Evidently Very Controversial. Should Killers Be Able to See Survivors in Lobby?



  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    If you treat leaving the lobby after a certain point as a DC and then properly punish excessive DCing accordingly, you can cut down on the lobby dodging without having to take away the Killer's ability to prepare for what Survivors have.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Suggestion 1 I am on board with.

    Suggestion 2 I am not.

    Suggestion 3 is supremely inelegant and not worth the effort to implement. Also, there would also need to be something done about Lightborn or Overwhelming Presence, as those are also perks that are made (even more) useless if you can't see if Survivors are bringing items.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,089

    Killers dont prepare, they dodge. That is the only reason why they need the Lobby to watch who is in it. If there are Items, they rather dodge than picking Franklins. Because, using mediocre Perks is only good for Survivors, but Killers dont want to lose their Bonus BP for BBQ or their Braindead Spirit Fury for Franklins Demise.


    I think it is ok to see the Survivors in Lobby. The Survivors also would not need to see who the Killer is, this would not reduce the amount of DCs or Lobbydodging, it would increase it. I mean, if I know I will play against Nurse, I would dodge. So Nurse players will not get any Lobbies. So they pick Trapper and switch with 6 seconds on the Timer. Cool. Not. Its enough that one side chickens out on a regular Basis in the Lobby and Survivors feel the need of Last Second Switches if they want to bring in a Flashlight, dont double it so that the Killer "has" to do it as well, when he wants to play a strong Killer.

    Names should be hidden in the Lobby. There is no need to know who the person is the Killer is facing.

  • RoKrueger
    RoKrueger Member Posts: 1,371
    edited August 2019

    I think the killer should be able to see the survivors in the lobby to prepare. The killer IS the power role after all and information is power.

    With just the information gathered from the survivors at the lobby the killer is able to:

    Pick a character: Don't play Hag if they are all bringing flashlights for example.

    Know how many survivors with the same character and skin will play. That could also help in guessing which perks are more likely to come into play. Laurie = DS.

    Know who are friends with eachother to strategize. Friends tend to be more altruistic with eachother in my experience.

    See who is streaming the match. Incidentally, the only reason why I dodge a lobby is if there are two or more streamers in it because, HYPOTHETICALLY SPEAKING, I would not be able to watch two streams at once while efectibly playing the match.

  • thekiller490490
    thekiller490490 Member Posts: 1,164

    So to you it's more annoying to vs a killer with Franklin's who is countering your items then them dodging and you getting stuck in mm again? I won't be dodging you, and I LOVE Franklin's Demise. Especially on hag.

    I said that the killer seeing the survivors is supposed to be used as a preparation advantage. Those that don't want to prepare dodge.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,089

    Yeah, and dodging is wrong. If you pick Franklins, thats fine. It is a Perk for a reason, usually Killers seem to pick Franklins when I use a White Ward, but well, happens.

    I am rather annoyed of getting dodged and to wait 20 minutes to get into one game. Might be better with Dedicated Servers, if the Survivors can at least stay in the Lobby, I will not complain, it is just annoying to go from one Loading Screen to the next.

    But if you prepare, thats cool and I respect this. And like I said, I think that the Killer should see the Survivors and their Items and Characters, but not the names.

  • Dragonredking
    Dragonredking Member Posts: 874

    No it's fine, it isn't supposed to be fair in the first place

    The whole point of seeing the survivor is to allow the killer to prepare for what you are facing,

    Also here a "funny" story for the people who wheren't playing when the game started.

    Originaly, the killer couldn't see the survivor name only there rank (wich they can't see anymore) but survivor on the other could use steam recently played with feature to go check the killer profile, at that time the nurse add been out for not too long and people that used the "feature" to check killer profile before the match started to dodge anyone that add nurse achievement or bringing flashlight when they saw that he add the adept wraith achievement etc...

    And then a patch happened.

    The survivor couldn't see the killer anymore in the recently played with steam tab wich add a lot of survivor complaining because they couldn't acces information the dev didn't want them to have in the first place.

