Dead By Daylight May die soon

RotBb Member Posts: 396
  Sadly, that title is true. Soon enough, killers will be gone and survivors won’t be able to get lobbies. The element of Survive With Friends throws off the dynamic of the game. Totem spots are awful. Looping is a skilless strategy that the killer can hardly beat. I was in a loop on Coldwind (the one with the fallen water tower, forgot the name) where I couldn’t even get my bloodlust up from how to loop was made. My ruin was destroyed one minute into the match, and my NOED was destroyed as soon as it spawned. The ranking is awful. I’m a rank ten killer, but because the group was Survive With Friends, the one rank twenty survivor in the group pulled the rank one three and four survivors were put into my lobby. SWF destroyes the fun the killer can have. Three or more SWF can be detrimental to what the killer can do. You need a certain perk set up just to secure ONE kill against a good group of SWF. I’m a good huntress, not the best, but good enough, I’ve gotten the adept achievement without even getting her to L50; but, that’s because I wasn’t going against SWF. Being put into a lobby with survivors way out of my league makes it nearly impossible to play. I need to camp to get a kill against a good group. I hate camping as a killer and survivor. It’s not fun for either side. 
    The game isn’t only bad on killer side. I have to play survivor to have fun now. I’m a P3 Feng with every perk and every adept achievement (for survivors). Playing with rank twenty survivors when I’m much better is annoying. The ranking system needs to be fixed. Rank One doesn’t mean much anymore. The way the ranking system should be is by Player Level + Ranking. A six devotion survivor shouldn’t be able to get into a lobby with a rank twenty level five player. It should be how it used to, where the survivors and killers could see the player’s ranking. A killer should not have to go against a rank one survivor if they’re not at least rank five. 
    Here is my list of things that need to happen:
•change the way players match up
•Fix totem spots
•allow the killer to see if the survivors are SWF
•Fix hitboxes
•Reduce Loops
•Remove the spin when survivors drop pallets
•Fix flashlight saves 
   - change the range required to get the save
   - make the possibility to counter the save
• Show actual percentages
   -Hindrance effect with huntress add-on
   -Flashlight add-ons
   -Medkit add-on
   -Trapper trap add-ons
   -Wraith add-ons
   -Hag add-ons
   -more that I can’t think of
•Rework “Surveillance”
   -don’t make it only 16 seconds 
•Buff Freddy
   -Change the sleep transition to five seconds
   -Make survivor’s repair/heal/sabo/exit speed 75% slower
   -Increase power range 
   -Remove the movement speed reduction from the “Red Paintbrush”
   -Make the “Black Box”’s obsession spawn away from other survivors (trump shrouds) 
   -Make a generator-like explosion sound when and where a survivor wakes up.
   -Allow him to grab awake survivors out of the hatch
Not sure what else from there, please add to it or share your opinion.


  • RotBb
    RotBb Member Posts: 396
    AshleyWB said:
    I only read the title. I totally disagree with you. More players now than ever. It'll take about another 5 years for this game to decline at it's current state. Even then there will be ample players to find full lobbys within a minute or two. Case Dismissed.
    Read the actual post. The title is semi-clickbait. 
  • RotBb
    RotBb Member Posts: 396
    AshleyWB said:
    Changes will be made to improve balance. Give it time. This game has come a long way in the last 2 years. 
    It’s not balance that is the problem. It’s the game itself with some content that will never change. 
  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061
    @Hillbilly420 I'm looking forward to hide or die hopefully theres a console release. Nothing can compete with dbd. Too original of a concept. Only dbd2 can do better where the whole game is redesigned. 
  • This content has been removed.
  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061
    Dbd2 will more probably be a patch which updates everything so everything is redesigned and runs smoother.
  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
  • This content has been removed.
  • BoxingRouge
    BoxingRouge Member Posts: 606
    Did you have a bad day playing killer?
  • Dragonredking
    Dragonredking Member Posts: 874
    edited July 2018

    @Lowbei said:

    Damn you got jailed again.
    What did you do this time?

