Best perks for M1 Killers for catching good time wasting looping Survivors?

What would you guys say are the best killer perks for catching high rank survivors which are good at looping? I find that good survivors can loop M1 killers for multiple gens without problem, so I'm curious to how you guys deal with it? You can obviously abandon a chase and go back to the gens but if you keep doing that over and over you'll never get a hook...
Perks I have considered using:
- Brutal Strength (just keep chasing and breaking pallets asap)
- Enduring (is it trash now since it's nerf?)
- Bamboozle (so you can't get looped as much at shack and jungle gyms)
I always end up back at rank 1 Killer every season and have to deal with these same insanely good time wasting survivors and it makes playing M1 killers a real pain, even playing Plague can be a pain cause they just never use the pools to heal and just loop you and use DH.
Brutal Strength is not that good, enduring and spirit fury are better. Bamboozle is great for infinites and T-walls. STBFL shines on some killers like wraith and pig, and it’s decent overall. PWYF works in wraith and bubba, not so much on other killers. All in all, I would recommend enduring(it’s definitely not trash) and bamboozle, or the combo of enduring+SF. Good luck.
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Brutal Strength is not that good, enduring and spirit fury are better. Bamboozle is great for infinites and T-walls. STBFL shines on some killers like wraith and pig, and it’s decent overall. PWYF works in wraith and bubba, not so much on other killers. All in all, I would recommend enduring(it’s definitely not trash) and bamboozle, or the combo of enduring+SF. Good luck.
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Brutal Strength is not that good, enduring and spirit fury are better. Bamboozle is great for infinites and T-walls. STBFL shines on some killers like wraith and pig, and it’s decent overall. PWYF works in wraith and bubba, not so much on other killers. All in all, I would recommend enduring(it’s definitely not trash) and bamboozle, or the combo of enduring + SF. Good luck.
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Don't listen to people saying brutal strength isn't good. It's a very strong perk for m1 killers. I have bamboozle on every m1 killer. It helps save so much time in loops that otherwise might cost you more time.
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On m1 killers to anti-loop get Bamboozle, Enduring and at your preference Spirit Fury/Brutal Strength. The higher rank your survivors are the more value gets Brutal strength, because the moment they realize you have Spirit Fury, they drop the pallets earlier.
So you are left with one perk slot at your leisure.
STFL helps reducing the chase time by being able to hit the survivors faster.
Realistically you would run at max 2 perks that helps you in loops like Bamboozle and Enduring, one slowdown perk like PGTW or Ruin and one flavor perk matching your playstyle.
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All of this Perks are decent. Enduring/Spirity Fury is quite good to catch Survivors, but it is kinda lame and can force someone to focus one person and ignore the rest of the team. Furthermore it just lets you press "W" instead of actually trying to outplay and mindgame people.
And tbh, it is not needed once all Maps have gotten the "Badham-Treatment"; because those Pallets are almost all playable without breaking them as Killer, so you dont really need to break them instantly with Spirit Fury.
Bamboozle is also one Perk that removes the ability to mindgame. It is great for those Bullshit-Loops, but other than that, it is (same with Spirit Fury) pretty straight forward and does not really require that much thinking. And might not even help, lets say you are at a T/L-Wall, instead of let the Survivor use it and get a Hit by a mindgame, you force him to go away by blocking one window, so he might end up in a even stronger Loop.
Brutal Strength is decent, it can help you breaking Pallets which you need to break.
Personally, I would go for Enduring. Simply eating the Palletstun without any problem is still good, and if it is an unsafe Pallet, it results in a hit pretty fast.
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When you get better at mindgames, and therefore end up moon walking and swinging round corners into pallets, enduring is always going to be better than brutal strength. Newer players however always tend to respect pallets so its fairly pointless for them to use enduring so they use enduring instead. Honestly though i have 1300 hours and enduring is one of my favourite perks
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Brutal strength + spirit fury + enduring + bamboozle (but loses one perk slot)
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I wouldn't use "Spirit Fury"+"Enduring" anymore. After the pallet minimal distance buff it's quite uneffective, keep in mind that it uses two perk slots.
"Bamboozle" is good against infinites, but in a chase most decent survivors got a pallet as backup, so you need to waste another perk slot for "Brutal Strength" anyway.
"Brutal Strength" as perk itself helps you to get rid of pallets fast and it breaks generators faster too. Although it gives you way less advantage than "Spirit Fury"+"Enduring" it gives you then chance for a hit on every pallet break instead of every third pallet break.
All in all i would play "Brutal Strength"+any Detection/Game Slower Perks on M1 killers like Myers or Trapper.
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Thanks everyone for your advice! I'll definitely start using Enduring more and will try it out with Spirit Fury and maybe throw in Bamboozle if I'm losing too much time to windows. I appreciate all your input. <3 :)
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If your main concern is survivors looping, consider Brutal Strength, Enduring, Bamboozle, and Fire Up.
At the start of the match, you're already pretty intense.
20% faster break speed
50% faster pallet stun recovery
15% faster vault speed (plus you block it for 15 seconds.)
But with Fire Up added to the list, every time a gen is finished you gain 4% to everything except pallet stun recovery.
So that 20% 50% 15% can become 40% 50% 35%.
Not gonna lie, it's a bit of a meme build, but I've gotten a few 4ks with it.
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If you're using Wraith like your prof picture suggests, I recommend the Brutal Strength and Save the Best for Last.
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Spirit Fury, Bamboozle, Enduring, Spirit Fury, Brutal Strength, Fire Up, Save The Best For Last, Barbecue and Chili, Nurse's Calling, Sloppy Butcher, Surge, Surveillance, Discordance, I could go on.
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Enduring, Spirit Fury, Save The Best For Last. Brutal Strength is a wasted slot. Breaking pallets without getting hits is a great way to lose. There are too many pallets to make a difference no matter how much time Brutal saves. Learn which pallets are safe and which ones aren't. Get hits at the unsafe pallets, use Spirit Fury for the safe ones.
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Brutal Strength, Enduring and STBFL. Bamboozle and spirit fury halt learning imo.