    And in the same exact patch, like karma, killer where given the survivor name and a direct link to the survivor profile wich literaly no one asked for to begin with

    The end

  • PeepingPeacock
    PeepingPeacock Member Posts: 354
    edited August 2019

    You can't remove the ability to see what items survivors are bringing unless you remove the flashlight interactions with killers. Being totally blind as to whether or not you're loading into 4 flashlights as hag is complete bullshit and would lead to a ton of D/Cs.

  • Narchais
    Narchais Member Posts: 1
    edited August 2019

    Been thinking on this and watching the responses. How about something in the middle: the killer can't see tools at start, but also don't have to join the field immediately. Instead they start in a sort of "spectator mode", the Entity sizing up the prey to determine how best to handle them. The killer can select their body and build after the game has started and officially "join" the field at a random location at any time. This way, the killer can sacrifice time for information. Necessary props for the killers that need them will phase in when the killer joins, and a horn or something could be an audio indicator that the hunt is on. Killers couldn't bounce if they hate the builds, but could adapt to them in exchange for allowing them time to get organized and repairing.

  • starkiller1286
    starkiller1286 Member Posts: 889

    This would be literally useless on trapper as well as alert survivors to certain killers like Freddy, Pig and trapper with their corresponding items suddenly spawning in not to mention the killer still has to "load" in despite being the host which gives survivors extra time unless its a killer that doesnt have additional things spawn in with them and the game has a prepicked spot reserved for the killer so it wont have to do it on the fly.

  • Wuhelm
    Wuhelm Member Posts: 260

    I am fine with this if everyone gets an option to blacklist players so you never have to play with them again. If you are against it then your the toxic one and the system will weed you out. The game will sort itself out this way and everyone will be happy, the only ones that won't are the toxics. I am a survivor main and the my biggest complaint is other survivors. I would rather 1v1 the killer then play with most of these toxic survivor potatos.

  • Frugl1
    Frugl1 Member Posts: 72

    Until toolboxes dont break the game, yes.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    Only problem there is queue times are bad enough as is, blacklisting would just extend them even further.

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    I realise it has been edited, but still:

    Killers should be able to see what they're up against. Many perks (lightborn, Hangman's Trick etc) are incredibly niche as it is, and only really affect a singular aspect of the game. The killer can only bring 4 perks vs a team of 16 perks and 4 potential items, and taking away information like that turns very rare perks into non-existent ones. On top of that, nothing a killer can bring 100% counters items. Lightborn changes the timing for a save and makes blinding at pallets poor, but there is still function there.

    From there, we move onto lobby dodging. I don't believe lobby dodging should ever be punishable. While some people are very "Yeah, let's force everyone to deal with 4 mans or punish them!" There's more important parts to lobby dodging. I live in Australia for instance, and depending on the time it can take quite a while to find survivors who don't have red ping when it chucks SEA players in, and many of them will ready up, even though it will be an unfun experience for both of us.

    Then there is 4 mans, and in smaller communities, you can get matched with the same 4 man god squads 3-4 times in a row if you don't dodge them, and wait until they're in a lobby. It simply isn't reasonable to add a punishment to a situation like that, and it would drive away some players, even just in the sense of playing less often.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    @anarchy753 I live in Australia too, and know that ping can be a problem, which is why I explicitly mentioned that any such changes ought not to be implemented until after ping becomes no longer an issue (fingers crossed, this will be the case with dedicated servers).

    While I understand the pain of going up against toxic players, it's not always avoidable. As a survivor, it's never avoidable. I can understand the strategic necessity of killers being able to see survivors in lobby, but as far as dodging goes, if survivors aren't able to dodge toxic opponents without risk of being penalised, I don't see why killers should be able to do so. Since we can't allow everyone the ability to dodge an unfavourable build without sabotaging the killer's strategic advantage, the only solution is to punish all dodgers instead.

  • LawrenceGordon
    LawrenceGordon Member Posts: 77

    Why don't we just flat out remove killers from the game? That's what you filthy survivor mains want.

  • Wuhelm
    Wuhelm Member Posts: 260

    Dodging is 100% their own fault and now they want to punish killers for problems they created.

  • RakimSockem
    RakimSockem Member Posts: 1,986

    When you admit to stream sniping....

