A discussion about gen speed/chases

80 seconds for one survivor to do one generator, with ruin there's a 5% regression and from my research the average amount of skill checks per generator is 4/6. So let's high ball this and say a solo survivor doing a gen gets 6 ruin skill checks and doesn't hit the great, that's 24 more seconds doing the generator (5% of a gen takes 4 seconds).

So that's 104 seconds in the best case scenario for the killer, I know there's programs out there to do chase time maths and stuff but for an example we'll assume that the chase is 15 seconds long for the first hit and 20 for the second hit, and add 5 for time taken to get too a hook just to make the maths easy.

In 104 seconds ig the killer gets in a chase right away and both the killer and survivor(s) play perfectly (no tunneling or camping and assuming they save the survivor quickly without healing ) they get 2 hooks and one hit before three generators pop. The problem there isn't the time it takes to complete a single generator it's the fact that 3 can pop in quick sucession putting unnecessary pressure on the killer even if the killer is playing perfectly.

But this is a very rare scenario (playing perfectly. Three gens popping is way too common) because not everyone plays the same way and not everyone plays optimally. But from this very rough maths the pressure is put onto m1 killers unfairly.

Do gens need their time to complete increasing? I don't think so, I think something just needs to be done about multiple generators popping at once and I think chase times need to decrease so here's my idea

Every time a gen is completed all other generators progress gets reduced by either 12,5% (like surge) or something similar, idk I don't main survivor and it's hard to think of a fair way to increase gen times without making it even more boring.

The distance between pallets should be increased and maybe decrease the number of pallet spawns on a map by 5, this'll help to decrease chase times because it removes some defences for the survivor. Do say they loop the killer at the shack for a while, they then couldn't just run to another loop close by without either getting hit or getting downed.

I wanna hear ways you'd extend the length of the game without JUST increasing gen speed, and if your gonna post "second objective" explain what second objective you'd have in mind for the game, like an idea for gathering a fuse to go power the exit gates or maybe you have to find a switch that takes 5s to power so you can do the coresponding generator
