The Demogorgon must be nerfed.

My idea:
The lunge attack has a 120 second cool down, and doesn't injure the survivor.
Palletes stun the Demogorgon for 60 seconds.
Movement speed reduced to 1%.
Using a portal gives all survivors the killers location for 80 second.
The Demogorgon must ask each survivor to sign a consent form before it is allowed to kick a gen.
In the lobby the Demogorgon is served a restraining order forcing it to stay at least 100 meters away from all survivors.
i actually snorted so hard that water came out of my nose
you're paying for my hospital bill
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Yes as rank 20, I agree with all these points. He is just too powerful, ALMOST freddy before reword op.
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As a boosted Dwight I agree.
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get ok at thiz game, jk should be 120 seconds of stun Kappa.
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Looks like Legion nerf list with some things changed in the script
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He's joking.
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Hmm he stills seems to powerful.... 1% movement speed dang thats pretty high you should make his movement speed 0.00000001% and then make his portal give him 1% movement speed. Only a 120 second cool down it should at least be an hour long! Stunning the demogorgon should also make a gen be instantly completed. And then I think we got a balanced killer!
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Lmao, downing a surv should instantly open the gates and ban the killer
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Hooking a survivor should delete the game from the killer's hard drive. We don't need toxic, tunneling, camping killers in our game!
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My recommendation: If he gets stunned by a pallet he gets removed from the game. Not the match, the game.
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These changes look good.
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Guess you didn't read the post - he's being sarcastic
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Solid list! 1% movement speed might be a little bit powerful though. 0.5% sounds better.
I also believe that if the Demogorgon is traveling to a portal while the survivor is cleansing it he should get trapped and instantly die.
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Whoa whoa whoa hold on there, survivor main! If he instantly dies then killer has no chance. Clearly you are a salty survivor main looking for instant win!
He should be placed in a "phase" state where he can't see survivors (or their auras) or bloodstains, scratch marks or hear footsteps for 120 sec. Also cannot move or attack.
After 120 sec, if no gens have been repaired, he returns to normal, but each gen repaired adds 34 seconds to phase state.
There. Balanced killer.
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Please return your signed consent forms prior to starting the match. Non-approved Survivors will not be allowed to ride the Hook and visit The Entity.
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Really? That's absolutely fantastic.
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It's still too OP, spotted a killer main luuuuul.
If you don't get the joke, he didn't nerf The Demogorgon enough so he's a killer main (not really, I'm just playing around with him).
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Yeah sounds pretty lit boi.
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How does one use spoiler text with this editor?
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Can you keep a secret?
Can you keep a secret?
Can you keep a secret?
Can you keep a secret?
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Also, every time the Demogorgon gets stunned, play Despacito on repeat.
If the killer hooks a survivor and doesn't get 64<meters away in under .1 milliseconds, the killer gets not only banned for facecamping, but also arrested irl and sentenced to the death penalty.
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and if Demogorgon injure any survivor, his game will uninstall and pc gonna explode