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PS4 lobby dodges
Is it just me, or are killers dodging lobbies like they're a disease??
I'm rank 3 in survivor, and playing solo, Im sitting there waiting 5 minutes to find a lobby, I get one, it's full, and the killer disconnects after 3 seconds afterwards.
What's going on? It happens 3 out 5 lobby finds.
Happens to me every once in a while. I don't know if its because they are dodging someone else in the lobby, or if we are all carrying items and they don't like it, or if they think we're a SWF.....but yeah it happens.
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Swf IS a disease tbh.
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Ya'll dodge if its swf?? Why?? It's not about getting a 4k, it's about making points! If you get a 4k then great! You did an awesome job! But just cuz you got a 4k doesnt mean that you get alot of points or double pip!
You can make more points than the survivors even with all of them escaping.
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On PS4 the players who appear on my lobby usually are from another country and have 300+ ping (who still ready like it was nothing). If there is a lot of items I just put Franklin's, if it's SWF depends on the mood usually switch to Trapper and try to manage the group but sometimes I really want to play something else and dodge the obvious SWF with matching characters, pings, time to get to lobby, or even names.
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Yeah, I couldn't find a match for an hour or two today. It was pretty bad.
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I always talk about it but some people just ignore the problem because "the game is balanced around Pc". This makes no sense at all but whatever.
Killers dodge for a lot of reasons one of these being really short lobby times. Thry can afford to dodge 3 lobbies before a survivor find one to play in some cases.
Killers knows that and they want to use it as a "punishment" for playing SWF.
I always ask killers why they dodged and i found out that the biggest reasons are
-SWF. Well this one was pretty obvious. You want an advantage (or just to have fun with some friends)? Ok. More lobby time for you.
-3 or more items. This is weird. I understand that having to face 4 toolbox is bad, but even medkits and flashlights are a problem for some players. Survivors are not allowed to use their stuff, but don't you dare blame the killer for running red hatchets mori (actually don't. Is an in game item that can and will be used)
-"toxic" cosmetics and dbd related profile description. This one is really unexpected but pretty common.
I dont know if people just hat you for buying cosmetics but if you use something silly/super bright you are definetely toxic. Same if you have dbd related stuff in your profile.
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Just like predators will generally deem brightly colored frogs and toxic... Killers do the same with brightly colored survivors.
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Good point!
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I haven’t dodged a lobby in forever, and I’m starting to think I should listen to my “I got a bad feeling about this Scoob” instinct more because every single time I load up as killer, I get reds and high purples. I am a rank 14 novice killer. Then when I decide I have had ENOUGH with the bs and go ham with my loadout, the survivors are my level or lower.
Neaons and bright colored survivors, especially mixed with prestige and/or many items, is usually a sign of trouble. I always try to think the best that MAYBE THEY WANT TO LOOK CUTE but nope, I get into a game and what dya know, it’s ooo trying to bait me and ruin my day.
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If I DC/Dodge is because I need to do something else IRL
Like going to help my parents or something
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Well sometimes you see a team and you know it will be an annoying match so you dodge.
If survivors weren't so op that killers need to make 0 mistakes to win at high ranks, you would see less dodging.
Killer is a stressful experience
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Around rank reset I've had a killer admit to me that the reason they DC'd at the start of the game, was because they saw my PSN profile, and that they "didn't feel like facing a rank 1 survivor".
On the other side, I'll check the killer's profile before matches. If I have them as blocked, I'll dodge the lobby as I block killers who declare that I am now on their camp/mori list or they were just un-fun to play against (camper/tunneller).
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Oh wow. I can understand rank disparities, but that isnt even clear until the ending of a match...
But for people to actually take the time to look for the opponent's PROFILE and read their description??? That's just petty. If I get swf I'll ready up even faster just so I can feel victorious when I get at least three of them at the end.
Why do I get the feeling that all the players that dodge are sweaty and often camp and tunnel because they got "gen rushed"?
Maybe... try to play the game??? You can camp and sacrifice the toxic survivor all you want but in the end they'll just have made more points than you anyway!
I can understand survivors being OP and gen speed needing a change but... REALLY? If you keep dodging you'll never learn the loops or the behaviours/tactics of the survivors and you'll never learn how to counter them imo.
Prove that you can kick their butts, dont cower into a corner.
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I never dodge cause I don't care.
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Me neither. Even when the ping is red usually when we load in there's no lag at all.