I just realized how awful Haddonfield is to play on lol

Got it twice in a row as spirit, got a 1k and a 2k, not that I care about kills, I got good points. Safe windows everywhere, it probably needs reworked next imo.
Honestly the map should have been the first to be reworked over Badham. Badham was poorly designed but Haddonfield is way worse.
Post edited by drimmalor on10 -
Your behind on this one lol
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I’ve witnessed it as survivor but hardly ever as killer, don’t really care if I’m behind though.
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jUSt pLAy nURSe 4hEAd !!!
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Honestly Haddonfield is SO awful, especially when survivors are running balanced landing.
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This is the main thing for me. Balanced Landing turns the houses into infinites. Unless you are playing one of the few killers that can cope with this you will never catch the survivor. Its extremely frustrating.
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I’ll chainsaw the houses down!1!1!
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you know haddonfield is terrible when even groot thinks it's awful
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It's not even that bad as spirit TBH, no map is. She is just that strong. But when I see the haddo offering I just hard camp as killer, pretty simple.
If you get someone down with 4-5 gens left you can easily sacrifice 2-3 gens to secure the kill, then get another one with NOED for the 2k draw. Maybe things go well and you can still 3-4k; but it's a stretch if multiple people are running balanced landing and know how to use it.
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I actually cry everytime I see a chainsaw killer playing on Haddonfield 😁.
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And tbh the new badham maps are even worse than the original, which I didn't even think was possible. With some bad RNG there's a pallet every couple feet along with the god window and insane loops at the school itself, then toss in some balanced landing BS at the buildings for good measure and you have a real nightmare of a map for most killers.
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It definitely wasn’t as bad as spirit as it would’ve been but with the way the windows were pretty safe.
I have said that maps are the main balance issue. :P
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Tears of salt or joy? :P
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You do know if the survivor uses Balanced Landing, the perk makes Haddonfield an infinite (like an actual infinite from the beta).
Yeah, I'm like, 99.99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% sure BHVR is reworking this map next! :)
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I’ve used the infinite before, just never faced it until today and three of them had bl in the first game😂
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Me too. There was so many posts about this so I think they're aware.
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Haddonfield is awful. I play super scummy when I see a Haddonfield offering. Although I have issues with pretty much every map in this game. I just really disagree with their approach to survivor resources. Survivors shouldn't have functionally unlimited safe pallets relative to typical game length in addition to a strong structure with windows that have no counterplay (for most killers unless they happen to have Bamboozle).
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It's actually only an infinite if the window above basement stairs is open, because they can use that every 3rd or 4th loop to "reset" the loop. Running the top windows is not a true infinite as the killer will eventually catch you, but it is way longer than any normal loop in the game. However against a 110 killer like Huntress, yes this is an infinite, but she can also be infinited at some other points in the game.
Haddonfield desperately needs a rework. If it's not the map to be reworked in the next next patch then I seriously question BHVR's priorities.
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You minus well call it an infinite because killers can't spend 2 minutes trying to get one hit with Bloodlust and Entity Blockers — That's just asking to get gen-rushed. :(
Through, regardless if it's near infinite of infinite, it does need a look at for sure. I use Balanced Landing a lot in the case I get a map that has an infinite with BL. :)
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It's so funny to loop a killer without mobility for three gens with "Balanced Landing" on demn Haddonfield.
(pls rework pls)
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on Haddonfield just downshift your expectations. Six hooks is the equivalent to a two-hook. Two sacrifices is a 4k. You aren't doing haddonfield vs good survivors and coming out with a pip.
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I actually started using map offerings to play there. It might have a decent amount of pallets, but only like 3 or 4 actually NEED to be kicked before you can get a hit.
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I'm happy to play on Haddonfield the rare times it shows up. It certainly isn't fun, but I'll suck it up and deal with it.
However, if there was a map offering, you better believe I'm gonna work out which person's running Unbalanced Landing and make sure they get the lowest points for the match.
There's a lot of maps that are killer sided or survivor sided, but Haddonfield is pure exploitation when you build specifically for it.
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Rare..? It's just about every second match I have.
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It is rare for me too
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Lucky you, that means you aren't on corn 90% of matches.
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Same. I couldn't even remember when I got Haddonfield the last time so I used a map offering. Them survivors are probably still wondering why a killer would use a Haddonfield offering haha.
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I use the Game offering as survivor, fite me.
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I wish you the balance landing squad next time for a full experience :D
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The first match had three bl users, does that count?
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Yaaaah not bad ! The supreme touch of taste is when this map is triggered via an offering.
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No offering got used either time. :P
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I wouldn't be at all surprised if it is the most common map offering used by survivors.
I groan audibly when I get that map as huntress.
The preschool was bad, but haddonfield is terrible.
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Thematically, I like Haddonfield. The vibe is very Halloween, I want to stalk people with Myers there just to immerse myself in fandom.
But then I remember what actually stalking people with Myers there is like and I say no ######### thank you. I dislike all the urban cluster maps, but Haddonfield is maddening.
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I don't mind the corn maps. I usually 3-4k on them. I don't know if that's because I use the Trapper, the way I play or I'm just lucky.
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Not gonna lie when someone brings the Haddonfield offering I'm either finding someone and face camping them to death or I'm just flat out leaving at the start, I don't play video games to slog through the real bully simulator (no map is more unfun to play on when the surviving team is ready for it) since I already know everyone is bringing balanced along with every other meta perk for either an easy win or to make my game miserable. No thanks, I'll go on to the next match.
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Haddon sucks for both killer and survs,
when we play killer we know why this map sucks,
as surv: if you dont want to play like ... and jump Myers house 10 times, you have maybe 8 pallets to work with,
this map sucks for both sides (unless you run BL and dont feel bad running infinite)
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That’s true, as survivor I find the same exact loops over and over boring. But some people enjoy abusing it and you can tell because they hang out right around the house or every time you see them they run straight to it.
not saying anything is wrong with using something to your advantage, but for me it’s not “fun,” gameplay
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It is not unwinable except maybe against some really good survivors or swf. I main Myers and I got 3 or 4k plenty of times there. With some other killers also.
From yellow to red ranks.
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I get 3/4ks on it too
Ummmm, sure?
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Technically speaking if the killer can catch you it's not an infinite. A huge time sink but not an infinite. Yea you still don't want to take that chase if you can help it, but if you REALLY want the guy you can catch them. Only exception is when that exact window is open because then it becomes a true infinite where the killer can never catch you.
The only killers that can't be looped here (either normal or infinite) are Trapper, Hag, and Freddy. Trapper can trap both top windows which completely breaks the loop, and you can't disarm those traps except with your face. Hag can also put traps there and teleport, though a really good survivor can still avoid a hit. Freddy can put snares all inside the house on the bottom floor to break the loop. Also Nurse but she's never loopable. Every other killer (including Spirit) can be looped here for a long time.
Honestly all they really need to do to fix this is remove the windows and just make them doorways, then remove the window at the top of the basement. That would completely destroy this loop.
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Playing Wraith on that map is horrendous
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I run Balanced all the time, and I've been face camped on Haddonfield because the killer assumed I was the one that gave the offering.
This is just spiteful and childish honestly. Besides the fact that you really have no idea, your taking your anger out on the wrong person. The devs are the ones you should be angry with because they made the map.