    Not bannable, but it does make me judge you

  • Vors
    Vors Member Posts: 11

    Who dodges lobbies on swf 😂 just go nurse or spirit

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    I always said that the survivors names should be hidden in the pregame lobby. Stops people just choosing to bring toxic offerings or add-ons because they are facing a certain killer or survivor.

  • justarandy
    justarandy Member Posts: 1,711

    While killers actually prepare themselves against the lobby's (I do. 4 toolboxes = Nurse), to many simply dodge. I wish there would be an anti dodge mechanic

  • fernando2590
    fernando2590 Member Posts: 33

    This would be the best idea especially in console where changing your id is more complicated where most of us know each other in dbd

  • fernando2590
    fernando2590 Member Posts: 33

    I am rank 1 killer on ps4 I loobys avoid me, because unfortunately there is an error that allow to see the murderers although you are offline I think it is a very serious issue and I thought to make a thread about this because I think I have not seen someone commenting on this problem that devs should solve soon

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Yea I can tell you that most if not all of the rank 1 survivors and killers know each other. I'm friends with at least half of them. Then whenever we get a new guy it's like "who is this"... "oh is was so-and-so they just changed their name/made a second account". It's literally that bad LOL

  • remember_me88
    remember_me88 Member Posts: 37

    I think killers should not see the survivors

    There are huge disadvantages coming with this.

    I know the killer needs to have an upper hand, but does he really need it?

    I dont think so.

    Due to the fact that ever1 plays with same 4 or 5 perks (BBQ,...) it isnt a perk related reason to keep this as it is.

    Add Ons does not affect toolboxes or flashlight, yeah sure... you can change your perks but it should be luck based as it is for the survs.

    I had so much games where Calm Spirit or Distortion were useless.

    Why do I have to risk this but the killer dont.

    P S. DCiers are noobs

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520

    I don't get it why some people are so upset about dodging.

    Dodging is a thing you could already see in the early days of the internet in nearly every game where teams got matched against each other and it prefents people from dcing in matches.

    That is actually a good thing, since dcing people always cost time and depending on the game you are playing, also the match - not to mention that the most game communitys dislike dcers anyways.

    Besides that, I don't see that survivors play "luck based". The most survivors running the same perks and I don't think that the most survivors would change their perks, just because they knowing that they will face in the next match killer X.

  • karlofflugosi
    karlofflugosi Member Posts: 63

    Sorry, but when playing as a 16 killer and going up against 3 to 10 LVL survivors, I think this matchmaking system has bigger fish to fry.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    Reading all these comments was tough.

    "We kIlLeRs NeEd To PrEpaRe"

    ok, hide the names and keep the items visible?

    As for those "The reason killers dodge is the survivors fault"

    I've loaded into a completely solo lobby and had the killer accuse me of being SWF in end game chat, so it's highly likely this assumption is made by killers that do dodge, and probably end up dodging solo/duo lobbies anyway.

    Additionally, there used to be a time where killers would dodge for prestige characters, I'll apologise for the survivors right

    Dear Killers

    Survivors are SO sorry for putting time into their favourite character, they're SO sorry their bloody clothing is sometimes too intimidating.

    smh, there's no reason a killer should be able to scope out everyones profile before they play, I'm completely OK with killers wanting to dodge for things in game but letting them judge who to play based on their profile or hours is silly.

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647

    It's the survivors job to adapt..... and let's face it survivors don't have much to adapt too..... it's the killers job to prepare for the survivors... survivors need to survive and you need to adapt in order to survive sometimes... this is logic....

  • Locker_Monster
    Locker_Monster Member Posts: 496
    edited September 2019

    I don't know why it double-posted. I can't delete one of them, so this one is edited to cut down on spam

  • Locker_Monster
    Locker_Monster Member Posts: 496

    You say this but I'll admit right now; when 3-4 people all spawn in at the same time with a name-theme or just all Bloody carrying 3-4 of the same item; I dodge.

    Why? because those groups are not trying to do gens & win. They want, beyond ANYTHING else, to make me unhappy. You know they are running every second chance perk & they will try their damndest to make sure I ragequit or have a horrible game.

