How long do you think a match should last?

I've seen people complain about matches going too fast but the way I see it, if I'm in a long match (which for me is like more than 8 minutes), I'm bored and ready to kill myself as survivor or ready to let survivors escape as killer.
I think a match lasting between like 5-8 minutes is perfect. But what do yall think?
I think matches should last 10-15 mins, though it mostly depends on queue times. If queue times take forever id definitely want a match longer than 5 mins
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5 minute match is pretty fast tbh, i think a 10 minute active match is good enough, and by an active match i mean 10 minutes of chasing and hooking and patrolling gens.. etc, i absolutely dislike these 30 minutes round were i kill 2 survivors and the other 2 survivors become immersed af, especially if it's two p3 claudette in the yamaoka map, it's like finding a needle in a haystack
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Never as bad as a Doctor running 3 gen strat and refusing to chase anyone. Those games last half an hour or more sometimes
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15-20 min
Because its a horror game.
5 min doesnt fit for a horror game.
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A match lasting 5 minutes is perfect? Lmao this seems like a bait tbh
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Anything less and it feels like I'm playing a mini game.
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10 minutes is about max i want to be in the game usually.
at a certain point (somewhere around the 8-10 minute mark) if it's obvious nobody's doing anything anymore i just go play with the killer until i'm dead to let whoever's left stealth it out.
by that time if it was a good game i easily have 1-2 pips.. if it was a crappy game that's easily long enough to take my safety pip and move on.
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I love it when I'm playing Doctor and the survivors 3-gen themselves. I love it almost as much as I love survivors who t-bag at the pallet, forgetting that I can stun them out of dropping it.
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Around 10 minutes, can be a little shorter or a little longer. I don't enjoy very short matches, even when they're 4ks. I think everyone's happiest when they get a lot of BPs.
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At least 10 minutes. That time is minimum for M1 killers to break decent amount of pallets against good survivors.
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Sounds like someone who just has a different opinion than you.
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I don't really have a much preffered time on how long matches should go. Long matches can be intense though, but shorter matches are also not bad, as long as they aren't too short and have enough going on in that time.
But going against a 3 gen doc that isn't chasing anyone really is the definition of boring. I don't mind it going on for a few minutes, making it challenging to get some progress on gens, but if it goes on forever, that's just awful.
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15-20 minutes would be perfect.
If i had to guess, a normal match is more 10-12 min.
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5 minute game for a 15 minute killer queue time. I see absolutely no problems with this whatsoever /s
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Around 10-15 minutes.
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10-15 minutes
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around 15 minutes. I mean it's possible atm with "Corrupt Intervention"+three gen strat, but you'll never pip. Nurse, Spirit and Billy can do sh!t of course.
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10 minutes should be the average, not too quick and not too long. It's just stupid how some games can be finished in 4 minutes
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5 minutes is literally asking for 4 man escapes every game lmao
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8-12 minutes imo. Anything below is just unfun, and much longer is usually unfun aswell because a match with 15+ minutes is usually only achievable with a lot of immersive blendettes hiding like no tomorrow.
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I'd say 12-16 minutes.
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Anywhere from 10-20 minutes.
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10-20 minutes
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Five minute game is absurd to be “expected.” If every survivor does a gen that’s 80 seconds then three doing the last gen together is about 30 seconds. Add in time to open the gate plus actually moving around and literally the fastest possible game is probably 3.5 minutes and that’s assuming no interaction with that killer whatsoever.
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10 minutes, not too long to get bored but not too short to be unexciting either
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My actual words were "between 5-8 minutes" but I guess misquoting and taking things out of context is cool too
5 minutes was my LOW end. Not my standard expectation. Of course anything shorter than that is a complete stomp usually one way or the other and isn't fun for anyone. After looking at someone of my old streams, I'd adjust to say more like 5-12 minutes depending on Ruin/other factors but any more than that is just dragging
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A match should last long enough for me to kill everybody...
I am only R10 but I'd say probably 10-15 minutes. Anything much beyond that and I tend to stop caring.
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Mine are around ~10 minutes in red ranks with ruin. Got a 45 minute match with huntress after last rank reset lmao.
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A full blown swf R1 squad gen rushing should take 5 minutes max.
Which would average out at 6 to 15 minutes max for people playing gens normally. If the timer hits 20 minutes end game triggers no matter what.