    Post edited by Dragonredking on
  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061
    That's the first time I've seen someone jailed and omg I love the idea of it.
  • Dr_doom_j2
    Dr_doom_j2 Member Posts: 869

    I don't think there will be a DbD 2. Not without the fear of alienating the audience. The hardcores have already dumped at least $100 into the game. People already bought ######### in the store. The devs have painted themselves in a corner. If they release a sequel without the licensed Killers in it already then a lot of people won't have interest in that. The horror community took notice when the licensed Killers were added. You remove those guys, even just one of those guys, and that community will be pissed. Moreso if they release DbD 2 and you have to buy those characters again.

    They could try to force the community to switch to the new game by turning off the master servers for the original DbD but that will probably backlash tremendously. Just look at the Culling 2.

    The only way they could get people to switch to DbD 2 is if it's free to those who bought the original and all of the licensed characters are free. And I doubt they would ever do that due to the cost.

    Culling 2 is a horrible example, considering the culling 2 is vastly inferior to the culling 1
  • Delfador
    Delfador Member Posts: 2,552

    @Lowbei said:

    Finally police officers were able to catch myers. I hope soon I will see a leatherface behind bars.

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320

    You know why you didn't have NOED at the end of the match?... Cause you took Ruin..... I don't know why people still don't understand that if you take Ruin... You basically say to survivors. Hey... Destroy all my totems please. You tell them to go get all your totems right off the start. Then the Killer gets surprised when they have no NOED at the end.

    Game isn't dying... If SWF was the problem, it would have died long ago.

    Don't rank up as killer... Stop try-harding and just play and have fun. You lose your fun when you feel you need to "win" every match.

    Some of your points are valid though.

    However they will never tell you which survivors in the lobby are SWF. Simply cause killers who dodge SWF, it will only make it easier for them to dodge right away and dodge more often. They need to stop allowing killers to see the profiles of players. You should be forced to play SWF. The Devs just need to balance SWF within the match better.

    I thought about the flashlighting thing once.... Like being able to turn when picking up a survivor... however.. if you do that.. Then flashlights will pretty much be useless other then to flashlight killers when breaking pallets. Franklins to me is the best counter to flashlighting.

  • GhostEuant
    GhostEuant Member Posts: 243
    Your list of demands. 
  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    @RotBb said:
      Sadly, that title is true. Soon enough, killers will be gone and survivors won’t be able to get lobbies. The element of Survive With Friends throws off the dynamic of the game. Totem spots are awful. Looping is a skilless strategy that the killer can hardly beat. I was in a loop on Coldwind (the one with the fallen water tower, forgot the name) where I couldn’t even get my bloodlust up from how to loop was made. My ruin was destroyed one minute into the match, and my NOED was destroyed as soon as it spawned. The ranking is awful. I’m a rank ten killer, but because the group was Survive With Friends, the one rank twenty survivor in the group pulled the rank one three and four survivors were put into my lobby. SWF destroyes the fun the killer can have. Three or more SWF can be detrimental to what the killer can do. You need a certain perk set up just to secure ONE kill against a good group of SWF. I’m a good huntress, not the best, but good enough, I’ve gotten the adept achievement without even getting her to L50; but, that’s because I wasn’t going against SWF. Being put into a lobby with survivors way out of my league makes it nearly impossible to play. I need to camp to get a kill against a good group. I hate camping as a killer and survivor. It’s not fun for either side. 
        The game isn’t only bad on killer side. I have to play survivor to have fun now. I’m a P3 Feng with every perk and every adept achievement (for survivors). Playing with rank twenty survivors when I’m much better is annoying. The ranking system needs to be fixed. Rank One doesn’t mean much anymore. The way the ranking system should be is by Player Level + Ranking. A six devotion survivor shouldn’t be able to get into a lobby with a rank twenty level five player. It should be how it used to, where the survivors and killers could see the player’s ranking. A killer should not have to go against a rank one survivor if they’re not at least rank five. 
        Here is my list of things that need to happen:
    •change the way players match up
    •Fix totem spots
    •allow the killer to see if the survivors are SWF
    •Fix hitboxes
    •Reduce Loops
    •Remove the spin when survivors drop pallets
    •Fix flashlight saves 
       - change the range required to get the save
       - make the possibility to counter the save
    • Show actual percentages
       -Hindrance effect with huntress add-on
       -Flashlight add-ons
       -Medkit add-on
       -Trapper trap add-ons
       -Wraith add-ons
       -Hag add-ons
       -more that I can’t think of
    •Rework “Surveillance”
       -don’t make it only 16 seconds 
    •Buff Freddy
       -Change the sleep transition to five seconds
       -Make survivor’s repair/heal/sabo/exit speed 75% slower
       -Increase power range 
       -Remove the movement speed reduction from the “Red Paintbrush”
       -Make the “Black Box”’s obsession spawn away from other survivors (trump shrouds) 
       -Make a generator-like explosion sound when and where a survivor wakes up.
       -Allow him to grab awake survivors out of the hatch
    Not sure what else from there, please add to it or share your opinion.

