What killer do you main and why?

Im curious to the diversity out there and what people find interesting in our killers.
Personally I really enjoy Leatherface and Ghostface. But if I had to settle on a main probably Leatherface.
Leatherface because he is fun, probably clown after him.
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Because I'm in love with ST
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Spirit, because she really weeds out the good Survivors from the "Leet looping=skillz" Survivors.
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Tough call, I haven't really settled on a main yet. I suppose it would be Myers if I had to pick, as I greatly enjoy stealth killers and I love the Halloween movies.
There's something wonderful about walking right up to someone and peeling them off a gen in T1, and those moments where you pop T3 at just the right time... delightful.
He's also the killer who feels most like himself. I always enjoy it when survivors drop a pallet and wait behind it, giving me free EW. Just staring at people, silent and motionless, while I plot out their impending death, is rewarding.
Every so often you can hear his breathing under the mask and it just feels right, so many happy horror movie memories come flooding back.
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I like to be rewarded for my skill.
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I have been a Spirit main for a while now, but I have really gotten into Legion recently. If I have to choose i'm still a spirit main at heart โฅ
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A fellow LF main ;)
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Yea Myers is a really fun killer also, he is just a little to slow paced for me and running out of stalk juice on surviors sucks.
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I just like the challenge it brings
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It's rough, yeah. He has a plodding pace, it's very feast-or-famine. When things go wrong, it sucks, but when they go right... boy, do they go right.
Bubba is probably the only other character I feel as much sentimental warmth for, particularly his Insidious/basement builds. That's another guy who feels like he brings his movie with him whenever he enters the game.
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The Pig cause she has a built-in Insidious. Second, I like Freddy.
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Trapper. It's so satisfying to get people in traps.
Had such a fun game with him today, probably got around 7-8 traps to activate. It's great.
But I also really enjoy ghostface and hag
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My brain's too small for Trapper but I sure do love the sound of his traps going off whenever I watch someone else play him. That snap is satisfying.
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3k hours Leatherface main. I will never play another killer unless the devs added my absolute favourite icon:
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His mori would probably be rated R, XD
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I play almost every killer but nurse was my goal to master..especially since I'm on ps4..and finally shes become my main
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Revving my chainsaw for days. :)
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Bravo, I respect this.
I cut my teeth on console Nurse today and it was a dismal failure but an utter blast at the same time. I may start putting in some regular practice time.
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My gf said something very similar today when I asked her about Pyramid Head's mori haha ๐
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I main Nurse, Freddy and Previously Ghostface. But I'm thinking about giving spirit a try because I'm sick of gen speeds
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I'm usually playing Freddy or Spirit. Sometimes I play Myers and then I remember I hate the stalking mechanic. Sometimes Huntress as well.
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Yooo, Pyrimad Head in DbD would be so cool! He would probably be the scariest killer yet. @not_Queen @Patricia @Peanits
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Freddy is my goto, since I feel I can do well with him no matter what addons or map is selected, although anytime I can get a map offering for The Game or Lerys on my Myers... A Jumpscare Myers game is fun for everyone, lol.
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Myers. If I could play scratched mirror every game, I would. I love spooking people.
Spirit is my secondary. I like being spooky with prayer beads.
I play a bit of pig and ghostface, but I don't have as much fun with them.
I could see myself playing a lot of Demogorgon. I've been getting some gen grabs and portal grabs with him already.
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Depends how I feels...
LF if I am in a camping mood. I do it, 4k and read post game salt...so fun!
Nurse if I want to test my fast twitch and fine motor skills...Then throw my computer through the window for when I miss and she stares at her feet like an idiot.
Doc if I want to piss off survivors or if I am at low levels..easy 4 k and easy DC's.
MM if I just want to have fun. Might 4 k, might 0k, but either way I have fun.
Billy or huntress if their dailies pop. Hate them both and their dirty feet (kick a pallet, you'll see)
Wraith if I want to at first feel like a horror movie monster and then quickly be beaten down and looped. I play him if I am having a really bad day as a way of saying "hey, today might seriously blow, but at least you aren't wraith". Perspective I guess.
Freddy if I just watched a Freddy movie.
Spirit of im not drinking and feel like actually trying.... And listening, which requires either my headphones or me to pop into our surround sound. But if wife is watching some dumbass show on Netflix then headphones it is!I
Debating getting plague. She sounds fun.
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I just remember THIS scene from the movie
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Great, scary games.
ok movie....
but that scene always stuck with me! There were a few in that movie that were really good.
