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More details on my new killer

Gam1ngga5tly Member Posts: 129

I had a massive think about what my killer Aka the banshee could have for her perks. They're not the best but I'm hoping you guys could help with little tweaks.

Anyway first perk: false discovery. If a survivor completes a chest search the banshee can turn the opened chest into a fake chest and if a survivor completes a fake chest search the chest will scream and so will the survivor giving away there location or aura (I don't know whether this perk should be location perk or aura perk)

Second perk: hex: silence falls. This hex perk is like the third seal but instead of giving survivors the blind debuff it gives them the deafened debuff so they can't hear a terror radius or a skill check notification

Final perk: draining cries: this perk is similar to pop goes the weasel but instead of the generator regressing 25%, after hooking a survivor and kicking a generator it regressess 6%, 8%, 10% faster than it's normal regression speed.

And those are the perks. They're not the best but it's the first ones that popped into my mind. What do you guys think?


  • Ksoni
    Ksoni Member Posts: 607

    False discovery shloud give exposed for the rest of the match. Silence fails, deaf debuff is really interesting. Defenitely one of those fun to play with and fun to lose with perks. Draining cries numbers are funny, it shloud be at least 100%. Personal opinion.

  • Gcarrara
    Gcarrara Member Posts: 2,263

    I don't know why, but i'm imagining how false discovery would work, and i'm dying of laughter. 😂

    I can see David King searching through a fake chest, and once complete an intense scene of 2 seconds follows where David react to the chest scream by screaming himself and running away. All this with the others survivors looking at him and facepalming.

  • Elk
    Elk Member Posts: 2,267

    I really like Hex:Silence Falls and Draining Cries. Draining Cries can combo with Pop goes the Weasel. Hex:Silence Falls can go with Hex:Lulliby or Hex:Third Seal. Fake Discovery needs something extra.

  • Psylent
    Psylent Member Posts: 38

    I think the first perk requires too much setup to be viable. I like the idea of a scream surprising the survivor though. How about we combine both your chest trap perks into one?

    • False Discovery- Spawns 3 fake chests around the map. When touched by a survivor, the chest emits a scream causing the survivor to scream as well which alerts the killer. Then tendrils of darkness ensnare the survivor for (4-6/5-7/6-8) seconds or until hit. Survivors can mash A & D to struggle and free themselves sooner.

    I think it's better if it activates when they open the chest personally. Also, 6 seconds should be long enough for a killer to travel about 24 meters before the survivor is released and can run away (Based on 4.6 m/s with some leniency to compensate for reaction time). Feel free to buff/nerf the duration based on that info. The struggling was just added so the survivor isn't just sitting there waiting to be hit. It makes the interaction more intense.

    Your second perk is waaaayyy too strong. Having no terror radius is a humongous advantage for a killer. Even without that, just removing skill check alerts makes this into Hex: Huntress Lullaby but you don't gotta hook people. So how Huntress Lullaby should be really, if you ask me lol. How about...

    • Hex: Silence Falls- Survivors are deafened and oblivious while cleansing totems and for (1/2/3) seconds after leaving a totem.

    This would make for a strong totem defense, especially when combined with Hex: Thrill of the Hunt. Imagine a Spirit running these 2 Hexs, plus Ruin and Haunted Grounds. Silence Falls basically gives the Spirit free Prayer Beads but only for survivors on totems. Might actually be too strong still, idk.

    As for your third perk, it reminds me a lot of one I made for a killer concept I created called the Scrapper. Though technically mine is a 100% speed increase and the generator regresses 10% more.

    • Deconstructor- Damaged generators regress more and do it (slightly/moderately/considerably) faster. I read that normally they regress 25% over 70 seconds (1% every 2.8 seconds). I'm thinking 35% over (70/60/50) seconds. That's roughly 1% every (2.0/1.7/1.4) seconds.

    A 10% speed increase would mean a gen regresses 1% every 2.52 seconds instead of every 2.8 seconds, not much of a difference.