gl survivors, i'm done

I really don't know how to start this post...I've been playing survivor a little bit in last time because my friends talked me into it, and what can i say about it. i finally after 2.1k hrs finally understand. this seems to be crazy and madness but my thought's are that: Player skill is something that gives you an advantage but in a game that has been around for as long as dbd, the vast majority of high-rank players have practically maxed out skills,there is a very small difference in their skills, of course there are a few people who stand out Zubat, Ardetha, SwiftLegend, ect you're know this guys,but going to why I don't play survivors anymore now, it's not you who mostly win but this what you have, in general in-game stuff, if i play nurse with extra blinks having on her around 900 hrs, and i beat SWF where every player have around +4/5k hrs, this means i'm better player than them, ofc not, i'm just play more powerful side/character, if i lose against spirit who has 400hrs when i have 1.2k hrs on survivor, with one friend with 4.6k hrs and other with 5.3k hrs and one random when spirit is in tryhard mode, this means she's better than us? ofc still not, she just play more powerful character than us. this game suck about this element, bc you're not beating by player, but by stuff which he will bring, i'm sorry but you can't change my mind, this is revealed truth
What's your eperience as a killer?
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You ask me did i play killer or how i feel when i'm play killer?
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it is obvious, we would have to be robots not to commit them. just as the killers used to say about it when it was old DS, survivors said "just bring Enduring lul",killers said it was a bad game design when you need a perk to counter something, now when the same situation is with Spirit they say it's okay that the whole team must waste half the slots in order to BE POSSIBLE TO COUNTER SOMETHING, you must remember my friend that the sword has two blades, and you must be in relation to someone that way you want this person to be for you, otherwise you spit on your own words and you don't respect yourself
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how you feel when you play killer
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it's not about whether someone has fun or not, whether someone plays full-meta or not, it's about that because of game design you are forced to take specific things in order to be able to play the game in general and have some chance, this is problem.
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this is a hard question I was asked because i'm mostly play only nurse so yea, when i'm on this side of game is fun, only what i don't like is lery's or haddonfiled but when in game are 27 maps chances to get this bad maps are 7.4% so really small, rest are fine and idk in last month mayby i just have 2x 2 man escape rest're 3k or 4k.
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It should be that you don't need anything to have a chance to win, that's exactly how the Nurse works, Marth proved it by playing the Iron Nurse, on the first ranks, and before nerf exhaustion or DS so yeah
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i'm not sure i understand what you mean..
some characters are stronger than others, sure, but ultimately they still take a good player controlling them and a combination of skill and luck to pull off..
i made this as a joke last night but i think it applies here. here is a truncated game where a nurse wanted to put me down.. she wasn't a new nurse, rank 8, full loadout, nice addons, no problem catching others..
i ran around a rock for 5 full minutes with no exhaustion perks, no crutch perks period, yet my team was of players lower ranked than myself and the killer still somehow had them all dead at the end (not included in clip but i do have evidence in my possession).
your killer and survivor experience depends on the people who get in your game and how they choose to play it out, much more than their particular skill levels, hours, or strengths of characters.
just because players have maxed out all of their perks and have played a lot is literally no indication of skill whatsoever, and most of them have absolutely no skill other than what you see in the thumbnail below. it's the nature of the game. all we can do is hope these people at some point motivate themselves to get better at the game..
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What if we assume that all players have skills at such a level that we are practically unable to improve them anymore, because they are close to perfection?
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Except DS rewarded Survivors who lost. So did MoM. Spirit takes a decent amount of practice.
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@noneofyourbusiness Then it would be a fantasy and not even close to reality, and doesn't have an influence on how Behavior designs their game.
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i need a break? wait a minute, I have heard it somewhere "play something else" someone has already said that lmao
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we would be totally wrong in making that assumption. we would be much closer to being accurate if we assumed all players have absolutely no skill.. just saying..
i'm at 5k hours in game right now and i still improve my game all of the time.. we can't assume people that have a few hundred or a few thousand hours in game have learned everything there is to know about a game that has no skill cap..
if players had learned even a little bit about the game there would be much higher escape statistics than there are, especially at lower ranks, but most people tend to play for the solo survival to ensure to themselves that they're "still the best"
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Thats the case of any game. You perfect your skills, you get bored by the same game mechanics etc. Dont know why you are crying here. Just go and find another game and then maybe come back when new dlc is released.
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You beat someone in Overwatch? You're a smurf abusing a busted hero!
You beat someone in a fighting game? You're a spammer or something abusing a nobrain high tier character!
You beat someone in DBD? You're just in SWF / Playing a strong killer (with strong add-ons)!
Conclusion? My defeat doesn't count because you didn't win "properly", so you didn't really win π
Ignore scrub whining and play for yourself, it's not gonna change. Far too convenient to blame some element outside of their control than accepting the fact that they lost. If it's in the game or otherwise endorsed by the devs and working as intended don't blame players for using it, if they have to complain about it then it should be directed at the game's design and balance, not players.
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@MimiDallas Precisely and exactly.
Hell, I played Overwatch from beta until a few months ago. Simply got bored with the game. You reach a point where it's just the same thing over and over again, and I just don't find that enjoyable.
That was the same issue I had with MMOs. I played MMOs from 1999-2016. They were my primary video gaming. It got to the point that once you saw several of them, you saw them all. And there are only so many times you can run dungeons, even new expansion dungeons, that recycle the same boss mechanics over and over. You learn them, you get good at your classes and against them, and it gets boring.
DbD is just a side thing for me. But even in my limited play time, DbD game play quickly got repetitive. Pound for pound, I enjoyed the game play of Friday the 13th much more, but we all know what happened to that game. Which is a damned shame.
Not saying I don't like DbD. Only saying that for me, it got repetitive fast, and therefore will probably always just be a side game that I play when I feel like running around as some of my favorite 80s horror icons.
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I'm sorry but this is so petty I cant believe I'm reading it...
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I still think there are people who can't improve their skills because of perfection
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ok thx
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I do not blame players, I blame the existence of things that have an advantage over others that make the rest do not make sense to play
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Excuse me, dear sir, for wasting your time
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Im so done with guys like you really... "Killer OP" ok nurse with omega or 5 blinks or Gengrab spirit are the only op stuff but that's it killers like Myers,Trapper,Billy,etc. Are weak against people that know what too do. Gens are too quick chases are too long and items or addons like key or insta heal are just a joke. Even with their best addons the killers are Trash.
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Sir, that last sentence makes little to no sense
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Yeah was a little mistake sorry.
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but I am in favor of removing / nerfing all the things you mentioned like extra blink/range addons/keys/instaheals/beads bc you see this stuff in every single match, bc no one want to play weak chracter but seeing this all of the time is just boring as hell