If you could save any survivor from the entity,

Who would it be? And why?
Yesterday I decided to read everyone's backstory in the game, and it made me feel quite bad about some of the survivors situation.
Ash's is way too good btw. It just fits him way too well.
So who I would save, is Jeff... the dude deserved better
Dwight, because he definitely owns a locker at his house and needs more practice
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She never did anything to come here. I always feel bad killing them. I'm a huge fan of music, especially classical, so I want her to continue to spread her love of it.
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Most of them would probably kill themselves because of the ptsd from that type of ######### but I would save Nea because we need a killer as powerful as the entity :D
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I would add Jeff's dog to the game as a perk that allows the dog to be by your side so killers would feel too bad to kill you and the dog. But yeah I'd save Jeff as well. He was just an unsuspecting victim trying to do the right thing.
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I would save Meg. Yeah probably Meg.
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Meg doesn't deserve to be a punching bag and her mom needs her. Meg for sure.
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Meg because her backstory is the saddest to me. Kate would be a close second.
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Yeah... when I saw the end part about the dog I was like
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Dwight. His coworkers literally left him to die, and he was only tryna be a good guy to everyone but nobody liked him.
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I forgot about his dog, why did you mention it!
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Tapp because he has the best chance of being taken seriously by the public due to being an authority figure.
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Jane is famous and had a tv show. More people would hear her.
Don't know how any of that would help though... it's not like anyone can stop the entity
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That's not entirely true. If it keeps touching more and more dimensions the way he has been, it could end up touching one with people who can and will kill it. The multiverse is large and varied and even cosmic horrors should show some degree of caution when traversing it.
That said, the Entity doesn't need to go hunting for its doom. Freddy could kill it if he set his mind to it.
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Dwight because some poor soul never got that pizza...
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Claudette, her whole life was ahead of her so who know's what that botanist might've been. Who's to say she wouldn't be able to make some revolutionary medicine, maybe even the cure for cancer?
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Who? Steve.
Why? Steve.
How? Steve.
When? Steve.
I like Steve.
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I really hope in Season 4 at the very start, Nancy and Steve fall out of an eldritch portal and crash through the Byers house, shrug it off, and then carry on with their lives as if they hadn't just been killed 10,000 times.
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Kate, she spreads hope which lets to longer torture due to her not giving up and as said spreading hope. It would be the best for all the other survivors, also i feel sad for Kate being there.
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Jane... for reasons...
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Maybe after the 10,000 deaths they develop feelings for each other again just to screw over Jon lmao
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That or she'll fall in love with DBD's own version of Jon...
Still, Steve can do better than Nancy.
EDIT: Even better, Quentin was into Nancy Holbrook from his world.
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Claudette. She was so innocent.
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Claudette. She was a good student and actually enjoyed botany. I always root for the nerds
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Me, a fan of Nightmare on elm Street: aDd NaNcY HOlbRoOk aLrEadY!!
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Kate she was just going for a run and was the only survivor mentioned to try and fight off the entity.
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I keep waiting for my boi Steve to get a happy ending smh. Got cucked by the "I'm gay" card in season 3 which was the second biggest injustice done that season. Unfortunately I don't think the Entity gives out happy endings.
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Kate was playing music. Meg is the one who went for a run. But yes, Kate is the only one who remembers fighting off the Entity.
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Ace, he still has many casinos to bankrupt.
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They all need to be saved. Except for Nea.
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Ace is my favorite, but from the looks of it he's actually enjoying the entity's game.
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Yeah...but you only get 1
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Jeff or Bill. Poor Bill has been through enough and Jeff is my favorite.
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As unfortunate as it is, I would leave kate in there, but save Jeff. Jeff left a dog behind.
Kate would be the bolt of hope to help the survivors live through another night.
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Steve and Nancy
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I have to agree with the general public. Kate. She is hopeful so she is more vulnerable to the entities torture abd she is badass because she tried to fight the entity.
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Tapp was a crazy obssessed detective who webt basically insane over the jigsaw cases. None would believe him.
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TRUE as well thats why the entity took her
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Honestly even though none of the survivors deserved this kind of fate I have a hard time feeling "more sorry" for them than for certain killers. At least some of the survivors had a life ahead of them whereas some of the killers never even had a chance to have anything remotely similar.
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Am I the only person that thinks Kate was chosen to provide hope to everyone in a more negivate way. Really as lovely as she is by her lore.. she is lifting up spirits and giving them hope more hope than they had before her joining them in the fog.
I think Kate is a instrument of the entity personally I don't think Kate is aware of it but she kept going to that clearing to get ideas for songs and those was provided by the entity to lure her back and deeper under its control.
I think Kate being there is a bad thing for fellow survivors so should be saved. She keeps them hopeful and that's exactly what the entity wants.
I think in all honesty Kate could become a killer.. She could be a siren 🐷
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Absolutely Vigo.
Apparently he may have made the Hatch, and there's a laboratory somewhere.
I gots to know!
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And Laurie, she already had to be stalked by Michael, then having all her friends killed, then she got taken by the Pedophile Entity... she only wanted to go to prom
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I agree!
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Jeff! His doggy will save him!
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Meg, because hotness