Unpopular opinion: The new Perks are all Trash

Honestly, the new perks are trash now and won't shake up the meta, some of them got nerfed for no reason. Most of them are garbage tier, except for the babysitter maybe, but then again, why don't I just use Borrowed Time. The new perks are being overrated because they're new.

Remember when Spirit chapter was released on PTB and everyone thought Autodidact was gonna be OP because of insta heals, but it ended up being trash, that also got nerfed for no reason similar to Freddy.



  • Science_Guy
    Science_Guy Member Posts: 2,046

    Ah, yes the Autodidact nerf.

    "Good" times.

    All the same, we'll see about this round. I wouldn't say any of them are great, or even better than anything we have now... but DBD has a lot of trash perks. I'd still say at least a few of these new ones are at least usable.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    Inner strenght is still amazing, second wind not as much, but still pretty good

    The rest are ok, nothing I would consider meta (but I might run the one where you see your marks to get a good grasp of how they work)

    But we need to wait until they get released to really see whats good or not

    I do have a good feeling about surge...looking forward to that one

  • SpyMature
    SpyMature Member Posts: 204

    Personally, I don't find it fun or great to feel when you get them to work.

    A good example would be Head On, cause it actually makes me feel great when I break killer's nose.

  • HazeHound
    HazeHound Member Posts: 814
    edited September 2019

    You are so wrong i can't even. Every Gorgon perk is very good and survivors have perks that will break swf even more. For solo play walking perk combo well with sb, vigil.

    Every update someone makes thread like this. Remember how people thought corrupt Intervention will be useless? Just wait and see how people use them.

    Hook time perk will cause only oneshot killers + nurse to be played, mark my words on this.

  • SpyMature
    SpyMature Member Posts: 204

    Out of all the perks to try and throw on me, you choosed the one that actually hinders the survivor on the hook rather than helps him cause the Killer gets to know when to come back to the hook, or even stay at the hook because he knows someone is within 16m... LOL

  • VexTheHex
    VexTheHex Member Posts: 1,009

    Better Together - Pretty pointless. It's like if Bond and Kindred had a baby. Bond does the nearby aspect better while the other part is only useful to see if someone else is rushing for the save.

    Fixated - Seeing your own marks seems pointless, seeing other's may of been neat. The walking speed may help a little, but you'd better off stealthing with Urban Evasion since you're a smaller target.

    Inner Strength - Not really seeing anything too exciting for this one, but it isn't bad. Totems are a limited resource and have to be found before others break them.

    Babysitter - Too short of a time for the marks and blood to not be left. 8 seconds?!? And you're letting the Killer know where you are and whether you went to heal them off the hook. I like the idea of it, but it seems they played it rather safe/weak.

    Camaraderie - Very situational, doesn't offer that much for a once in a match perk.

    Second Wind - May be pretty useful, probably the best of the Survivor perks. Hopefully can pull off some escapes/heals from camper/tunnelers if the map/area allows for it.

    Surge - Meh. I think I'd rather run Pop Goes The Weasel instead of this one.

    Cruel Limits - Probably won't be useful most of the time while offering some times where it helps you trap someone. Situational but the idea is interesting.

    Mindbreaker - Seems mostly like a anti-Sprint Burst perk or to slow people down from hopping back on gens so they can get over the Exhaustion first. Nothing amazing as it mostly sounds like a annoyance for Survivors than anything else.

    My personal thoughts as of now.

  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    Cruel Limits, even if they buffed it yeah it won't be anywhere near amazing because it just isn't something that can be good. Maybe it would be good if 24-32 meters Vaults around YOU were blocked when a Gen was completed but we would have to test that and I doubt they would change it to be something possibly good.

    Surge, the nerf did hurt it, 24 is nothing and I barely see it getting any use when someone runs it.

    Mindbreaker, yeah this isn't a good or decent perk it's just something that can be used but isn't an amazing perk.

    Babysitter is ok but like you said BT is better, I might use this with BT and BT would be an insurance in case the Killer was right there but overall it is a perk made to promote healthy gameplay and not tunnel.

    Camaraderie is meh, another healthy perk designed to do something against camping.

    Second Wind is so Survivors won't waste time with healing when they can do gens, it can be good but it would only be because you the player is skilled.

    Better Together worries me because it's the Survivor version of Discordance

    Inner Strength is good because you don't waste time healing and if you break a totem before getting injured then you waste no time at all. The only time this perk is bad is the injured Survivor denies someone to heal them because they can just break a totem, that is stupid because doing a totem and waiting in a locker is more time than someone else would take to heal you.

