What character would you add into the survivor roster?

I’ll go first. Kenny from Telltale’s The Walking Dead.
tbh, i prefer clementine, she fits with the other survivors, while kenny will always be my fav character, he would be a bit similar to bill, green clothes and a beard and both are in a zombie apocalyptic world.
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And old! I agree with you aswell, Clementine is more popular and Kenny has his family and Lee.
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On another note, I would really like to see Sally Hardesty added as an expansion to the Leatherface DLC. If it had to be a standalone character, I want to play as Isaac Clarke.
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A slightly overweight, mid-30's Scottish guy with a lumberjack beard who trundles around muttering and screaming swears at the Survivors while trying to strangle them with my slowly-malfunctioning headset that I can't afford to replace. :D
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BHVR has given me Ash Williams, deadite stomper, time traveler, and drunkard supreme. They have also given me Steve "The Hair" Harrington, babysitter of the century, interdimensional monster slayer, scooper of ice cream, and owner of a damn good headful of hair. I have my two mains and I require no more sustenance. I can die a happy horror fan.
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She would’ve made a splendid pair with Bubba.
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I'd like it if Lee Abbot from A Quiet Place. I think having a protective family man in the game could be interesting.
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Ripley from Alien. Even if we can’t have a xenomorph or whole Alien chapter, I’d still love to see Ripley as a survivor.
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Tommy Jarvis from Friday the 13th
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Crossover from Resident Evil
Jill Valentine ( Her japanese looks in RE3 not the crappy remodel)
Or Moira from Resident Evil revelations .
That'd be sick !
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Ellie from The Last of Us.
Now if we're talking full DLC's I'm still waiting on Hellraiser. Give me Pinhead and Kirsty, you cowards!!
An Alien and/or Predator one would be cool too.
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Eminem...need I explain?
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Duke from Payday 2, his family knows a lot about ancient ######### and eldritch abominations. Someone's gotta accidentally summon the entity at some point.
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Jan Michael Vincent... Its time to Michael down your Vincent's
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John McClane
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I know I’m gonna get hate from all the kenny fans, but I DESPISE kenny with a passion. I killed him as fast as I could in my TWD playthrough. As someone else said I would much rather have Clem or literally any other character from that series.
For killer I personally would love to see Pyramid Head from Silent Hill but it most likely won’t happen because of Konami. Still I can hope.
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It would! Maybe he’d have a built in Iron Will.
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An Alien chapter would be so cool.
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Duke is awesome. “Kneel before the Duke.” I don’t have a main but I play Hoxton frequently.
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The lady who got her neck snapped in Dying Light 1 when she turned
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I'll have to be generic and say Clementine from Telltale's the Walking Dead.
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You fool, not playing Jimmy or Jacket
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Like some others I was really hoping for Ash and we got him so I’m pretty satisfied. However if I had to choose another then I’d probably say R. J. MacReady from The Thing.
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There are so, soo many characters from games, movies, and TV I would love! But I'm sure that's the same for any of us. We already got Ash, which I'm thrilled about, so...
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Hey, I just played them both today.
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Old Laurie Strode with a shotgun would be nice.
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Probably can't happen anymore, but Sidney Prescott from Scream.
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-Coach from L4D
-Macready from The Thing
-Ripley from Alien
-Dutch from Predator
-Brenda from Scary Movie
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Arnold Schwarzenegger with his iconic "AUAAAUUUUUUGEEEGHH" scream if he gets hit.
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I actually made a quiet place fan chapter a while back. The way I adapted the "louder noise thing" was if a survivor performs an action that results in a sound notification within a certain range of him, for a limited time, actions that would create a sound notif would be completely silent.
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A dog
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Absolutely Alan Wake.
Could have a Perk that makes Generators produce less Skill Checks but also makes the Great success zones of the Generator Skill Checks bigger.
(The Skill Checks in Alan Wake are incredibly easy, but it's not a competitive game, so the Perk would need some sort of drawback.)
Could have a Perk that makes Flashlights a source of healing.
(Light is the only way to gain health in Alan Wake.)
And could have a new challenge Perk (like No Mither) that removes anything supernatural from your vision, like Auras, notifications (y'know, the BOOM+black bubble thing), Entity Blockers, etc.
Of course, this would raise the BP you gain by a certain amount to still get something more out of it than just a challenge.
(Idk, i simply like the challenge No Mither brought, and i'd like some more.)
I would've liked for him to bring a dodge Perk as well, since if you time them right in Alan Wake, the game slows down for just a bit and shows off the attack missing, very pleasing.
But we have Dead Hard, so yeah.
Anyway, i think the world of Alan Wake would be a fantastic addition in general.
He usually uses guns, but he's not a fighter, he has to run if he's out of ammo, which fits since the Entity will surely strip him of all firearms.
Alan Wake writes stories, so he'd probably get along just fine with Benedict Baker, and the devs might be able to get Alan write some stories about the Entity and its world, characters, realms, etc.
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This. Ripley's character is perfect for this game.
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Still waiting on Helen and The Fisherman from IKWYDLS.
And her perks better aid in dragging out a good chase. ;)
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Buffy Summers, Tommy Jarvis and Rick Grimes
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I'm gonna go with Naomi watts from the ring. To accompany the Samara chapter.
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Mad Max
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Chanel Oberlin from scream queens
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Jim Hopper or Kiryu
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If you aren't aware of Tony the Pimp, I would strongly recommend seeing Demoni and basking in one of the ALL TIME greatest Horror Movie characters... OF ALL TIME!!!
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Captain Spaulding. He could run around cussing out the killer. His perks could be taunts and what not. I would immediately buy it without ANY hesitation. Hell I would be happy if it was Rob Zombie himself.
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Dr. Loomis from Halloween.
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How bout the three ????
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some random emo fanfic writer
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Sally from Texas Chainsaw Massacre
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Character..? Hmm... Nancy Thompson from Nightmare on Elm Street (Robert Englund Version)
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Brenda Meeks from Scary Movie.
Since we have Ash from a semi-horror/comedy series, and now we have a kid's show, there's not much limit on characters.
I'd love to see her gain buffs while other survivors (or the obsession) is being chased https://i.pinimg.com/originals/33/2f/0e/332f0eab212fe965a33564a84b582b76.gif
Or buff items pilfered from dead survivors https://memestatic.fjcdn.com/pictures/Rpgs+in+real+life_b4281b_6440441.jpg
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An air conditioner.