Are Ghostface and Leatherface worth the money?

Or are they just low tier garbage?
I have fun with all the killers, even low tier ones. Its actualy the high tier ones that I have no real interest in playing, lol. When you get a 4k in red ranks as a nurse, its kinda expected. When you do it as a Bubba... Besides that, BBQ is always nice if you didnt get it from the shrine already.
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Ghostface in my opinion is a good killer to play because hes actually really fun for many reasons, leatherface isn't much fun to play cuz he is basically an m1 killer most of the time and tends to get bullied
If you're just going for the perks I would recommend getting leatherface since he has BBQ and is more beneficial than Thrilling Tremmors
But overall they add a more variety of killer in which you can play
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Playing as low tier killers will increase your skill level. When you can find yourself 4K (or 3 with an early hatchout) in red ranks with Bubba or Wraith, you can do anything.
So to answer your question, it depends on how much you wish to challenge yourself.
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Ghostface is a really good killer, but he takes a lot of skill. If you wanna invest time in a killer wich looks bad but hes actually strong, GF is your pick. Also, has some good perks. I mean, furtive chase is bullshit, but the other 2 are good.
Bubba is really bad, but theres a rework comming in some months, and all his perks are really good.
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I only bought leatherface for BBQ & Chilli. I don’t like playing him because he is really weak. Ghostface is pretty hard but fun to play.
If you don’t have the perk “BBQ and Chilli” yet, I would recommend to get leatherface first.
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Cannibal is just a really bad Billy, while Ghost Face is the more buggy version of Myers. None of them is amazing, but at least they have good perks ( Barbecue and Chilli from Cannibal and Thrilling Tremors from Ghost Face ).
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I think Ghostface is worth it. He's mid-tier and can be fun to play as.
Leatherface has always been a miserable, frustrating experience for me. Not worth buying unless you are desperate for BBQ.
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Leatherface is a mediocre killer with good perks.
Loser Face™ is a walking joke with laughable perks.
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Honestly ghostface depends entirely on the skill level of the person using him. He can be high tier or garbage tier. He can still be bullied mind you, but when played perfectly you can have a hell of a lot of fun. Leatherface is incredibly fun to play, incredibly low skill and sadly low tier due to his low ability to pressure. Ghostface simply due to his activatable zero terror radius can gain incredibly pressure and scares.
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I honestly don't see LF as being mediocre considering his power can only be used against people who can't loop at all.
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Ghostface is a much better killer than everyone thinks, if you can cheese his reveal mechanic. Also not having a terror radius and red stain in night shroud can really mess up survivors.
bubba though? He can be fun, but its mostly frustrating to play him from how weak he is, at least to me. Though if you dont have BBQ i would get him.
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Ghostface isn't low tier, he's a mid-tier killer. His only problem is bad map designs & his stalking ability is so-so but if you can get the expose off, he's pretty threatening, especially if he has spirit fury and enduring.
He's basically a better Pig with Myers ability to expose.
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Two of the worst killers in the game. Only buy LF for bbq and chili. Ghosty's perks are crap.
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They’re both decent imo, LF is honestly the most underrated killer in this game.
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Leatherface is arguably the most underrated and most inefficiently played killer in the game. He is a legit m2 instadown killer and ANYONE can get downed by the chainsaw at pretty much ANY mindgameable loop.
However most people are pretty bad at the game (but wouldn't admit it obviously) and thus turn him into a m1 killer at all times thinking there's no other way to play him.
He's a solid mid tier killer with the highest "lethality" in the game IF you're good at the game.
Perhaps I should start uploading full games so people get an idea on how to use his chainsaw efficiently.
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I’d like to see your full gameplay, I’d upload mine if I could.
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Why can't you upload clips? Would like to see another Bubba main's games as well considering we're a rare species.
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I’m 15 so I can only upload what my parents allow me to which is only child friendly games, also why I haven’t uploaded anything in over a year.
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Leatherface in the right hands can bring huge pressure. If you play the Shape at all, Ghost Face is more difficult and requires much more stealth in order to gain the advantage.
All 3 of Leatherface's perks are incredible.
2/3 Ghost Face perks are great.
In conclusion, both take a lot of skill to use.
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Ghostface is actually strong and hard to go against if you don't have a competent team
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Bubba is underrated. People unironically place Clown and Plague one or two tiers above him and I just shake my head.
Ghostface is super C tier. He's balanced around low rank play.
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Theres actually an Otz video he put out specifically to showcase I'm all ears on Piggy, and afew he's done using Furtive chase on a handful of killers.
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Eh I'd say Ghostface is borderline in terms of viability.
I put him at the top of B tier on my list, which is where I put Killers that can get results but aren't quite consistent enough for A tier.
For example Plague is great on small maps but if the map has a really good loop then she can get screwed over really easily. But otherwise she can 4k if you are good, hence B tier.
Huntress is where I draw the line FYI. She's amazing on maps where she's good at and just decent otherwise, but still better than most Killers even on her worst maps.
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I don't own Ghostface, but I enjoy Leatherface a lot. Then again, I also don't care about rank and just play for the fun of being a slasher killer. So, your mileage may vary depending based on how you prefer to play and how high you go in the ranks.
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Yeah, that little extra bit of utility is what puts him above Myers and Plague (who I feel are tied for 2nd best B tiers)
S and A tiers are solid viable
B tier is almost viable or inconsistent but otherwise good Killers
C tier is meh Killers that have potential to do well but too much counterplay
D and F tier are plain old bad Killers