    Fixated is for Sprint Burst and other Exhaustion perks, you run and walk away, I don't know if this will be a fan favorite or not though, we'll see.

    Overall most perks are meh

  • SpyMature
    SpyMature Member Posts: 204

    You won't get any heals from Second Wind, it's a perk against Killers who actually play fair and leave the hook, the counter to this perk is actually camping and tunneling the survivor off the hook, cause the perk works only outside of terror radius.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    Wrong, it got changed before the ptb started.

    It's just a flat timer now.

  • SpyMature
    SpyMature Member Posts: 204

    I suppose it makes it better, but there's still the requirement to fully heal a person first, and it's gonna be a similar problem to Autodidact where you won't get any heals, and will most likely already get hooked once before you can even activate the perk.

  • SpyMature
    SpyMature Member Posts: 204

    I think fixated is something rather made for new players so they would understand how scrachmarks work similar to Windows of Opportunity, after using it for a while I found these scratchmarks showing up rather distracting cause I already have the idea of where the scratchmarks will show up after playing 1k hours, the walking speed increase as it is right now is very insignificant, it should be increased to 25% or 30% so it would actually be noticable, also the requirement to be uninjured is total bullcrap.

    Inner Strenght is something that's gonna look cool at first, but over time you're gonna realize that you're just wasting a perk slot to save just a couple of seconds, or perhaps even waste some looking for a totem, cleansing it, and getting into a locker. Nowadays Killers who actually get good at the game don't even use NOED and I rarely ever see it at high ranks.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    I cleanse totems either way, for the bps.

    Might aswell get a heal from them

  • drimmalor
    drimmalor Member Posts: 909

    I've been incorporating walking into my chase strategies for quite some time now. Walking after vaults (until you know if they're vaulting or going around) or when they're doubling back on loops can deter bloodlust from building up. I wish it applied while injured but it's still nice to have healthy. The scratchmarks are just a bonus, even if I don't need the visual indication.

    As far as Inner Strength goes, it's good utility. Stopping to cleanse a totem doesn't hurt (1000 points is 1000 points), especially if you have time at the start of a match. The quick heal can make a huge difference in a pinch, and it's nice to have another option for people that don't like Self Care (I haven't used it in over a year!)

  • VexTheHex
    VexTheHex Member Posts: 1,009

    Issue is that your allies may deny you or you may deny other's their Inner Strength just trying to farm some points. Or a IS user may leave totems for later for another token then forget the location and the team gets a NOED in their faces later. You're also denying Altruism points with the self heal as well. it certainly isn't the worst of the 9 perks by any margin, but it has some draw backs for sure.

  • joker7997
    joker7997 Member Posts: 899

    I had exactly the same opinion as the op when I watched the reveal and nothing has happened to change my mind.

  • FriendlyGuy
    FriendlyGuy Member Posts: 2,768

    I thought about a combo of "Surge"+"Overcharge" and even "Cruel Limits"+"Bitter Murmur", but honestly, with 24 metres on them the first combo hits 0-1 gen the most times and the second one is only useful on very specific maps. Kinda disappointed if they stay like this.

    Survivor perks just got buffed on the PTB and they look quite nice. "Camaraderie" got potential in a 4man swf, "Inner Strength" got huge combo potential with already meta perks and "Fixated" is pretty dope in stealth builds.

    But yeah 75% of the perks are not worth to use right now. (better than 100% on Ghostface i guess)

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    Well, they can be changed if needed.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    Why would I heal in a locker if someone else is around?

    I'll use inner strength the same way I use medkits, when I'm alone.

    The noed part is silly... if you can't remember where it is, you shouldn't leave it for later in the first place + who even runs noed? I see it maybe once every 20 games if that...

    Either way, player got greedy with the totems, player gets punished

  • Boosted_Dwight
    Boosted_Dwight Member Posts: 3,059

    Hey I saw this exact comment on Reddit.

    Babysitter would be good if the unhooked survivor could actually see where the killer is to avoid running into them. Surge needs a radius buff because survivors can run away from gens. Better together is fine and imo great for solo survivor. Inner Strength is fine because it's not difficult to find a totem and there are 5 totems so you have a good chance of cleansing one.

  • SpyMature
    SpyMature Member Posts: 204

    You saw this exact comment on Reddit because it's the exact same person, I dediced to post it on forum too to get some discussion going and let out my opinion.