    Every hook will be at 99%. Every down will be an insta-heal. Every pickup will be met with a pink flashlight. Bodyblocking. Twerking. Sabo-ing every beartrap. Erasing very Hag trap. Always looking around to stop my stalk as Ghostface.

    They are not looking to win. They just want to ensure I can't play.

    And no; I should not be punished for avoiding them. No, they should not have the ability to log into my lobbies and be hidden from my view so I'm forced to play against them.

    If Survivors say it's perfectly fine to Suicide on the first hook to avoid a 'bad game', then I have every damn right to lobby-dodge meme-build SWFs!

  • Thasard
    Thasard Member Posts: 268

    I do see how knowing who the killer is could give to much info, but no way in hell does a killer need to know what I'm carrying to decide if he should Dodge or add Franklin's....

  • MemberBerry
    MemberBerry Member Posts: 394

    Keys and 2+ toolboxes are absolutely broken, I rest my case.

  • MomoMoon
    MomoMoon Member Posts: 40

    Its a pvp game, either we all see each other or none sees the other

    idk why they make it so weird/one sided

  • Locker_Monster
    Locker_Monster Member Posts: 496

    In every way in hell does the Killer need to know what you bring in.

    WHO you are is useless info, what with teachable perks. We don't get to know what perks you have.

    So are you going to actually say that we should not know what item you carry? May as well make the lobby a blank screen.

    Survivors gets to plan what they want to do; sabo/gens faster, heal, stun Killers.

    Killers get to see, in a general sense, what this plan is and prepare for it. But we don't see your perks & can't plan for them.

    Seeing items is fine. I wish people would stop trying to nerf everything a Killer can do except M1.

  • OGOzSnowChimp
    OGOzSnowChimp Member Posts: 247

    That's not true. I run a Trapper and I don't prepare for anything or dodge.

    I like the way he plays and the random challenges I am faced with each game.

  • nichtRoxas
    nichtRoxas Member Posts: 67

    And survivors don't wanna deal with Nurses and Spirits so why not make it even? If the killer sees you are bringing a flashlight it makes it literally useless.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    I've played just as much killer as survivor, I'm just not a baby about it.

    Allowing killers to scope out who they're playing and possibly harass certain players they don't like is inherently toxic.

    There is not a single benefit to seeing player names/profiles passed that of harassing people you've been beaten by/have issues with.

  • Locker_Monster
    Locker_Monster Member Posts: 496

    I'll say it again: When 3-4 people load in with theme-names & all the same items?

    I dodge.

    They don't have a right to ruin my game with their troll builds. And 9 times out of 10, that's what they are looking for. They don't want to win the game; they want to make sure I rage quit or have the worst game anyone has ever had, ever.

    Hiding names. Hiding characters. Hiding items.

    All these do is allow toxic SWF teams to run around treating the solo Killers like jokes and punching bags for their 'l33t uber 420 Bully The Killars SOMETHING AWESOME HAPPENS IF YOU SUBSCRIBE!' youtube montages & twitch streams.

    Playing Killer is stressful enough WITHOUT giving the SWF toxic landfills an easier way to do their crap. And I'll fight (IE: Discuss! Not literally fight!) anyone on this point any day and every day.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    I'm fine with showing items, I do not advocate hiding items. But you're already dodging them based on how they load in together big lol btw. I honestly can't remember the last time I saw a team using similar names or characters dressed the same.

    I guess you dodge if one too many Claudette enter because you're terrified of them being invisible or whatever made up excuse you need.

    Playing against SWF is easy, you're just bad, I don't need to fight about this.

    4 Mans = 5%

    3 Mans = 10%

    2 Mans = 30%

    Solo = 55%

    You act as if every match is a 4 man 4 item team. Players Names & Profiles are irrelevant, you just need more of an excuse to pick and chose who you play.

  • Wuhelm
    Wuhelm Member Posts: 260

    Then allow a blacklist service so you do not have to play with past players and then lobby dodging will be minimized. Playing killer and survivor doesn't mean you are not toxic your statements reflect you are a player that is toxic.

  • Wuhelm
    Wuhelm Member Posts: 260

    Senzu follows toxic players on YouTube to mimic them in game that is why he wants names hidden.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    I watch one person play DBD on Youtube and that's HybridPanda.