    Remember everyone "Feelings are not facts"!

  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    Delfador said:

    @Lowbei said:

    Finally police officers were able to catch myers. I hope soon I will see a leatherface behind bars.

    no cage can hold him
  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @AshleyWB said:
    I only read the title. I totally disagree with you. More players now than ever. It'll take about another 5 years for this game to decline at it's current state. Even then there will be ample players to find full lobbys within a minute or two. Case Dismissed.

    Even though there are more players than ever, I feel like more players are about to have an burnout of DBD aswell. The balance flaws are pretty obvious and known to the public now, starting as a new player is so difficult and unrewarding, its ridiculous.

    We just gotta hope that devs were honest about trying to make this game competitive and introducing leaderboards/seasonal rewards because this is the only thing that can keep the game alive long time in my opinion.

    Currently its the grind that keeps a lot of players playing while they hope for a better future, but at some point you will have P3ed ur characters and realize that devs lied to us :wink:

  • Skorpanio
    Skorpanio Member Posts: 605

    I read the title, I see a wall of text.
    And my impression on this is:

  • Delfador
    Delfador Member Posts: 2,552

    @Master said:

    @AshleyWB said:
    I only read the title. I totally disagree with you. More players now than ever. It'll take about another 5 years for this game to decline at it's current state. Even then there will be ample players to find full lobbys within a minute or two. Case Dismissed.

    Even though there are more players than ever, I feel like more players are about to have an burnout of DBD aswell. The balance flaws are pretty obvious and known to the public now, starting as a new player is so difficult and unrewarding, its ridiculous.

    We just gotta hope that devs were honest about trying to make this game competitive and introducing leaderboards/seasonal rewards because this is the only thing that can keep the game alive long time in my opinion.

    Currently its the grind that keeps a lot of players playing while they hope for a better future, but at some point you will have P3ed ur characters and realize that devs lied to us :wink:

    This is totally true.

    We need leaderboards and rewards for high ranks so that good players will find a reason to rank up and stop bullying the new killers/survivors.

    We need to have a better rank system so that nobody will face beast killers or survivors because right now everybody can pip and rank up.

    Match time is too short and certain killers like leatherface, Freddy and wraith are just garbage. High ranks are really boring because there are only billys and nurses. Nurse is too powerful and kills the game's mechanics for survivors. Every killer should be at the same level of hillbilly.

    The game will not die soon that's for sure tbh. However, this game could be a lot more popular than it is now and the only reason it won't die is because there is not a single game that can compete with dbd right now. There will be two other games coming out soon that are similar to dbd. If one of those games become somewhat successful, the bells for dbd will start to ring.

