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General Discussions

The Gen Wars

Member Posts: 92
edited September 2019 in General Discussions

I don't have a main killer not yet at least, but I see it in streams and in my games, survivors are OP in SWF to be blunt but anyway, I'm going to play how I want for now on but if you tunnel me in survivor, I'm going to make your friends suffer for it .I know how much you hate losing to me

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  • Member Posts: 7,314

    Such an odd post.

    Is this supposed to be a threat to anyone you specifically know or just people in-general? Because tbh, people rarely ever remember the names of those they were being toxic too or just in-general they don't remember their names.

  • Member Posts: 92

    @FireHazard it's a warning you got the Memo

  • Member Posts: 7,314
    edited September 2019

    @BackByDaylight Again, I doubt anyone is going to remember you if they do this to you.

    And if you're playing at green ranks regularly, you'll expect to get tunneled. If you play at Red Ranks, its a rare occurrence but can still happen. Invest in DS if you don't want to get tunneled.

    If you're talking about a Survivor tunneling you, than... face walls when picking up Survivors? I can't explain how a SWF has become less of a threat over-time for me. They can still be an issue, but they're not really a devastating force that 90% of people here claim they're.

  • Member Posts: 229

    U wat

  • Member Posts: 3,293

    Is this seriously a threat? ######### lol.

    ######### is this forum nowadays?

  • Member Posts: 92

    No no no I die every match killer know's exactly what my perks are and every one escape's, even when I'm in a completely random locker or behind a wall where they can't know where I'm at. I will not tolerate this targeting I will make it awful for other players. You all know what's going on .

  • Member Posts: 7,314

    I really don't... and nobody else here does. You specifically being targeted doesn't apply to everyone else here.

    Maybe take a break from Survivor so they stop actively searching for you during that time frame?

  • Member Posts: 4,321

    What platform?

  • Member Posts: 264

    You are being tunneled because you are the easiest to find.

  • Member Posts: 299

    Drugs are a powerful thing

  • Member Posts: 92

    See what I'm saying it's just alot of indifference here, how can you all be against me if you don't know what's happening. This proves my point anytime I post something it's a gang of people insulting my intelligence and character seems like mf are in the know except me not one of you since I've came here tried to friend me invite me to anything but keep playing dumb it's fine I'm just telling what's going to happen.

  • Member Posts: 8,816

    Please don't hurt me 😭

  • Member Posts: 92

    @brokedownpalace dont wet your Willie's now, god speed help us

  • Member Posts: 797

    So you're one of those players that'll say " well, looks like im gonna run Mori's from now on/play nurse forever hmmpf! "


  • Member Posts: 264

    You realize that you are very hard to understand right? People are being dismissive because you aren't making any sense.

  • Member Posts: 7,314
    edited September 2019

    @BackByDaylight ???

    What're you talking about, nobody understands what you mean. This isn't a test of intelligence, its just several people pointing out that they have NO IDEA what you're talking about.

    Just because you get singled out at the start of a Trial, or you get targeted, doesn't mean WE ALL DO. And in turn, we have no idea what you're talking about. I used to get found first every time when the game started, but that was because I was just too easy to find. Improve upon that and you'll have an easier time...

  • Member Posts: 92

    @FireHazard My words are simple. What's not to understand I feel targeted and for it I'm running mori's , camping and tunneling for a week if they don't back off maybe a month

  • Member Posts: 819

    So where can i report you for trying to intimidate me?

  • Member Posts: 7,314
    edited September 2019

    @BackByDaylight You make it sound like the people that do this to you are actively reading this thread. Not everyone who does this is actively out to get you specifically...

    I doubt this post you made to inform whoever these people are will get to them. But good luck with that. This entire post is like 3 people talking, except 1 doesn't actually exist, the 2nd is making the threat, and the 3rd is all of us questioning why this post was made and or who it was directed to.

  • Member Posts: 211

    Mate, calm down. This game isn't even a real competitive experience, and it never will be. Just take the L and move on.

  • Member Posts: 92

    @FireHazard Maybe it will reach them maybe it want but i have to do something all I want was to do is level up my Jake while playing survivor the culling is upon them and I'm going to rank one with these actions all will know true horror and anguish. As I have felt

  • Member Posts: 3,786

    Oooh so that was the point?

    Anyway it's not a smart way of dealing with it, if a killer tunnels you and you get revenge on survivors you don't accomplish anything except bothering innocent people, who might in turn do the same thing. Just take advantage of the challenge to get better.

    Also, people on this forums are a very small minority among the players, I'd say the chances your message "gets through" are zero.