    But, sure because I'm not a cry baby that understands seeing names has no benefit other than punishing people who play together or allow certain killers to target someone, I'm the toxic person.

    Majority of people dodge based on Items, Character Being Played or... times they load in together (big fat lol on that one) there is no reason to see player names or profile, you can still counter players based on items because they aren't being hidden.

    GG, you're upset, I get it, you like targeting players, you can be that guy but it's not something I advocate.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    Not for their perks, but at least their ranks. Seeing what rank survivors are can tell you whether or not they can use the perks they bring well.

  • Wuhelm
    Wuhelm Member Posts: 260
    edited September 2019

    Sounds like alot if excuses for why you should be able to hide and play toxic. I am a survivor main and do not do the killer rituals as MOST survivors are obnoxious in this game. I wish I could never play with half the potatos I play with but I am forced to so I dodge survivors as a survivor. You asked for it and the killers responded. I can't blame them and I feel bad for them as a survivor main. Stop being toxic and this problem would not exist.

    Post edited by Inji on
  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526
    edited September 2019

    What are you even talking about? lmao.

    99% of dodges are based on items or suspecting people are swf.

    what does seeing profiles do except for allow killers to be toxic and target people based on their hours or who they are, that is the toxicity, not the other way around, lmao.

    Post edited by Inji on
  • Wuhelm
    Wuhelm Member Posts: 260

    As a killer they should choose the prey they are hunting. Not some toxic swf teabaggers looking to make a Youtube channel. Stop trying to hide yourself and be less toxic instead of imitating Ochido. Experience has shown killers what is fun. Most survivors only have fun tegbagging at pallet being toxic to both killer and survivors. Like a said allow players to blacklist those they do not want to play with and no more lobby dodging.

  • Toybasher
    Toybasher Member Posts: 921
    edited September 2019

    I'm fine with the system now but I definitely think there should be more incentive not to dodge SWF.

    I'm not saying we should dish out punishments for dodgers (Heck the dedicated servers will supposedly make a killer dodging MUCH less inconvenient for the survivors as they won't have to reinvite or have the lobby disbanded) but we should get a bloodpoint bonus as compensation. Something like 25% per SWF survivor. I.E. a 4-man SWF (And possibly two 2-man SWF?) = 100% extra bloodpoints for the killer.

    I will say I do dodge if I see something like multiple .TTVs, a 4-man with bright clothing, or a Legacy P3 as those matches tend to go absolutely painful and usually end up with a bunch of red ranks with one low rank acting as a "Bully Squad" whose goal is to make your match as absolutely miserable as possible (4-SWF Sabo Squad with guys who teabag after dropping every hook, Haddonfield Offering + Balanced Landing, etc.) and it's gotten to the point I just started dodging to save me the frustration. I don't tilt easy (People who teabag me as Myers always makes me laugh since free stalker juice) but once I get my buttons pushed and called garbage in post-game I stay tilted for a long time.

    If SWF meant extra BP for versing I'd be less likely to dodge.

    I know it's silly for a killer main to feel intimidated but I still have minor PTSD of sorts from the closed beta days. Back when people would sabo literally every hook and you were screwed and when bloodlust and the window blocker didn't exist, instablinds were a thing, tons of literal infinites, double pallets, pallet vacuum, 4-man instant DS, insta-gen BNP, Balanced Landing Sprint Burst Wombo Combo, etc. Sometimes when I'm playing I feel like I'm back in the closed beta days when survivors would bring 4 BNP's with less hook offerings, pop 4 gens in 1 minute and sabo the rest of the hooks, and have the last guy refuse to leave and simply run you around an infinite or go to an unreachable spot and sit there teabagging until you're forced to DC.

    Those experiences from the beta were what put me off buying DBD initially. Obviously 99% of the super annoying stuff was removed later and survivors (usually) can't bully the living crap out of killers anymore but man those types of matches sucked. And THAT's why when I see a 4-man .ttv SWF with a Legacy P3 Jake with a toolbox, I dodge.

    I will say if I see a lot of items I swap to my "Highway Robbery Hag" with Franklin's and trap the items. People always go back for their items and get jumped.