  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    how do you kill that which does not live?
  • Paddy4583
    Paddy4583 Member Posts: 864
  • chemical_reject
    chemical_reject Member Posts: 940
    RotBb said:
      Sadly, that title is true. Soon enough, killers will be gone and survivors won’t be able to get lobbies. The element of Survive With Friends throws off the dynamic of the game. Totem spots are awful. Looping is a skilless strategy that the killer can hardly beat. I was in a loop on Coldwind (the one with the fallen water tower, forgot the name) where I couldn’t even get my bloodlust up from how to loop was made. My ruin was destroyed one minute into the match, and my NOED was destroyed as soon as it spawned. The ranking is awful. I’m a rank ten killer, but because the group was Survive With Friends, the one rank twenty survivor in the group pulled the rank one three and four survivors were put into my lobby. SWF destroyes the fun the killer can have. Three or more SWF can be detrimental to what the killer can do. You need a certain perk set up just to secure ONE kill against a good group of SWF. I’m a good huntress, not the best, but good enough, I’ve gotten the adept achievement without even getting her to L50; but, that’s because I wasn’t going against SWF. Being put into a lobby with survivors way out of my league makes it nearly impossible to play. I need to camp to get a kill against a good group. I hate camping as a killer and survivor. It’s not fun for either side. 
        The game isn’t only bad on killer side. I have to play survivor to have fun now. I’m a P3 Feng with every perk and every adept achievement (for survivors). Playing with rank twenty survivors when I’m much better is annoying. The ranking system needs to be fixed. Rank One doesn’t mean much anymore. The way the ranking system should be is by Player Level + Ranking. A six devotion survivor shouldn’t be able to get into a lobby with a rank twenty level five player. It should be how it used to, where the survivors and killers could see the player’s ranking. A killer should not have to go against a rank one survivor if they’re not at least rank five. 
        Here is my list of things that need to happen:
    •change the way players match up
    •Fix totem spots
    •allow the killer to see if the survivors are SWF
    •Fix hitboxes
    •Reduce Loops
    •Remove the spin when survivors drop pallets
    •Fix flashlight saves 
       - change the range required to get the save
       - make the possibility to counter the save
    • Show actual percentages
       -Hindrance effect with huntress add-on
       -Flashlight add-ons
       -Medkit add-on
       -Trapper trap add-ons
       -Wraith add-ons
       -Hag add-ons
       -more that I can’t think of
    •Rework “Surveillance”
       -don’t make it only 16 seconds 
    •Buff Freddy
       -Change the sleep transition to five seconds
       -Make survivor’s repair/heal/sabo/exit speed 75% slower
       -Increase power range 
       -Remove the movement speed reduction from the “Red Paintbrush”
       -Make the “Black Box”’s obsession spawn away from other survivors (trump shrouds) 
       -Make a generator-like explosion sound when and where a survivor wakes up.
       -Allow him to grab awake survivors out of the hatch
    Not sure what else from there, please add to it or share your opinion.
    Ugh I'm so tired of reading these crap posts. BOO HOO... go play WoW or fortnite.
  • EpicFailTryHard
    EpicFailTryHard Member Posts: 1,316
    Delfador said:

    @Lowbei said:

    Finally police officers were able to catch myers. I hope soon I will see a leatherface behind bars.

    keep trying.  massage that button raw.
  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    Delfador said:

    @Lowbei said:

    Finally police officers were able to catch myers. I hope soon I will see a leatherface behind bars.

    keep trying.  massage that button raw.
  • EpicFailTryHard
    EpicFailTryHard Member Posts: 1,316
    RotBb said:
      Sadly, that title is true. Soon enough, killers will be gone and survivors won’t be able to get lobbies. The element of Survive With Friends throws off the dynamic of the game. Totem spots are awful. Looping is a skilless strategy that the killer can hardly beat. I was in a loop on Coldwind (the one with the fallen water tower, forgot the name) where I couldn’t even get my bloodlust up from how to loop was made. My ruin was destroyed one minute into the match, and my NOED was destroyed as soon as it spawned. The ranking is awful. I’m a rank ten killer, but because the group was Survive With Friends, the one rank twenty survivor in the group pulled the rank one three and four survivors were put into my lobby. SWF destroyes the fun the killer can have. Three or more SWF can be detrimental to what the killer can do. You need a certain perk set up just to secure ONE kill against a good group of SWF. I’m a good huntress, not the best, but good enough, I’ve gotten the adept achievement without even getting her to L50; but, that’s because I wasn’t going against SWF. Being put into a lobby with survivors way out of my league makes it nearly impossible to play. I need to camp to get a kill against a good group. I hate camping as a killer and survivor. It’s not fun for either side. 
        The game isn’t only bad on killer side. I have to play survivor to have fun now. I’m a P3 Feng with every perk and every adept achievement (for survivors). Playing with rank twenty survivors when I’m much better is annoying. The ranking system needs to be fixed. Rank One doesn’t mean much anymore. The way the ranking system should be is by Player Level + Ranking. A six devotion survivor shouldn’t be able to get into a lobby with a rank twenty level five player. It should be how it used to, where the survivors and killers could see the player’s ranking. A killer should not have to go against a rank one survivor if they’re not at least rank five. 
        Here is my list of things that need to happen:
    •change the way players match up
    •Fix totem spots
    •allow the killer to see if the survivors are SWF
    •Fix hitboxes
    •Reduce Loops
    •Remove the spin when survivors drop pallets
    •Fix flashlight saves 
       - change the range required to get the save
       - make the possibility to counter the save
    • Show actual percentages
       -Hindrance effect with huntress add-on
       -Flashlight add-ons
       -Medkit add-on
       -Trapper trap add-ons
       -Wraith add-ons
       -Hag add-ons
       -more that I can’t think of
    •Rework “Surveillance”
       -don’t make it only 16 seconds 
    •Buff Freddy
       -Change the sleep transition to five seconds
       -Make survivor’s repair/heal/sabo/exit speed 75% slower
       -Increase power range 
       -Remove the movement speed reduction from the “Red Paintbrush”
       -Make the “Black Box”’s obsession spawn away from other survivors (trump shrouds) 
       -Make a generator-like explosion sound when and where a survivor wakes up.
       -Allow him to grab awake survivors out of the hatch
    Not sure what else from there, please add to it or share your opinion.

