Adrenaline Rework
I was thinking that since Adrenaline is one of the most popular and overused survivor perks (and I don't blame it because its so good) I feel like a rework should be in store. Here is what I propose:
When the exit gates are powered the survivor has a 150% running speed boost of 5 seconds (like normal)
You remain exhausted afterwards for 60/50/40 seconds
If you are injured when the perk is active you will momentarily gain one health state (dying to injured or injured to healthy) for a certain amount of time ( maybe 80 seconds? or more)
The reason why I say it should be time based when it comes to the health state gain is because it makes no sense for a survivor to magically heal their wounds because of an adrenaline dump. I feel it makes more sense that after a sudden adrenaline boost starts to fade that you would start to feel the pain you originally before the boost.
After pig "consistency" fix, it would be only logical for speed boost to not activate if you're exhausted (because no other 150% boost perk can do the same).
Healing aspect is a whole another story. Seeing, how even more auto-healing perks are added, something must be done about m1 killers, not about adrenaline.
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Yeah I feel bad for M1 killers. Maybe they should make it so that once the survivor is injured by M1 attack then they have reduced recovery speed in exhaustion or reduced gen repair speed or something.
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Adrenaline is fine in my eyes. Honestly, there are no OP perks in game right now, just so many of them are weak and underpreforming.
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Adrenaline is a crazy powerful perk. Can't tell you how bad it is to see survivors just perk up and speed run with 100% health. Even if you get to them and hit them once it's just not enough to put them down. As a survivor I love it.
Why not return the survivor back to the original health state after the boost is done. If they have been hit and were hurt before then it puts them to the ground after the boost. I like it.
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Sure nerf adrenaline - would they also get some sort of compensation if all the gens did not get done for running with just 3 perks the whole game?
@Buily09 has the right of it - there are so many weak perks. Of course only the ones that actually do something and help a survivor survive are the targets of killers who want them nerfed.
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Adrenaline is OP. There is a reason why its one of the top 5 survivor perks right now. Hell, I run it in every survivor build I have just because how OP it is. Months ago I dropped self care for Adrenaline and it has worked out a bunch. I cannot tell you how many times myself and other players have played ballsy because we knew if we got downed, hooked or initiated a chase we would be fine because of Adrenaline kicking in for the save. Nothing is more demoralizing when you are struggling to gain momentum near the end of the game and the one person you have been chasing gets Adrenaline or more specifically when a person on the hook has adrenaline and then the other person you are chasing has adrenaline.
The reason I ask for a timer on the health boost is because those who play risky with Adrenaline runaway with zero consequences. It is more troubling when a good survivor that you need to down has been looping you and once you are about to finish them off they get up with full health adrenaline and loop you for another 2 minutes. Also, most survivors don't even care of taking a hit by the killer near the endgame because they know they will get a free health and speed boost after they have been hit.
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I personally don't understand why people want adrenaline changed when it's a peek that only works after all the generator's are done? If you lost you lost. It rewards survivors for doing gens and punishes killers for not being able to kill.
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I'm not asking to remove the adrenaline ability. I just ask to tone it down. If you are injured and the last gen gets done, then sure go ahead and get a health and speed boost to survivor longer. But lets be honest, its overpowering that they get a 5 second speed boost with a permanent health boost. This is demoralizing for an M1 killer at the very most because now you have to catch up to the survivors and hit them again (sometimes twice) while being looped around pallets. Not only that, but it also rewards those that are being toxic against the killer like looping, insta heals, borrowed time and then getting the adrenaline boost.
All I am asking is to put a timer on it just so that half the cast of killers don't get loop for an extra 2 minutes.
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I have been playing since before Myers and people have been using the same perks since its inception. We now have 5 pages of survivor perks w/ perks that have been reworked and people still use the same builds today. Yes, Adrenaline does reward those who complete the objective, but also keep in mind that it also rewards those who didn't complete the objective. Have you ever stop to think that SWF survivors who just antagonize the killer while their buddies fix gens use Adrenaline to abuse its ability? Like every SWF member has at the very least Adrenaline. Keep in mind that this is not the only perk that killers have to worry about here. There are insta heals, Borrowed Time, Decisive Strike, etc. I'm not asking to change the perk entirely. Just put a timer on the benefits instead of giving a permanent boost.
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I play an m1 killer, aka the clown, so I've experienced adrenaline plenty of times. I still don't see why it should be toned down when it rewards survivor objective and punishes killers unable to kill. It is a strong perk but it only works at the end. If there's any need to it that I could see them do it's removing the ability to wake up and giving that to wake up perk. It's just my opinion but I'm sure others agree with you.
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No the wake up is fine. Think about it, wouldn't you wake up from a dream if suddenly you get a surge of energy? They do this all the time when they inject adrenaline to the heart. Like realistically, its possible that you can sustain your injuries for a while longer when you get an adrenaline boost. It has happened to me when I fell off my skateboard and I broke my arm, yet I will still able to get up like it was nothing until a short while ago I started to feel it. Like I said previously how its OP to get a permanent health boost, but realistically wouldn't you think that survivors would feel the pain again after the adrenaline wears down?
