Ghost Face, are you here?

Probably he is the most rare Killer now. Even clown and pig I see more.
Maybe because he is bad? I mean even Wraith get's some utility through his speedboost. GF got...magical uncloak because of a downed survivor 40 meters away.
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I see him a lot
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I see him quite often...
Though i only play on ps4
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Unfinished product, revealing is frustrating for both sides cuz it's inconsistent. Noone wants to play a killer with a buggy power.
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I never had any issues with his reveal tbh (while playing him at least, I assume I'm always too far away when I try to reveal him)
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Yeah he loses power so easily I cant blame people...hes not useless but definitely needs love..the devs made a huge mistake changing him how they did
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I rarely see him :( I love going against Ghostface
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Bring a Mori ;) I wanna take selfies.
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When I play Killer, I been trying to use him. I got easy 4K or spared some people for most matches. The game has gotten so much easier for Killers over time, but I did get stomped in my most recent match pretty bad. Won't lie, I was a little salty! As Survivor, I typically can't break his stealth even if I'm standing 5 feet from him and end up a slug at his feet. Then sometimes as him, I feel they are sniping me across the area!
Overall though, Killer Que times make the role less appealing. But I find Survivor side rather depressing with pretty consistent team wipes. (I solo)
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You're probably new to Killer or play SWF. Killers have gotten tons of buffs over the year (s?!?) I've been playing with Survivor getting nerfed just as much as the Killers got buffed. Ya, I'll occasionally go against a swat team of Survivors, but most matches I feel bad if I play my main. I may get destroyed on newer killers I'm trying like Plague or Ghost Face at times.
Easy to snowball though. If I could play Hag at Rank 1 year(?!?) with mild success (remember she was about 100x weaker), I sure as hell can do good now with how much catering that side has gotten over time.
But to be fair, I have gotten or went to Rank 1 in awhile on either side as I play less. But even the data the devs shared indicated even the weakest Killers are killing more than the 2K. Combine with Killer's long Q's (pushes me away from that side atm) and there's an indication of one role taking on the much more desired spot.
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His reveal is buggy as heck, im glad he is rare, dont want to verse him.
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I have, many other have aswell. U can watch one of the latest videos of Puppers on youtube going against ghostface. Sometimes he couldn't reveal him looking directly to him, other times he revealed ghostface behind a wall with full cover, other times he revealed ghostface without even knowing where he is.
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I dont unserstand why everyone can reveal him. Maybe if only the survivor being stalked could reveal him... Also 30 seconds CD is the most stupid thing in the game.
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He's insanely weak in his current state