    agreed.  swf is killing the game.
  • Delfador
    Delfador Member Posts: 2,552

    @AshleyWB said:
    @Hillbilly420 I'm looking forward to hide or die hopefully theres a console release. Nothing can compete with dbd. Too original of a concept. Only dbd2 can do better where the whole game is redesigned. 

    It is not too original. It is the only game where horror fans can experience the dream of getting into the same realm with myers, leatherface or freddy.

    This 4-7 survivor against a killer concept was born in the movies. In the game industry, dbd was the first successful game that could catch the same atmosphere. There were games like white noise but they didn't succeed.

    This game can die very quickly indeed. It only takes one successful game. A lot of killers are frustrated and whenever a better balanced game comes they will switch.

    I am not sure if it will happen soon though. After all, new games will not come in golden plates. They will have so many problems as well.

  • slingshotsurvivor
    slingshotsurvivor Member Posts: 943
  • Cardinal_Copia
    Cardinal_Copia Member Posts: 139
    Let's ask the dog of destiny, about the future of DbD. He's always right. 

  • RotBb
    RotBb Member Posts: 396
    RotBb said:
      Sadly, that title is true. Soon enough, killers will be gone and survivors won’t be able to get lobbies. The element of Survive With Friends throws off the dynamic of the game. Totem spots are awful. Looping is a skilless strategy that the killer can hardly beat. I was in a loop on Coldwind (the one with the fallen water tower, forgot the name) where I couldn’t even get my bloodlust up from how to loop was made. My ruin was destroyed one minute into the match, and my NOED was destroyed as soon as it spawned. The ranking is awful. I’m a rank ten killer, but because the group was Survive With Friends, the one rank twenty survivor in the group pulled the rank one three and four survivors were put into my lobby. SWF destroyes the fun the killer can have. Three or more SWF can be detrimental to what the killer can do. You need a certain perk set up just to secure ONE kill against a good group of SWF. I’m a good huntress, not the best, but good enough, I’ve gotten the adept achievement without even getting her to L50; but, that’s because I wasn’t going against SWF. Being put into a lobby with survivors way out of my league makes it nearly impossible to play. I need to camp to get a kill against a good group. I hate camping as a killer and survivor. It’s not fun for either side. 
        The game isn’t only bad on killer side. I have to play survivor to have fun now. I’m a P3 Feng with every perk and every adept achievement (for survivors). Playing with rank twenty survivors when I’m much better is annoying. The ranking system needs to be fixed. Rank One doesn’t mean much anymore. The way the ranking system should be is by Player Level + Ranking. A six devotion survivor shouldn’t be able to get into a lobby with a rank twenty level five player. It should be how it used to, where the survivors and killers could see the player’s ranking. A killer should not have to go against a rank one survivor if they’re not at least rank five. 
        Here is my list of things that need to happen:
    •change the way players match up
    •Fix totem spots
    •allow the killer to see if the survivors are SWF
    •Fix hitboxes
    •Reduce Loops
    •Remove the spin when survivors drop pallets
    •Fix flashlight saves 
       - change the range required to get the save
       - make the possibility to counter the save
    • Show actual percentages
       -Hindrance effect with huntress add-on
       -Flashlight add-ons
       -Medkit add-on
       -Trapper trap add-ons
       -Wraith add-ons
       -Hag add-ons
       -more that I can’t think of
    •Rework “Surveillance”
       -don’t make it only 16 seconds 
    •Buff Freddy
       -Change the sleep transition to five seconds
       -Make survivor’s repair/heal/sabo/exit speed 75% slower
       -Increase power range 
       -Remove the movement speed reduction from the “Red Paintbrush”
       -Make the “Black Box”’s obsession spawn away from other survivors (trump shrouds) 
       -Make a generator-like explosion sound when and where a survivor wakes up.
       -Allow him to grab awake survivors out of the hatch
    Not sure what else from there, please add to it or share your opinion.
    Ugh I'm so tired of reading these crap posts. BOO HOO... go play WoW or fortnite.
    You are part of the problem. You are a reason the game is dying. The community is toxic, and you’re proving the point.
  • Zanfer
    Zanfer Member Posts: 647