    Yeah giving the aura read to the unhooked survivor as well would be great. Better together should reveal the aura of a gen youre working on to all survivors at all range, and reveal your aura to other survivors when you're working on a gen and someone gets downed as well.

  • Boosted_Dwight
    Boosted_Dwight Member Posts: 3,059

    Yeah Better together would be amazing for solo if it was for all ranges.

  • FriendlyGuy
    FriendlyGuy Member Posts: 2,768

    Makes the perk worse than i thought. They should buff the range to 40m to make it viable then.

  • Ksoni
    Ksoni Member Posts: 607
    edited September 2019

    Explain to me how gorgon perkd are good (except surge).

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    Just because a perk isn't meta doesn't mean it won't be used.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    Mindbreaker is good at punishing exhausted survivors (which many do use Exhaustion Perks), while Confinement (I prefer the old name) is great at punishing survivors who finish gens near the killer.

    However, they are very situational.

  • TheUnendingNightmare
    TheUnendingNightmare Member Posts: 1,172
    edited September 2019

    Babysitter is indeed to be used with borrowed time, it just gives one more chance to the unhooked survivor.

    The healing perk is OP af. 7s in a locker and you are fully healed. Also the perk that allows you to see your scratch marks will be sooooo useful to mind ######### killers.

    Wait until AFTER release to complain.

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    Ok, killer side of things, they're awful.

    Surge is a small range now, combined with the fact that if you want it to be at all valuable you have to stack it with PGtW (and let's face it, that synergy will be nerfed) means you're taking up 2 perk slots for what you were already making do with just pop for, makes it pretty undesirable. This perk is 100% only a bandaid to the threads that did the maths to show that kicking a generator is nearly ALWAYS a waste of time if you aren't completely certain nobody is nearby.

    Cruel Limits, again, small range, but now it's a 30 limited effect around an area of the map that you no longer want to be near as killer, because there's more important places to pressure. I get that the theme of the perks are "sneak up and assault them near gens," but this is just too situational, short-lived and largely out of your control as killer.

    Mindbreaker only has a significant effect against people who don't look around on gens, and are running Sprint Burst. I'm sure the brown ranks are going to love this.

    On the survivor side it's a mixed bag.

    Better Together is a less consistent Bond or Empathy. It's a buff to solo survivor but probably not enough of a reason to run it over the other top team aura reading perks.

    Fixated will be interesting, but certainly not long term. I can't imagine 20% extra walking speed will be a major game changer.

    Inner Strength is strong, and really it's just a nerf to noed and other hexes. It also annoyingly supports this whole "no heal" meta because now you can have a free passive heal for removing ruin at the start of the match. Personally I just hate it because as survivor it's going to be denying me altruism.

    Babysitter, meh. 9 times out of 10 if the killer is coming back to the hook they see the survivor before their scratch marks. If anything it's more likely to make me think the user is more confident and be less tempted to chase them.

    Camaraderie is #########. If it's doing anything in a match, it's because a killer is camping and someone else is getting nothing done anyway. Chances are it isn't changing the outcome for the survivor on the hook, as their fate is down to how their teammates play against the camper.

    Second Wind. Again it annoys me that the reward of a perk is that I'm denied altruism points for healing them because they have a passive heal. At least this one forces them to heal others at least once for the tempo balance of the game.

  • Redcum
    Redcum Member Posts: 261

    Just because not all perks need to be powerful doesn't mean they all have to be trash except for a few. All the killers' perks are bad.

  • BlueFang
    BlueFang Member Posts: 1,379

    Fixated is honestly the best survivor perk in my opinion

    It's going to be so incredibly helpful when it comes to mindgames and traversing around the map

  • Ksoni
    Ksoni Member Posts: 607

    And everyone knows where situational perks belong. That's right. In trash tier.

  • n2njauwu
    n2njauwu Member Posts: 275

    problem is with this game that there is no meta , there is just simply 1 best build for survivor and 1 best build for killer , nurse and spirit are always best since i can remember ,

    if u see online game with patch changes , meta is from time to time shifting . either people learn sth to play against and this thing become weak or the devs of gameforces changes to change sth to make game morerefreshing

    ofc that doesnt mean the other things are not playable it just means that at higheest level of play there is no space for other things simply because they are simply bad or 2 situational or very risky ,,,

    as i said nurse and spirit are only meta ,

    for how long is ruin and enduring meta ,,,,

    how long ds , and exhaustion perks are meta ,,,,

    its not like they all need nerfs with few expections , its more about other perks are 2 situational or worse that thease above at what they do

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647

    Imma be real and say that I'm gonna fixate the shiet out of some killers when the chapter goes live...

