Haunted Grounds and NOED.

If a killer has Haunted Grounds and the survivors never cleanse them. Does the fake totem then turn into the real NOED? As in they cleanse all the other totems just not the two affected by Haunted Grounds.
top 10 things scientists failed to explain
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No, NOED wouldn't activate
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Pretty sure it won't activate because there isn't a free totem spot for NOED
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No the two haunted ground totems will still stay and he wont have noed unless you cleanse one of the haunted grounds then the other will become noed
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Ok mostly everyone is saying no. That is what I thought too?
I said when you see lit totems are there is zero other Hex perks in play that we can see. That means the killer is using HG and nothing else.....possibly Devour Hope but we can watch and get an idea of it or not. If we find BOTH totems and this is happening then we know for a FACT its HG.
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No one escapes death needs a doll told him to activate if there is no dull totem on the map it will not activate. Basically meaning the second the last generator pops there must be a dull totem available if there is not no one escapes will fail to activate end of story
As for haunted grounds there is no fake totems cleansing either one will proc haunted grounds leaving the other one to become a dull
If you cleanse every totem except hunting grounds since both haunted grounds totems are considered hex totems noed will not apply even if you break haunted grounds after the generators have been completed the new dull total will not turn into no one escapes death.