  • Member Posts: 194
    edited September 2019


  • Member Posts: 92

    @White_Owl How I'm I going to beat discord or party chat while someone is spectating me telling the killer which way I'm going where , I'm hiding. I could probably be a rank 1 or at least rank 4 survivor if this wasn't the case but it is and they are here because it would'nt be so many post about Chucky or any killer I mention if they wasn't here I promise these people act like trolling is a way of life. Ok I could see if I get caught fair and square there would be no salt but the way I'm treated in survivor is just abominable. I have no chance of winning if they can't get me the tunneling the next survivor and still they come mysteriously fine me when I'm in a locker or soon as I make my move which I'm great at timing btw. This is a group effort they can't find the ruin when I'm survivor but if I play killer and walk to the other side of the map 30 secs ruin is destroyed. Can you explain that if I go left and the killer is going right he just reverts his Choice and come my way. Oh and what about when there in a chase and I'm near by they just chase me the entire match. Even though he can't catch me he just chases me the whole match but all of you know what's going on I'm going to do this all month to show you what's it like if you don't stop I don't care if innocent people get caught up in my wrath you shouldn't have started this I'm not going to sit there and die all day to bum ass killers I'm better than most of the twitch streamers and youtubers and I'm losing to garbage killers so stop are this will proceed.

  • Member Posts: 3,275


  • Member Posts: 14,110

    The odds are pretty slim that you’ll find them again, although it can happen.

  • Member Posts: 92
    edited September 2019

    @GrootDude I'll never play survivor again until they apologize better get good at gen rushing

  • Member Posts: 211

    Enjoy spending a great many moons looking for the one killer player who just so happened to switch to survivor and then just so happened to get matched with you.

  • Member Posts: 13,037

    I am very confused by this post

  • Member Posts: 3,755

    Can I have some of what you been smoking?🤪

  • Member Posts: 4,104

    Okay, assuming I read this right:

    You got tunneled.

    Now you want to tunnel that killer someday?


    Rather than immediately change your entire playstyle and go on some crazy toxic rampage against a bunch random strangers how about you just work on making the single strongest anti-tunnel playstyle in DBD for survivor?

    I get it, the concept of revenge is appealing, but you were tunneled by 1 killer, 1 time. So, there's a chance that this tunneler of yours will almost never play survivor and you'll just be wasting your time and everyone else's. Even then, if you think you might catch them when they eventually switch to survivor for a daily. What are the odds that they'll actually get matched up with you or even recognize you? Also, if you're dead set to tunnel somebody, who's to say that they won't just DC mid game, thus making all of your "effort" worthless.

    Calm down, take some deep breaths and shake it off. I have no idea if what you're discussing constitutes a witch hunt or if will be considered a legitimate threat. But regardless of what this post was, it just makes you look a bit, loony.

    Assuming that you eventually get paired up with this one player, this meme will show you how it is likely going to play out:

    So just calm down, mate. It was just one person, in one game, that was probably rather quick if they tunneled you.

    We all have bad days, but you don't need to go make strange rant/threat/witch_hunt posts about them.

  • Member Posts: 5,176


  • Member Posts: 2,320
    edited September 2019

    I don't know what is funnier.. Trying to understand what this whole post is about because of the language barrier... or when you figure out the point the OP is trying to get across.


    Have fun getting your revenge. That is what playing killer is for.

  • Member Posts: 92

    @Peasant I'm just going take a break I see this happens to everyone who plays survivor I was just in an uproar but I'm still going to get sacked regardless it seems.

  • Member Posts: 1,119

    I'm sorry you're having a bad experience. I get that too, a lot. It's easy (on console) to reach red ranks, where I honestly don't belong. My points come from generators, rescues, and healing. I can't last over a minute to a killer (my recent record is outlasting Myers' T3, which I'm very proud of). Unfortunately, a lot of dirty tactics work for killers and survivors in this game, so you encounter them more often when people are at high ranks trying harder to win.

    It seems you're above-average as a survivor, and you suspect your fellow sacrificed teammates are ratting you out to the killer. That's a dirty move in any capacity and unfair to have to put up with such pettiness. Within the confines of the game, there's little you can do against a killer who can't be stopped, moves faster than you, and on top of that knows where you are with outside help. That sounds frustrating indeed, but rest easy in the knowledge that they wouldn't have had you otherwise, and the next game should be a different experience, win or lose.

    All we can do is keep playing to the best of our ability, learning to avoid mistakes, and having fun in a game we enjoy. There will be bad games mixed in, where you die early or to circumstances outside your control, but those are momentary frustrations and there's always another match to try again. Try not to let those bad experiences ruin all of your fun, as there's still plenty of good moments you will have in the game!

  • Member Posts: 92

    @Coriander Thank you so much this has really broughten my spirits back up I appreciate this so much. I'll still have to take my leave for now, but this has given me new hope that it's not all bad and reminded me of the fun I do have. This is truly remarkable to read and I am grateful for you.I just take my L's and report if I suspect teaming or griefing the game is really awesome and I don't want anything changed I'm not even a big fan of the end game collapse even though its really cool but thank you again.

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