It occured to me..Devs? How many of you actually play nurse..?
You can blame swf for that
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Most people in this game play solo survivor. Her being so powerful is not justified just because SWF exists.
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Actually yes it very much is , and solo survivors can even win just not as consistantly..face facts..shes not going anywhere..she is the only reason many killers are still around..and survivors are in line for large instead of whining why dont you learn more about her and adapt like good survivor players do?
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Can you tell me how can I "adapt" since I'm a bad survivor?
I also used to play nurse (mostly with no addons) then stopped when there was no challenge. I got 4K's almost every match.
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Yes I'm sure..its called making reads..anyone worth their salt knows cant just run away and wait for her to catch you, mix it up..keep her guessing where you went , I've faced a couple good nurses and I performed leagues above my team with this..thatscwhy I cant take comments from nurse haters seriously because it's never factual and just pure bias
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I mean, to be fair I do fairly fine against her as a surv. It's actually much more thrilling and fun to be in a chase with a nurse than it is to be in one with a chase with someone I can just run in a circle to counter. (unless she's running omegablink addons. Thank god they're changing her addons)
The biggest issue with her is that reliably facing her is map dependent. If you want to survive her you need a map with a lot of LOS blockers and you need to know your surroundings. Though to be fair, for literally every killer that's not her or spirit, Maps are a huge deciding factor on how strong that killer will be. Most maps are stronger for the survivors than for the killers but the maps that are normally stronger for survs are their weakness when they play against Nurse because she'll almost always have a permanent view of them (which is the best thing a surv can have on a normal killer if you intend to loop them)
Of course that's just covering chase and escape potential. Never being found by her is still the best thing you can do and she's the easiest to hide from because of her movement speed.
She is impossible to avoid if she just camps though, kinda like a Leatherface.
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You are very wrong if you think I run in a straight line against nurse.
Nurse without addons is somewhat counterable, when she has addons however, she can do many mistakes and not get punished for it at all.
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Why is this relevant when her addons are getting changed? really went through all this over something that's being resolved??
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They aren't changed atm...
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and what platform are you on?
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I play with Nurse, and all killers, with a Xbox One controller on PC. Let's just say things don't always end well for me. 😫
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Ok and? It's being I say just stop and wait for it..I expressed my concerns, nothing more, nothing acting as if nothing is being done is foolish
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It doesnt matter where I play....thecstrategy remains unchanged
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Ok. When?
Freddy nearly took 2 years. Are you really expecting people to not continue complaining about Nurse in that time?
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Yes because they've dealt with her this long..bunch of freaking kids I swear..its scheduled for the mid chapter
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Then you're completely delusional if you think people aren't going to complain, regardless of how long they dealt with her.
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Hm..I dont see such enthusiasm for the problems killers have to seal with..or console plsyers..but hey. Survivor fun is key until the game dies
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######### do survivors have to do with the devs being slow?
The amount of mental gymnastics to blame a group of players for BHVRs work schedule.
My ######### god.
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It's not about their work schedule , it's about the fact that there are plenty of legitimate problems for many players being ignored for the sake of the ones whom care the least
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Of course it's about their work schedule.
They have to release killers every 3 months because of their schedule, which means either important ######### this game needs is either half-assed or gets pushed back for the next update.
Instead of fixing the game most of the time, they are developing new content. Which means they are very ######### slow to address any problems.
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I'm asking because I'm sure we can test this supposed strategy against a fairly decent nurse and see how long you last in a kyf match.
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Oh I'm a ps4 player
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I unfortunately do not have that platform.
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I see
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@immortalls96 If she has the tools to beat 4 man SWF, then absolutely yes she is 100% better. I don't see that many 5 blink nurses honestly, but that's likely not because they don't have the 5 blink addon, but moreso because 5 blink Nurse is so stupid and Nurses already know they can get their wins without the addon that they don't use it. You'll see a lot of Nurse's talking about how 5 blink Nurse needs to be addressed. Also, as you said, except for "elite Nurses". Do you really think you're going up against potato survivors if they're doing gens in 30 seconds and still getting out against a Nurse? They're optimal survivors, which means the killer would need to be optimal as well to beat them. There are killer mains who will 4 man more often than not with even Wraith.
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True..but..that's because the survivors they face arnt optimal..
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@immortalls96 If they get 4ks MORE OFTEN THAN NOT, then I wouldn't think that it had to do with the survivors they're facing not being optimal, unless every survivor they faced wasn't optimal. If they're not, they'll depip and eventually not be in red ranks anymore.
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Black pipping isnt very hard if you dont get focused..its a matter of limitations..take wraith for example..he has pretty much no way to counter jungle gyms if the survivor doesnt lose a mind game, he simply lacks the tools in his kit to do it and end chases at the speeds mandatory to win vs good teams, trapper, he takes too much time setting up so if he doesnt get a lot of traps he cant make up for the lost time very well
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Call a guy with over 1500 hours a newbie again and I doubt you play the game at all. Thanks bye. I even play her myself, but not much since I think she is broken. And people I play against just DC. And this is rank 4-8.
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@immortalls96 Don't get focused, sure. It's impossible to not get focused in DBD unless you're a Blendette and doing Blendette things. If you go on that hook even once you can bet your ass the second you get off that hook the killer is rushing his ass right back over to either re-hook you, or slug you and go after the other survivor. You're not gonna black pip though if the killer gets a 4k and you're not being optimal. You need at least iridescent in one category and gold in 2 to safety pip in red ranks without surviving. That means you need to do a lot of saves, run the killer around, and do gens to at least gold with one in iridescent to get a safety pip if you do not survive.