    @RotBb said:
        Here is my list of things that need to happen:
    •change the way players match up
    •Fix totem spots
    •allow the killer to see if the survivors are SWF
    •Fix hitboxes
    •Reduce Loops
    •Remove the spin when survivors drop pallets
    •Fix flashlight saves 
       - change the range required to get the save
       - make the possibility to counter the save
    • Show actual percentages
       -Hindrance effect with huntress add-on
       -Flashlight add-ons
       -Medkit add-on
       -Trapper trap add-ons
       -Wraith add-ons
       -Hag add-ons
       -more that I can’t think of
    •Rework “Surveillance”
       -don’t make it only 16 seconds 
    •Buff Freddy
       -Change the sleep transition to five seconds
       -Make survivor’s repair/heal/sabo/exit speed 75% slower
       -Increase power range 
       -Remove the movement speed reduction from the “Red Paintbrush”
       -Make the “Black Box”’s obsession spawn away from other survivors (trump shrouds) 
       -Make a generator-like explosion sound when and where a survivor wakes up.
       -Allow him to grab awake survivors out of the hatch
    Not sure what else from there, please add to it or share your opinion.

    Most of these don't make the game dead. Freddy doesn't mean the game is dead. Just because you are bad at killer doesn't mean the game is dying..

  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev Posts: 7,555

    Gotta' say, I've been seeing "game is dying" posts since day one of the beta. The reality is that the community is stronger than ever.

    Most of the things you've mentioned have been discussed/tested recently. Loops in particular are being looked at and tweaked to be certain lengths (to reduce effectiveness) and reduce line of sight (to allow mindgames). I know it'll always seem like the current issues are massive, but the game has come a long way from the days of infinites and trap farming.

    I would hardly say that a underwhelming perk like surveillance would kill the entire game, though. But in any case, that's what mid-chapter patches are for. Maybe that perk will be changed next time around.

  • sHAAN
    sHAAN Member Posts: 36

    yeah i am tired of playing killer ill take a rest , but i thnk what is need to be done is reworking gens mechanic beaocuse the core objecitve of the killer and survivors shouldn´t be displayed around a hex totem that is from a dlc and not everyone can have acces to it ,here is my post if somebody is interesting in balancing the game:

  • vampire_toothy
    vampire_toothy Member Posts: 381

    To say the game is dying is a rather long stretch. On July 2nd (just 20 days ago) DbD reached a new peak of over 46,000 players on just PC alone which if you ask me that's pretty far from dead especially considering that hasn't popped up since the November of 2016 (according to steam charts).I agree that the game has its problems but let's not over-exaggerate by saying the game will die soon, in addition to this the devs have also been working on the current issues with the game, for instance with this new mid-chapter patch coming up both Trapper and the Hag are getting some great buffs along with some neat changes to their add-ons, previously near useless perks are being given nice changes (imo) so it's really hard to say that the game will die. I will say this again that I agree the game has issues but we aren't going to be bringing up the same issues alone as I'm sure a lot of us can point towards at least some of the same problems, saying the game will die however wastes the opportunity to bring up a more meaningful discussion like how exactly we would like to see things be changed.