Rework the left for dead achievement

indieeden7 Member Posts: 3,446

What I suggest is done to this achievement is to change it to "as the last survivor, escape through an exit gate after the end game collapse has been started" making it a much easier one to get compared to its current, practically impossible requirements.


  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,035

    No, it is meant to be hard

  • YaiPa
    YaiPa Member Posts: 1,929

    Yeah, it would be fine, since escaping when egc started is really hard, yet not impossible. But due to a chain reaction, they will hardly change it because people have already obtained the achievement, a really difficult one, and it wouldnt be fair if they change it (even if i agree that is basically impossible).

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,035

    @indieeden7 Because that is related to Left 4 Dead, I can use L4D as an example, In L4D being the last survivor makes survival next level difficult, even when waiting for a smoker of hunter to appear from the corner to become the anger you never wanted, so with Bill sacrificing himself to a horde of Tanks and the infected, it was almost next level impossible to survive, and yet, he did, also people would run wake up to get the achievement easily while this requires the perk Left Behind to make life easier

  • indieeden7
    indieeden7 Member Posts: 3,446

    So what? Achievements don't need to be difficult to get. It's actually possible as survivor to get at least 13 achievements in one match (not counting achievements that require something to be done x amount of times). Although Bill is from l4d, dead by daylight isn't l4d, that's similar to saying "because Laurie didn't die in the first Halloween movie, she should be harder to kill than any other survivor".

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,035

    His achievements are lore based, In The Sacrifice he risked his life to get his job done, he did get the job done, the achievement is all about ignoring hatch and going for a generator, most importantly final generator and dipping with wake up, all it is in fact I think the other achievement which is 250 protection hits needs the change as protection hits are bugged

  • malloymk
    malloymk Member Posts: 1,558

    Yeah. Pretty difficult. Oh well. Hopefully they tweak it. They probably won't though. I'll probably get lucky and have a killer let me get it if he's in the mood to be nice. I'm running a build of Left Behind, Wake Up, Adrenaline, and Poised. I had a crack at it last night, but killer closed the hatch. Also, even with a 75% speed increase, Left Behind still is really weak.

  • CorgZ
    CorgZ Member Posts: 6

    Okay, so let me say that really quick. I KOBEd from a hook and escaped through an exit gate AND THEY ADDED THE ######### DELIVERANCE and didn't change a single thing. Left for Dead is the one I don't have yet because it's impossible due to end game collapse so pls, change it alongside with Left Behind perk. Thank you! :)

  • JiggleWiggle
    JiggleWiggle Member Posts: 329
  • Pior_Morte
    Pior_Morte Member Posts: 526

    On console still is 100 hatches and its just boring, having to play Huntress over and over again. Same thing with the Bill ones, you have to be so lucky to do the Left For Dead achievement now that Left Behind was reworked.

  • Dr_Trauts
    Dr_Trauts Member Posts: 704

    if your changing it to that you might as well just delete it. thats absurdly easy

  • LordRegal
    LordRegal Member Posts: 1,550

    Hell, even before EGC that was the easiest play to get it. Killer couldn't close hatch, so that left three points of patrolling for them. Pop the gen the moment the hatch spawned, and then hide for a minute so the killer assumes you're trying to find the hatch. Then get a door and gtfo. Did that in a game where my wife (then girlfriend) willingly died via me not coming to save her so I could 99% the gen.

    Unfortunately, as of EGC it's now 100% required to do this, and anyone who isn't teaming is going to be...less ok with the plan.

  • OldWiseOne
    OldWiseOne Member Posts: 159

    i was actually so close to getting this a few weeks ago, had an ebony mori doc and i managed to finish the last gen and get the gate open but he then DC`d because he wanted the 4K challenge... but honestly stupid achievement, only one i need to get and the fact you have to finish the last gen before they find hatch is stupid, not to mention the chances of those gates being next to each other as well.... so:

    Have to be the last one alive

    Have to have the last gen near done

    Have to wait for the death animation and finish the gen before the killer uses BBQ or closes hatch

    After doing the gen the killer knows your location and you best hope you can hide

    Have to hope the gates arent near each other and you can get it open in time

  • xI_Fabi_Ix
    xI_Fabi_Ix Member Posts: 129

    But there should be a difference between "hard" and "impossible except teaming with Killer".

    Give me a clip where someone got that trophy without farming. I farmed it :)

  • Digwiid
    Digwiid Member Posts: 311

    No thanks BRO, i earned my gamer credit by getting the challenge down and you're out here trying to rip it off my dorito covered hands!? Fat chance, I'm a gamer and i'm not letting ANYONE take away my gamer cred.

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    I got it by accident. Was the last one left, and wasn't in the mood for looking for hatch so went to lurk by an exit gate. Killer couldn't find it, so I got bored, went back did a gen before sneaking back to the gate. He found the hatch and I got out through the gate. Not exactly a normal situation though.

  • indieeden7
    indieeden7 Member Posts: 3,446

    Man who brought this thread back up? I've managed to get it now.

  • Breadz
    Breadz Member Posts: 59

    At the end of a day it is an achievement so it doesn't really matter. It wouldn't be impressive if you got out after EGC started. That wouldn't be an "Achievement"

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 9,039

    I only got this achievement because a spirit felt sorry for me and I told her I needed the achievement

  • Xaggy
    Xaggy Member Posts: 345

    I was just about to create a topic like this. This achievement makes me play like a cu**. I am forcing myself to not to do a last generator and wait for the last death of my teammates. Of course I can't because I always die. It's too hard.

  • desadia
    desadia Member Posts: 6

    Honestly my best bet for this is waiting for that time of day where survivor queues are instant and killer queues take ages, getting a friend to queue as killer and trying to get a lobby with them as survivor. I know it's against the rules, but maybe it wouldn't be if you were a 4 swf looking for a killer friend. Then it's basically kyf in a public match so you can get the achievement and no one is upset about it. It's not like it's really a bad thing anyway since inevitably you would be able to find a random killer that would let you do it anyway, especially if you're playing on Steam and set your name to "Left for Dead achievement pls" or something silly, eventually a killer will comply.