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This is a game not reality. The game and the perks shouldn't be balanced off of realistic.
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You don't have to come up with a janky solution like that, we already have a status effect that could simulate one timed health state: Endurance
I'm not sure if changing one healing to one Endurance would be a buff or a nerf. Would no longer picks you up from dying state but 1 Endurance is a huge safety net.
Eh. Having a survivor the killer downed pop up from dying state due to someone else's actions is not punishing the killer for ineptitude, it's bailing the survivor out of a mistake they made.
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It's rewarding survivors for getting gens done. Should've hooked the survivor when you could.
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No, it isn't. The "reason" is because countless other good perks have been nerfed into the ground. That doesn't mean we need to nerf the only one that's left.
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Dude, there are many good perks. Adrenaline isn't the only one.
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Not in every case my friend.
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Well, there's a couple of things about it:
- survivors're rewarded for doing something they should do anyway. Do they really need even more encouragement for it?
- this perk discourages other objectives: healing (no need if you do gens fast enough), doing totems (ain't no time for that, faster you do gens, faster you get adrenaline), search chests (waste of time, you should've brought an item with you);
- people that did badly also rewarded (ex.: people literally on the hook).
This perk encourages something that doesn't need to be encouraged, and discourages everything else, hence it has a bad influence on the game, forcing opposite side to use quick to react killers.
Design of new perks at least encourages something that's healthy for the game (aside from quick-healing part, of course): escaping after a hook and doing bones. Altough, their design promotes tunneling gameplay for the killer. From my point of view, adrenaline is just badly designed perk.
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Yeah it does discourage other things besides just doing gens but that's what survivors are supposed to do. There are other perks that encourage others types of gameplay. If people weren't complaining about healing then there wouldn't be a meta where they have to use that perk. Now people are complaining about this perk. It won't stop until everything that's good on the survivor side is nerfed.
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Instead of the "momentarily give the health state," why not just make it give the endurance status effect to injured survivors for a moderate amount of time?
That way they won't complain about noed, but they can still be taken down if enough time passes. It also is a slight buff to self care, as the only perk (besides inner strength and second wind coming in the next chapter) to be able to heal a survivor mid game (The others will sacrifice time to find a totem and get in a locker, and the other will require you to be hooked first).
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what is the difference between a momentary health state and an endurance status effect?
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Endurance stops them from going into the dying state, but it's temporary. Think Borrowed Time or Mettle of Man. However, it will not be negated by the Exposed effect.
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adrenaline is fine. there is no need to ruin a perk that already activates only on endgame. deal with it bruh. also it is countered by noed.
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1 time perk that's been here from the beginning - surely needs a nerf
I see no point in this thread - people complaining about not being able to apply enough pressure to gens or slugging for 4k and getting dicked over by 1 perky boi.
Small tip - if you're carrying a survivor and the last gen gets popped and you can afford to frop them - do it. If they have adrenaline, they will be confused and have a split second of transitioning from downed to injured, during that time you can deny their post hook adrenaline.
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oh okay so its the same as I proposed.
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Not everyone equips noed and adrenaline makes no sense and is OP in SOME cases.
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not everyone equips adrenaline either. and it's not op in any cases, it's only good when it happens to activate mid chase, nicely rewards for job well done.
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if you seriously have that big issue about adrenaline you know u already lost.
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tbh following your logic ruin should be changed,bbq too and some other overused killer perks
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not really
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I wouldn't mind
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What you proposed could be negated by NOED, which many survivors complain about.
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NOED requires an extra hit. Are you saying you want them to get back up and be able to take a hit from noed and still walk away like nothing?
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then change whatever is overused i dont even use adren but i rlly hate killer crutches
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Adrenaline is fine. Most oftently, last gen is in convinient for killer triangle of gens to control. If not, well, you know, perfect killer game is when no gens are done and everyone is dead in 5 minutes
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No. If they're already down, they don't get up. And it only would apply to injured survivors.
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okay what are you talking about now? Adrenaline or NOED?
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Not in every case and you need to think about other scenarios that get abused. Especially with SWF who abuse the adrenaline save.
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Well I thought about different types of NOED suggestions, here are some of them:
NOED is only applied to those who haven't been hooked.
NOED is no longer a hex totem and can be only activated if a certain number of survivors are still alive
Keep same stats of NOED, but add faster action and vault speed.
Keep same stats of NOED, but add faster bloodlust.
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Adrenaline, of course. It'd be only for that situation alone.
My proposal: Adrenaline only works on injured survivors, and gives the injured survivor the Endurance status effect for a decent amount of time (let's say 30 seconds). They will not recover from dying. They will not wake up.
The only reason people use Adrenaline is for the free health state in this no heal meta. Get rid of that, then people will be even less likely to rely on NOED as well.