Thus the end of my DBD Career is at hand.

My career in DBD is over, I abused in game addons and perks to get a solid 4k. I'm being reported because survivors don't know how the game mechanics work...Good bye my friends it was nice knowing you all. I'm sure I'll be perma not banned for this OP addon build! OMG but on a serious note how are survivors so freaking blind to not realize what perks and addons do but insist your hacking?
I don't know man, I've never seen that thing in my life. Big arm, toasted lava, king's head. Which is that character? You must be hacking and those add-ons, did you hack the team and put your own ideas in there?
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I hope your ######### posting LMAO I have the Snake Charmer Skin mixed in with the Medusa Skin because someone had Medusa in their name so I had to switch over to Medusa hag but didn't get fully clothed before I queued in.
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He is not a true rank 16 (with tier 3 perks from all different survivors), he should know how these add-ons work.
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You could just.. close the chat window and leave it permanently closed.
Would save you the sanity.
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@se05239 Apparently only 1% of the DBD community does that.
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More definitely should.
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Oh noes!
This is so sad. We will miss you. :(
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I’m getting banned in 24 days so I’ll be joining you! :)
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I jokingly call ppl hackers all the time. Ill say that a nurse for example is using a "teleport hack".
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Oh yeah I definitely am. In fact, I always wanted to see that combination, looks quite good.
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Most people that call you a hacker, when asked, wont even answer how you were hacking or acknoledge your perks
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It still doesn’t solve the problem of chat abuse.
‘Getting called racial slurs? Close chat. Getting told to go die or end your own life? Close chat. Getting told you’ll be reported and you’re genuinely concerned you are at risk of actually being banned even though you did nothing wrong? Close chat.’
Closing chat stops you from seeing a very prevalent problem - it does not solve the problem itself because they’re just going to go and do the same to someone else. At the same time they’ll also go after your steam account and everything just to treat you like crap because ‘how dare you be better than me’ so they further proves my point about close chat being ineffective.
We need a chat filter and auto-bans, or more serious chat moderation, to be put in place to stop this kind of thing, instead of telling everyone to tough it out.
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I rather have people scream profinity into a metaphorical wall than having to endure their madness directly. I've not had my chat window open in many, many months and I don't regret it.
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And miss out on all the good stuff?!
I play PS4 and the moment I get "PlayerX has started a group" I instantly clinch by butt cheeks in anticipation!
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After years of my abusive relationships with the souls series. I rather enjoy the salt I get from survivors. My only regret is that they are very very uncreative. I get a lot more salt on PS4 then on PC oddly which I find amusing.
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One time a swf group went against my wraith with the ghost add on and they all left but one.
In chat they all reported me lol for hacking.
10/10 quality match with a swf.
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Then they would have nothing to post on the forums. Feels like many killers have a martyr complex or whatever.
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I think they were memeing unless you have a more extended version. Just didn't seem serious enough to me.
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The one you want is persecution complex. Martyr doesn't really fit.
But I also see survivors posting salt from killers from time to time. It's not one sided
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Thanks I thought I was close but not quite there.
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Enjoy your ban buddy!
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Same, I think it's funny and people get triggered when they don't get the sarcasm
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Fellow PS4bab here. It can get pretty silly in Consoleland.
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lmao so
billy is using speedhack
nurse is using teleport hack (also freddy & hag)
leatherface is using one-hit hack
legion is all above ^
I dont want to call all killers so I think these are best ones
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I do not believe that having your eyes gouged out would help you notice the add-ons. In fact I believe it would do the opposite :P.
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I personally don't believe it to be healthy to be constantly talked down to and threatened. It reaches a point where you become the thing you hate.
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Some people think that you're lagswitching when you hit them on a medium vault because "I went thru the window u hacker".
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It would be nice if you could disable the chat at all in the settings.
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Its actually super easy. Just go into a survivor lobby and close the chat window here, leave the lobby and go killer. It'll remain closed until you press the two arrows again to open it up.
But I agree. Permanently closing it via settings would be preferred. Also disabling the chat for survivors if the killer have their chat disabled would be even better.
@Peanits That's something you could bring up! Survivors shouldn't be able to chat if the killer has closed their chat window.
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And you had to come and make a thread about some salty survivors because your e penis grew up because of what they said. Cool.
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Lol super good load out for survivors and they get butt hurt when they loose.
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I was joking, it might not have come across that way though
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I like to use the camp hack. You know, the one where you stand still next to a hook and force survivors to swarm like flies on hot #########. So many games get turned around that way. 😂
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Yeah it's always the same comments isn't it. Cancer is obviously terrible but it's like the only thing they can think of.
And suicide, while also terrible, is so generic
Then again, the folks that type those things under the cover of internet anonymoty are probably cognitively very limited.
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"Instantly clinch your butt cheeks" made me laugh. I needed a comment like that to improve my rough work day
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You're not the only one, other people quit the game and don't make such a bug deal out of it. If you leave as one person that's fine. There's plenty more fish in the sea that play this game.
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Ya always the same ones. You think people would get new material by now. I started sending this to people.
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I’m stealing this lol
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Your more then welcome too man. If you want I'll send it via psn. Though I found best way it too have it on phone and send it via psn messages after u create a chat on psn with them.
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I saved it to my phone, I have ps messages btw. :)
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Have fun then
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This great! Perhaps if we had more data on people that are butthurt, we could work on solutions to prevent future butthurt.
So much butthurt goes unreported though...
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Last time I was called a hacker by a GF on osmund. He can't stalk me because I always know where he is and constantly dispose him by wallhack,but not because black robe stand out in white background. Also he can't get me on a very safe pallet because I'm speed hacking, not because he refuses to break the safe pallet.
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Would you rather want the developers to fix it so it looks more accurate, so you can go and say "That should've hit, the game is broken!"?
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Play however you want— it’s not really your issue. As long as you’re not hacking or abusing exploits, I’m fine.
EDIT: Oh, and of course— don’t be toxic at the end game chat and saying slurs and such.
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I see that you, too, like to live dangerously. XD
I would do this if I was on PC. : P
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I think it's funny when people call you a bad killer for trying off meta killers in High Ranks.
: D
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That's called a joke. XD
This is clearly a joke thread.
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I typically say things that make it obvious I'm joking.
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As do I. I'm chill 90% of the time, except when internet dies on me. : P