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I only main myers and it's because he's very simple and easy
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I mained Wraith at the start because he seemed like a good killer to learn with and I absolutely love his eerie design. To bad he's kinda garbage tier. After that I mained Pig and then Myers because I like being stealthy.
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Not gonna lie: If the devs added a Silent Hill chapter including Pyramid Head and gave him a legit instadown and his "movie mori" I'd probably be willing to pay 100 bucks for that particular chapter haha.
Imagine working on a generator (Silent Hill map) and all of a sudden you hear the typical Silent Hill siren turning your surroundings into a hell-ish place and you see Pyramid Head in the distance dragging his famous "Great Knife" towards YOU.
Aaah damn... Now I'm getting caught up in dreams.
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The only thing Im wondering is...what would his power be? He'd be the easiest killer to escape if you can simply speed-walk away from him.
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Legion, he reminds me of the punisher. (Joey)
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Clown, sadly. Both visually and practically. Sucks that he's one of the worst, if not the worst, killer in the game.
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How about this:
He moves at a movement speed of about 105% (if that's slow enough to allow him to move slow and creepy just like in the Silent Hill games and movies)
BUT to make up for this crazy lack of movement speed there's bugs inside his terror radius that are capable of slowing down survivors tremendously by reducing their movement speed and disabling fast vaults causing slow ass Pyramid Head to catch up pretty quickly allowing Pyramid Head to either M1 them or go for a slow big M2 swing that causes them to go down instantly.
Just a quick idea.
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Spirit. She's one of the few killers who can still give a scare. I love that I can break off in the middle of a chase and phase over to someone on a gen or healing who thinks I'm occupied. She's the only killer who can do that where, barring Spine Chill, neither the chased nor the other survivors realize she's changed targets. A survivor told me I terrified them when I did that, and this game is rarely scary, so it made me really happy.
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I could see something like this happening, but i wouldnt make it 105% and also cant have the ability being TR wide. Maybe 110% with him being able to cast his bugs in a cone shape infront of him, and they stick around for awhile. Similar effect as clown's bottles, but with a cast similar to Doc's shock.
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Ayyyy thanks for contributing to the Ez Games Foundation.
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I'd hope that they somehow incorporated the 'Betrayal' Silent Hill 2 soundtrack into the game if they ever added Pyramid Head.
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That sounds quite interesting, too. He'd be like a combination of Doctor, Clown and Leatherface. Perhaps they could make it so the survivors have to hit skillchecks to fight off bugs and failing a skillcheck reveals their aura as a Pyramid Head addon.
The devs would have loads of possibilities in terms of creativity - that's for sure.
Are you trying to say Leatherface is op?
Believe it or not: I have been listening to that track whilst writing each one of my Silent Hill related comments ๐
That would be crazy. Just imagine the atmosphere.
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Nah I'm saying he's easy to play against.
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Michael Myers because I love his play style, building up stalk, being stealthy, then attacking. Plus I'm a huge Halloween movie fan, so that helps.
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As much as I like pyramid head as a Silent Hill fan it would annoy the hell out of me if he gets released.
Just because of how badly Silent Hill milked the hell out of a concept that was meant to be unique.
Pyramid head was literally meant to be a manifestation a specific character (James Sunderland) need for punishment.
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Used to be Huntress without a doubt, but now she sort of shares that spot with Trapper.
I just like their powers. Huntress hatchets are fun to hit, especially hitting survivors that think they are safe. And getting people in traps feels nice as well.
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Clown. Even though he's very mid-tier, his laughs and recovery animation and especially his Mori are all awesome and add lots of flair. He feels the most like a serial killer to me and I revel in that atmosphere.
I also like playing Wraith, I just seem to do exceptionally better with him naturally than every other killer I have.
Trapper is also really fun as you watch survivors run straight into your traps. I love playing him when I feel at the top of my game.
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Wraith, because fun.
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I actually agree with this. They did a really good job of making a creepy clown without going all the way over the top or making him a Pennywise clone. He has a very unique vibe, feels very much like a greasy psycho carny, and his backstory is pure serial killer.
The mori with the finger-licking is just... ugh, in the best possible way. I hate aiming his bottles but that dude has serious creepshow swagger.
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I used to main Wraith, now I just play all killers at random
Except Huntress, I'm so bad at Huntress
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Og freddy and bubba for me. Even though I've never done basement Bubba (but did do basement freddy) and regularly get spanked with him, he's still just a lot of fun. Im starting to play doc now cause i like the screams of my prey lol.
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Why I am hating myself so much to main himโฆ