivors are feeding the Killer.
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They should've been running calm spirit, it is so good these days!
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At least with Freddy, the freshly unhooked guy cant trigger traps. If the unhooker had been awake too, they wouldve gotten the unhook and been gone before I could teleport there... and Id have just continued my chase rather than TRY to teleport.
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I never like the idea of a perk being REQUIRED. Hindsight is 20 20, and while it may be good in SOME cases, you cant expect them to bring a different loadout to counter every killer's strengths.
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I have the same mentality. I assume the killer has NOED, Blood Warden, BBQ, Nurse's, etc and I assume the survivors have Adrenaline, DS, BT, Dead Hard, etc.
And I ALWAYS assume if I'm going into the basement for a rescue that the killer will be right behind me in seconds. So I don't go in injured unless I have BT. There's nothing worse than multiple survivors hooked in the basement at the same time (or nothing greater if you're the killer).
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Even more of a point which I missed.
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Not really required... but its a great counter against the 2 best killers in the game, nurse and spirit. And also works great against doctor and freddy.
Not required but, its really good.
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hows it counter nurse and spirit?
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Well, hopefully now your Ghost Face knows not to assist them.
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That game was a mess... Found out after the ranks were all over, from 14 to 2. Im about to hit 1 after this next game.
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Look Surviviors have their own share of things that don't feel fair. It's just that killer propaganda makes it seem like Survivors aren't allowed to have powerful pieces of gameplay.
You did fine. You didn't camp, you didn't tunnel. To them you were doing that bc you were in a certain place at a certain time. It's fine.
Also good on you for respecting decisive strike. Other killers could learn from you.
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I mean to be honest if you have a guy in your clutches and you go back to the unhooked guy mid chase just to down him, that is Tunnelling.
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That's the fun of Agitation + Iron Grasp + Mad Grit, though. Bad save? Get meme'd.
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I was chasing someone, but I went back to the hook to hit the sleeping rescuer who wouldve had to walk past me. I wasnt interested in the guy who was unhooked. The way I see it, if I kept chasing the one I was chasing, wouldve giving the others time to not only unhook, but also to heal up and everything. Even if I dont immediately down one of them, but interupting a heal...Thats pressure.
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Am I confusing calm spirit with iron will? I think I might be
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Calm spirit makes survivors not scream, which is useful against Clown, Freddy and Doc, as well as a handful of perks like infectous fright. It also makes crows not get startled by you.
Iron will suppresses grunts of pain, so you wont make abunch of noise when your injured.
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Yeah...I was mixing them together in my head...
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Im really tired of these 1 IQ nonskilled killer mains, one nonskilled huntress camped me when i was in the base hook and after when i reached the 2nd phase (struggle) a survivor tried to unhook me. Then what? We both got downed at the basement and i left the trial. That 1 IQ killer said you ruined other survivors' game. Lmao. That moron camped me all the game and the fault was mine? Not waiting for 3 seconds to die? Till Behaviour understand camping is not a strategy, is just a bullshit that ruins one or other survivors game, this game is done for me.
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It just sounds like a tunnel situation as you were already in a chase but with Freddy he can long distance camp much like the Hag can with the basement or hooks by using the power to instantly go back. Many players do this and there is nothing wrong with it.
Players need to accept the basement is a dangerous place and if you see someone being unhooked why not go back is the question. Saving should always be risky you are the killers and people being taking out turns the game into your favour.
All is fair and love and war and as long as you are playing within the rules of the game ignore it. People like to complain about many things in this game and expect others to play how they wish them too.
The dcing and abuse at the end wasn't warranted as they should have used the knowledge you would go back and played smarter. Swf for one can adapt. They could have allowed another to be downed quicker and then save when you were carrying them to a hook.
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Sorry about your huntress problems?
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I feel hatch is stupid