  • Mc_Harty
    Mc_Harty Member Posts: 3,293

    Fixated is soooo good. It's like Iron Will, you're probably not going to see the benefits of the perk at first.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    Doesn't mean it is trash. NOED is situational, yet very strong. Same with Adrenaline, BT, or DS.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,133

    Yeah, Gorgon's perks aren't great. Surge would be good if it were at 32m. As it is now, Survivors just run away from gens. Cruel Limits needs some kind of buff. And MindBreaker is great in theory, but, bad in practice.

  • MathiaStef
    MathiaStef Member Posts: 132

    Sounds like DBD in a nutshell maybe they should change the "Death is not an escape" little subtitle to "Great in theory, bad in practice"

  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,918

    Like you said, not every perk should never meta, but is it possible for fixated to lose its injured factor? The perk wouldn’t get much stronger, and when it comes to niche builds, I had a no mither ninja idea! Sadly, with no mither the perk’s speed is literally turned off.

  • SpyMature
    SpyMature Member Posts: 204

    Just like people here mentioned, just because not all perks need to be powerful doesn't mean they all have to be trash except for a few.

    You did a great job with Infectious Fright by removing the requirement for the hit to be a regular attack, and now it's actually a usable perk, why can't you do the same with at least these new perks? Why do they have to be so weak?

  • Ksoni
    Ksoni Member Posts: 607

    Ds situational? If i play survivor i use it every game. Im just pretenting being dumb, then slowly go into the locker when killer sees me, then i stab the killer and loop normaly.

  • Jago
    Jago Member Posts: 1,742

    Fixated, Iron will.

    Bye bye Spirit and Nurse ^^

  • FriendlyGuy
    FriendlyGuy Member Posts: 2,768

    You think that stops them from working? Sweet xD

    On topic: Even WITH the 32m radius these killer perks are still situational. Buff em for live version please.

  • xudyy69
    xudyy69 Member Posts: 14

    Lemme talk about the new surv perks real quick:

    Inner strenght

    is probably the best way to selfheal and it also offers a lot of tactics and combinations with other perks that will totally shake the meta. And also - its finally a reason to cleanse dull totems (which counters noed). Although noed still needs rework. We just need to wait till devs realize noed is actually garbage that doesn't fit into the game and is way too overpowered.


    is a great perk. Not meta, not garbage. But BT requires being inside the terror radius of the killer. So if you play against spirit, nurse or any killer that plays stealthy and has 0 terror radius, you won't activate BT. Babysitter will work in these situations too, however.


    is honestly one of my favourite perks right now. The faster walking speed can really help you mess with the killer and the knowledge you gain from seeing your own scratchmarks is just a bonus. Definitely top tier perk vs spirit.

    Better together

    imo one of the best soloQ perks right now. I know a lot of people say this perk is pointless but I think they just haven't realized its true power. The perk substitutes for BOND AND KINDRED! When you're working on a gen, other can see it highlighted. Which means people who are looking for a gen to do will come right up to you and you finish the objective faster (which is essentially the point of survivor role). You may also lure other players to come to you to heal you if you're injured. While you're still working on the objective instead of running around trying to fiund somebody.

    Many survivors prefer to be chased over doing gens. These survivors rarely play bond (even tho they should) and go for more aggressive perk instead. Then it could happen that the chased survivor unintentionally leads the killer to you. It won't happen if you run Better Together :)

    And the last point - whenever someone gets downed, you see all other survivors for 10 sec. That is literally the best thing you can ask for in soloQ. You can see there is a survivor close to the downed one so you know you dont have to go for the save. You can see you are actually the closest one so you can go for the save yourself. It gives you so much important information, you just need to know how to use it.

    I find Second Wind quite pointless since there are tons of ways to heal yourself faster and safer and have to requirements. This perks sounds cool but actually is useless and no one will ever play it.

    Camaraderie... srsly devs? This perk is 100% garbage and if you take it, you're wasting a perkslot.


    Not gonna talk about the killer perks since I don't play killer that much and I don't dare to make statements about something I don't have enough experience with.

  • Witas
    Witas Member Posts: 477

    That is not really a vaild response. Perks not being meta doesn't mean they're supposed to be trash, Surge and Cruel Confinement with the reduced range do nothing 90% of the time (Especially surge.), at this point literally something like Iron Graps or Deerstalker is better, because it alteast does something, and you get SOME payoff for picking it.